There are no limits to which
powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones
Hellraisers Journal, Tuesday January 30, 1917
From the Duluth Labor World: “I. W. W. Bill” Passes State Senate
Amendment Limits It to Two Years-Fund
of $50,000 for Governor
The I. W. W. bill, which was introduced in the state legislature for the purpose of providing means for the suppression of the activities of that organization in the northern part of the state, passed the senate Wednesday morning with only Senators Rockne and Andrews casting negative votes.
The bill was amended in two particulars from the original draft. Instead of the emergency fund of $50,000 a year made available for the governor being perpetual with annual accountings and returns to the general fund, it was provided for two years, until the next meeting of the legislature; and another amendment provided that all deputies employed during similar trouble shall be residents of the state.
Expected to Pass House.
It is claimed that the bill will not have as easy sailing in the house as it did in the senate, although it is expected to pass. It came up in the upper house Wednesday morning on the calendar and was passed under suspension of the rules.
[Cartoon from Duluth News Tribune added.]
From The Duluth News Tribune of July 1, 1916:
Note: The Tribune likes to spread the propaganda that the various unions of the Minnesota State Federation of Labor all oppose and condemn the I. W. W. However, readers of Hellraisers are well aware of the support given by The Labor World to the striking miners of the Mesabi Iron Range who were led in the recent strike by the Industrial Workers of the World.
The Labor World
(Duluth, Minnesota)
-Jan 27, 1917
MN Miners Strike, Get Out IWW, Cartoon, DNT, July 6, 1916
MN Miners Strike-give ’em the boot cartoon, DNT, July 1, 1916
See also:
Hellraisers Journal: Biwabik Times Advocates Everett-Style Murder for the Miners of Mesabi Should They Dare to Strike Again