Hellraisers Journal: John D. Rockefeller Jr. Remains Firm, Will Not Agree to Mediation in Colorado Coalfield Strike; Mother Jones Ends Tour of Vancouver Island Coal Camps


Quote John D Rockefeller Jr, Great Principle, WDC Apr 6, 1914, US House Com p2874—————

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday June 20, 1914
Rockefeller Refuses Mediation in Colorado Strike; Mother Jones Leaves Canada

From the Appeal to Reason of May 23, 1914
“The Oil of Rockefeller” by Ryan Walker

Oil of Rockefeller by Ryan Walker, AtR p2, May 23, 1914

From the Chicago Day Book of June 15, 1914
-Rockefeller Jr. Remains Firm, Will Not Agree to Mediation:


Washington, June 15.-A military receivership to compulsory arbitration faces the Rockefellers and allied interests in the Colorado coal fields. Aroused by the belligerent brief of the mine operators submitted to the House mines committee, members declared Pres. Wilson will be forced to one of the above extremes to settle the civil war now dormant under orders from federal troops.

Congress, Colorado state officials and the United Mine Workers were bitterly attacked in the brief. Lawless agitation throughout the country lamented. Congress was charged with showing extreme favoritism to “Mother” Jones, a strike leader. The operators showed no signs of agreeing to mediation. Everything in the brief was a reiteration of the position of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., before the House committee that the Rockefellers would lose every cent invested in Colorado before they would yield to the union demands.

[Emphasis added.]

From the Santa Cruz Evening News of June 15, 1914
-Mother Jones Ends Tour of British Columbia Coal Camps:


SEATTLE, June 15.-“Mother” Mary Jones, organizer of the United Mine Workers of America, is on her way to New York [Indianapolis], under orders from the general officers of her union.

Her tour of the British Columbia coal camps was without special incident, except that at Ladysmith [where miners are on strike] the mayor forbade her to speak in the city limits and she held a meeting outside.


[Emphasis added.]



Quote John D Rockefeller Jr, Great Principle, WDC Apr 6, 1914,
US House Com p2874

Appeal to Reason
(Girard, Kansas)
-May 23, 1914, p2

The Day Book
(Chicago, Illinois)
-June 15, 1914

Santa Cruz Evening News
(Santa Cruz, California)
-June 15, 1914

See also:

The Vancouver Island Coal Miners’ Strike 1912-1914

Hellraisers Journal – Friday June 12, 1914
Mother Jones Invades Canada to Support Miners of Ladysmith and Nanaimo

More on the Vancouver Island Coal Strike of 1912-1914:

The strike began in September of 1912 and lasted until August 1914. The settlement allowed for union miners to be reemployed in the mines, but cannot be called a victory.

Joseph Mairs-21, d. Jan 20, 1914

Joseph Mairs, 21, was arrested for “riot” during the Vancouver Island Coal Strike. He was sentenced to 16 months, but three months into his sentence, died of medical complications. On the day of his funeral union supporters and friends made a line a mile long proceeding to his funeral. Today he is seen as a martyr and his death is remembered annually at his grave site in Ladysmith by the Nanaimo, Duncan and District Labour Council.

JOSEPH MAIRS (1892-1914)

“Remembering Ladysmith’s great coal mining strike”
-by Jacqueline Ronson, Feb 2020
(with photo of Joseph Mairs)

“Joseph Mairs: A coal miner who never died”

Rankandfile.ca caught up with Eden Haythornthwaite to speak about the long-running annual Joseph Mairs Memorial held every year on Vancouver Island. Eden is one of the main organizer’s of the annual event. This year’s memorial is Sunday January 19 1pm at St. Mary’s Catholic Church Hall in Ladysmith.

Search: joseph mairs 1914

Working People, Fifth Edition
An Illustrated History of the Canadian Labour Movement
-by Desmond Morton
McGill-Queen’s Press2007
(search: “vancouver island coal strike”)
p99: Photo: Round Up of Strikers


The Ballad of Joseph Mairs (Million Tons of Coal) – Charlie Fox
Lyrics by Charlie Fox