Hellraisers Journal, Tuesday November 6, 1917
Chicago, Illinois – More “Agitators” Arrive to Face Charges
From The Chicago Sunday Tribune of November 4, 1917:
One by one I.W. W. agitators, have been brought to Chicago from all parts of the United States until more than 100 of the 167 recently indicted by the federal grand jury are locked in Chicago jails. Charles F. Clyne, United States district attorney, said yesterday that he expected to see the case go to trial soon-probably within thirty days.
Three defendants arrived from New York yesterday. They are Elizabeth Gurney [Gurley] Flynn, Carl Tresca, and Arturo Giovannitti and will be given a chance to get bond. A fourth from the east, John Bladazi [Giovanni Baldazzi], an anarchist, is to be denied bond, it is said, as the government considers him too dangerous to be at large.
Seven more have just arrived from Seattle in charge of six officers. They are Harry Lloyd, J A. McDonald [MacDonald], , Walter Smith [Walker C Smith], J. T. Doran, James F. Thompson [James P Thompson], John M. Foss, and George Hardy. Claude R. Porter of Des Moines has arrived in Chicago to take the place of Frank C. Dailey, prosecutor, whose resignation has just been announced.
[Photograph added.]
From Pennsylvania’s Kane Republican of October 4, 1917:
From The Houston Post of November 1, 1917:
I. W. W. Secretary Arrested
at El Paso(Associated Press Report.)
EL PASO, Texas, Oct. 31.-Vincent St. John, formerly secretary-treasurer of the Industrial Workers of the World, was arrested Wednesday at Jicarilla, N. M., by agents of the El Paso office department of justice. He will be returned to Chicago, where, according to government officers here, charges are pending against him similar to those filed against William D. Haywood.
[Photograph added.]
The Chicago Sunday Tribune
(Chicago, Illinois)
-Nov 4, 1917
The Houston Post
(Houston, Texas)
-Nov 1, 1917
EGF, Tresca, Giovannitti, 1915, 1916, 1913
EGF Red Princess, Kane Rpb PA p5, Oct 4, 1917
Vincent St John, Gen Sec-Tre IWW, Reuther, bf 1915
See also:
Giovannitti Quote
“I never met a man I admired more”: Vincent St. John (1876-1929)
-by Juan Conatz
The Masses
(New York, New York)
-Nov & Dec 1917
“The Truth About The I. W. W.” by Harold Callender
Note: At the link above will be found a long article, written before the the I. W. W. leaders throughout the country were indicted. The article covers the IWW Lumber Strike in the Pacific Northwest, the arrests of IWW Lumber Strike leaders in Spokane, the campaign of lies perpetrated by the Lumber Men’s Association & the kept press, the Miner’s Strike in Butte, the aftermath of the Speculator Mine Disaster and the lynching of Frank Little, the organizing efforts of the IWW Agricultural Workers in the harvest fields, and, lastly, an explanation of industrial unionism, the “One Big Union” ideal, upon which the IWW was founded.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Harold Callender investigated the Bisbee deportations for the National Labor Defense Council. He did it in so judicial and poised and truth-telling a manner that we engaged him to go and find out for us the truth about the I. W. W., and all the other things that are called “I. W. W.” by those who wish to destroy them in the Northwest.
The Atlantic Monthly
(Boston, Massachusetts)
-Nov 1917
“The I.W.W.” by Carleton H. Parker
Note: The above is a very long article, written by Carleton H. Parker who had been appointed by President to head a Mediation board tasked with settling the IWW Northwest Lumber strike of 1917. His findings which included implementing the eight-hour day, raising wages, improving camp accommodations, etc, were ignored by the Wilson Administration in favor of unleashing the U.S. Justice Department against the IWW.
For more on Carleton H. Parker:
Carleton H Parker (1878-1918)
Revolution in Seattle
-by Harvey O’Connor
Haymarket Books, 1964
(search: carleton parker)
The Casual Laborer and Other Essays
-by Carleton H Parker
NY, 1920
Page 91: “The IWW”
An American Idyll: The Life of Carleton H. Parker
-by Cornelia Stratton Parker
Atlantic Monthly Press, 1919
Workers of the World Awaken – Ariana Eakle
Lyrics by Joe Hill