Hellraisers Journal – Friday September 15, 1922
Mother Jones Critically Ill at Home of T. V. Powderly in Washington, D. C.
From the Pittsburg, Kansas, Workers Chronicle of September 8, 1922:
“Mother” Jones, 92, “Angel Mining Camps,”
Stricken With Pneumonia.
Washington, Sept. 5.-“Mother” Jones, known to coal miners the country over through her work in their behalf for fifty years, lies critically ill here.
All news of the coal strike settlement and of developments in the rail strike have been kept from Mother Jones by her doctors’ orders.
The aged unofficial leader of the miners was stricken with pneumonia following her arrival here late in July. She came to Washington to recover from a nervous breakdown, following work in the Colorado [West Virginia] mine fields.
At the home of T. V. Powderly, secretary of the board of review, labor department, where Mrs. Jones is being cared for, it was said the aged woman has an even chance for recovery, despite her 92 years.
Once a school teacher in Chicago, Mother Jones became interested in welfare work for girls, and from that broadened her activities until she was nationally known. She was called “Angel of the Mining Camps” because of her frequent ministrations to miners, particularly during strikes.
[Emphasis added; newclip added from Richmond Palladium of Sept. 8th]
Quote Mother Jones re RR Men Scab, Coshocton Tb OH p3, Sept 17, 1921
The Workers Chronicle
(Pittsburg, Kansas)
-Sept 8, 1922
The Richmond Palladium
(Richmond, Indiana)
-Sept 8, 1922
See also:
The Labor World
(Duluth, Minnesota)
-Sept 16, 1922
-page 1: ‘Mother’ Jones Wins in Fight on Pneumonia”
Note: page 1 and 2 of this issue has extensive coverage of
Railway Shopmen’s Strike and the Injunction against same.
Great Railroad Strike of 1922
Tag: National Coal Strike of 1922
Casey Jones the Union Scab – Mark Ross
Lyrics by Joe Hill