Hellraisers Journal – Saturday July 30, 1921 Mingo County, West Virginia – Mine Workers’ Organizers Set to Brave Martial Law
From the Philadelphia Evening Public Ledger of July 29, 1921:
MINE ORGANIZERS TO BRAVE MARTIAL LAW AT MINGO ———- Hundred, Including Mother Jones, Not Afraid of Arrest
Charleston, W. Va., July 29.-(By A. P.)-One hundred members of the United Mine Worker of America from the Cabin Creek and Paint Creek fields will start for Mingo County, according to C. F. Keeney, president of District 17. “Mother Jones,” labor organizer, is expected to arrive here tonight, Keeney said, and also will leave for the Mingo fields immediately.
Decision to send the union men into the district, which is under martial law, was made after C. H. Workman, an organizer, was reported arrested in Mingo recently. Keeney claimed that Workman had permission from State authorities to return to the fields to wind up personal business.
Keeney stated that if the organizers were arrested he would send more men into the district until every jail was filled, and that if they were not arrested he said he would prove that organizers “can go into a strike zone and conduct themselves in an orderly manner.”
Mother Jones at Matewan, about June 21, 1920. United Mine Workers Journal of July 15, 1920