Hellraisers Journal – Saturday September 29, 1900 Hazleton District, Pennsylvania – Mother Jones Organizing Women in Strike Zone
From the Philadelphia Times of September 24, 1900:
UNION OF THE WOMEN NOW TO BE FORMED ——- Mother Jones Tells the Plans to Organize the Wives and Daughters of Coal Miners Into an Auxiliary Association. ——-
(Written for The Times by “Mother” Mary Jone, the famous woman Labor Leader.)
As I have remarked In THE TIMES before, the greatest force in this strike, besides the men themselves, is the women of the coal regions, and we now are going to organize this force so that it can be used to greater advantages. National Organizers Mederiel, Dilcher and myselfhave already gone to work in the matter, and women’s auxiliaries have been organized in McAdoo and elsewhere. This work will be continued until every mother, wife, sister and daughter of the miners are part of the union.
The encouragement thus given to the men will hold them together in such solidity that no one can break the ranks. The position taken by the women in this strike has aroused the union working women in all parts of the country, and, owing to this, offers of help are pouring in from unions in every State. This shows that the united labor of the country is behind the 132,000 men who are on strike, and how hopeless is the struggle of the operators to defeat our organizations.