Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday July 8, 1902
U. M. W. Secretary Wilson and Mother Jones to Brave Injunction in West Virginia
From the Indianapolis Sunday Journal of July 6, 1902:
Secretary Wilson, of the Mine Workers,
Will Go to West Virginia.
W. B. Wilson, secretary of the United Mine Workers, will leave, this evening at 6 o’clock, for Clarksburg, W. Va., where, with “Mother” Jones, he will speak to-morrow night to a public meeting of miners. In taking part in the meeting Secretary Wilson puts his head in the lion’s mouth; that is to say, he will violate the injunction granted by the federal judge of the Southern district of West Virginia, which declared that he must not hold meetings with the miners within that jurisdiction.
[Mr. Wilson said yesterday:]
I realize that I am liable to be arrested, but I am not permitting that to worry me. I have made arrangements so that the financial affairs of the organization will run along smoothly in other hands should I be placed in jail. You can depend upon it that the affairs of the order will not suffer.
“Mother” Jones and I are billed to speak to the miners to-morrow evening at Clarksburg. Tuesday evening we will address another big meeting at Fairmount. As both of these towns are in the jurisdiction of Judge Keller, they may try to enforce the injunction, but, as I say, I am not troubling myself about that. We will address a public meeting of orderly men, and it would be a high-handed proceeding to attempt to interfere with it.
Secretary Wilson believes that the injunction order cannot be sustained by a fair construction of constitutional law and that Judge Keller went beyond his powers in issuing the injunction in Philadelphia, which is not within his jurisdiction.
[Photograph and emphasis added.]
Quote John Mitchell to Mother Jones re WV Fairmont Field, May 10, 1902
The Sunday Journal
(Indianapolis, Indiana)
-July 6, 1902
Mother Jones of UMW, NY Tb p6, Image 20, July 6, 1902
See also:
Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday June 24, 1902
Parkersburg, West Virginia – Mother Jones at Van Winkle Hotel
Grants Interview to Reporter after Her Release from Jail
Tag: West Virginia Coalfield Strike of 1902-1903
The Death of Mother Jones – Bobbie McGee