Hellraisers Journal, Friday February 1, 1918
Indianapolis, Indiana – Mother Jones at Convention of United Mine Workers
From the United Mine Workers Journal of January 31, 1918:
Mother Jones was granted the privilege of the floor to submit the following resolutions:
Resolved, That we express our deep appreciation for the untiring efforts of Fremont Older, editor of the San Francisco Bulletin, in behalf of social justice for the working people of our country.
Mother Jones made a brief statement of the manner in which Mr. Older had championed the cause of labor and the pecuniary loss he had suffered because of the stand he took on the Mooney case.
The resolution was adopted.
Mother Jones made a brief statement of the manner in which the late Senator Kern of Indiana had championed the cause of the miners during the West Virginia strikes, when a large number of them were imprisoned by the military authorities, and submitted the following resolution:
Resolved, That we express to the widow of the late Senator Kern our appreciation for the valuable assistance he rendered the Mine Workers of America, especially during the West Virginia strikes, and express our sincere sympathy for her in her great loss.
The resolution was adopted unanimously.
After making a statement in regard to conditions in the copper mines of Arizona, the election of Governor Hunt and the effort made to have his opponent given that office, Mother Jones submitted a resolution commending the Supreme Court of Arizona for having rendered justice to Governor Hunt and the working people of Arizona.
[Photograph added.]
From Proceedings of Convention of U. M. W. of A. for January 26, 1918:
Mother Jones was granted the privilege of the floor to submit the following resolutions:
RESOLVED, That we express our deep appreciation for the untiring efforts of Fremont Older, Editor of the San Francisco Bulletin, in behalf of social justice for the working people of our country.
Mother Jones made a brief statement of the manner in which Mr. Older had championed the cause of labor and the pecuniary loss he had suffered because of the stand he took on the Mooney case.
The resolution was adopted.
Mother Jones made a brief statement of the manner in which the late Senator Kern of Indiana had championed the cause of the miners during the West Virginia strikes, when a large number of them were imprisoned by the military authorities, and submitted the following resolution:
Resolved, That we express to the widow of the late Senator Kern our appreciation for the valuable assistance he rendered the Mine Workers of America, especially during the West Virginia strikes, and express our sincere sympathy for her in her great loss.
The resolution was adopted unanimously.
Mother Jones: I have a resolution I want the convention to endorse. We are not always dealt with squarely by the courts. As a general rule they are strictly capitalistic, appointed for the interest of the exploiters and not the interest of the workers. When a court does do justice to workers, as happened to be the case in Arizona, I think they ought to be commended. As you know, there was a contest in the election of Governor Hunt. I felt he was elected, and when the information came to me that he was defeated I felt there had been some crooked work done.
The corporate interests of 99 John Street, New York, control all the copper interests of Arizona and New Mexico, or nearly all. They have reached their claws down into Mexico. There was a strike in Morenci, and the governor went down and ordered the sheriff to deputize forty miners to serve as deputy sheriffs. He also sent a company of militia to the border and ordered them to allow no scabs and gunmen to come in. The strike went on for some time. There was very little money in the treasury, but the governor sent out an appeal through the state to help support the strikers, and for that reason the high class burglars of 99 John Street, New York, turned down the governor through their understrappers and courts. Now the governor has won out; justice has won over corruption and rottenness, and every citizen of the nation should pay his respects to that court.
Mother Jones submitted the following resolution:
To the Officers and Delegates of the Twenty-sixth Consecutive and Third Biennial Convention of the U. M. W. of A.:
Whereas, The corporation interests and other exploiters of the people of the State of Arizona by trickery, bribery and other forms of corruption debauched the last election in that State for the purpose of defeating the Hon. J. P. Hunt, a proven friend of the people, and organized labor who was a candidate for Governor, and
Whereas, The State Supreme Court of that State has decided that the Hon. J. P. Hunt was duly elected Governor and that he must be given the right to assume the duties of that position; and
Whereas, In view of the many biased and dishonest decisions that have been rendered against the people’s interest and in violation of the Constitution and laws of our country and the different States by many courts in recent years, this decision stands out as an oasis in the desert, a credit to the men who made it and an inspiration to those who believe in honest, clean and competent courts; therefore be it,
Resolved, That this convention extends its congratulations to Hon. J. P. Hunt, Governor of the State of Arizona, on his re-election to that high position to which he is so eminently fitted; and be it further
Resolved, That the same be extended to the people of the State of Arizona on their good judgment in selecting Hon. J. P. Hunt for their governor; and be it further
Resolved, That we express our appreciation for the high standard of justice and fair play set by the Supreme Court of Arizona in rendering this decision, and that a copy of this resolution be sent to the members of the Arizona Supreme Court, to Governor Hunt and given to the press.
The resolution was adopted unanimously.
[Photographs added.]
The United Mine Workers Journal, Volume 28
(Indianapolis, Indiana)
-Nov 1, 1917-May 2, 1918
Executive Board of the United Mine Workers of America
UMWJ of Jan 31, 1918
MJ Speaks at UMW Convention, Jan 26th
Proceedings of Convention of the
United Mine Workers of America
Indianapolis, Indiana
January 15 to 26, 1918
Eleventh Day-Morning Session, Saturday January 26, 1918
Mother Jones submits resolutions
John W Kern
Fremont Older
George WP Hunt
See also:
Tom Mooney
Hellraisers Journal, Monday January 21, 1918
Mother Jones Speaks at United Mine Workers Convention, Indianapolis, Indiana, January 17, 1918, Afternoon Session
Re speech of Jan 17, 1918
-From United Mine Workers Journal of Jan 24, 1918
MJ Speaks at UMW Convention, Jan 17th
President Hayes introduced to the convention Mother Jones, who had come to the stage during the discussion on the report of the Committee on Resolutions. Following the introduction Mother Jones made a long and eloquent speech, couched in her usual vigorous language, in which she gave a great deal of good advice to the delegates. She emphasized especially the necessity of the miners and other workers standing solidly behind the President of the United States during the present war. She referred to President Wilson as the greatest president the United States has ever had and urged the miners and other workers to support him loyally during the war.
Mother Jones also discussed at some length the situation in West Virginia and the splendid organization that has grown up in some parts of that state. She stated that she expected to work in West Virginia until the state was thoroughly organized. She commended the work of former President White, President Hayes and Secretary Green, and urged the delegates and the men at home to support the new president loyally.
Mother Jones’ speech in full will be printed in the minutes of the convention as soon as it can be prepared.
More re Mother Jones from Proceedings of 1918 UMW Convention:
Page 201-MJ paid $3,486.59: Expense=$2,136.59, Salary=$1,350.00 (Salary for services as UMWA Organizer from Dec 1, 1916 to Dec 1, 1917.)
Pages 217-218-re Printing costs for 1917:
-May 17: Lawrence Dwyer, posters announcing Mt. Hope and Minden, W. Va., meetings held by Mother Jones=$3.25
-June 2: Lawrence Dwyer, posters announcing Mother Jones’ meeting at Keeferton and Kingston, W. Va.=$2.00
Pages 234-235 re Hall rental for 1917:
-Apr 16: Lawrence Dwyer, hall rent for Mother Jones’s meetings at Ansted and Winona, West Virginia=$7.00
-May 17; Lawrence Dyer, hall rent for Mother Jones’s meeting at Mt. Hope, West Virginia=$2.00
Coal Miner’s Grave – Idaho Silver Hammer Band