When we’re overworked and old
When our weary heads are showing
Silver threads among the gold.
-Joe Hill
Saturday November 13, 1915
From The Salt Lake Tribune: I. W. W. Members “Declare Mormon’s Oppose Hillstrom”
The very same newspaper that was so scandalized by the lack of religious content for the funeral of Fellow Worker Horton, is now aghast that any member of Industrial Workers of the World would suggest that the Mormon church exerted religious prejudice against Fellow Worker Joe Hill during the trial which lead to his conviction. From the Tribune of November 12th:
—–Latest Charge Is Church Influence Was
Used Against the Murderer.
Mrs. J. Sergeant Cram and Elizabeth Gurley Flynn
Ask Wilson to Intervene.
—–Members of the I. W. W. are endeavoring to get members of congress to intercede for Joseph Hillstrom on the representation that he was condemned to die because the Mormon church exerted religious prejudice against him.
This was learned last night from dispatches from Washington. Mrs. J. Sergeant Cram and Mrs. Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, one a Socialist and the other an I. W. W., called upon President Wilson yesterday to plead for Hillstrom’s life. Dispatches said that the president had promised to investigate the case further and see if he could do anything.
At the governor’s office yesterday it was stated that no word had been received from President Wilson.
“I do not believe,” said Governor William Spry, “that President Wilson will ask another postponement of Hillstrom’s execution. There certainly has been no change of plans here. Hillstrom will be executed November 19.”
Protests against the execution of Hillstrom were received yesterday at the governor’s office, as every day for weeks, but there was none from Washington. The governor is ignoring threats and appeals alike.
Capitol Locked.
As a precaution against cranks slipping into the building unawares and damaging the building or annoying the governor, all the:entrances to the capitol except the front gate were locked yesterday. Only the South entrance was open during the day, and an unobtrusive surveillance of persons who entered the building was maintained. For the present only the south entrance will be used. All doors are locked as soon as the state offices close at five o’clock.
The charge that Hillstrom is being persecuted by the Mormon church is the latest ruse of the I. W. W. to get official Washington to aid in preventing the execution.
It is being represented to members of the house and senate that religious prejudice is back of the prosecution of Hillstrom, and that the dominant church of Utah is determined that he shall be executed.
Seeking Continuation.
On the strength of these representations, members of congress are being asked to appeal to the Utah authorities for a commutation of Hillstrom’s sentence to life imprisonment.
Up to the present time, it is believed, no members have complied with the requests made in Hillstrom’s behalf.
Hillstrom is condemned to be shot a week from today. He had the choice of hanging or shooting. He chose shooting.
The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, divisions No. 222 and 713, have adopted resolutions condemning the threatening letters that have been sent to Governor Spry and other state officials, and upholding them for their conduct of the case. The engineers resent the imputation, made in some quarters that organized labor is in sympathy with such threat.
—–[Photograph with caption added.]
The Salt Lake Tribune
(Salt Lake City, Utah)
-Nov 12, 1915
“I. W. W. Bids Good-Bye to Fellow Worker Horton, Murdered by Gunthug Myton”
-by JayRaye
Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, Hutchinson (KS) News, Nov 12, 1915
Joe Hill from arrest record.
Information from Archie Green via Gibbs Smith:
After the Sixth Edition of the IWW songbook (Little Red Songbook), dated August 21, 1913 and before the Seventh Edition, dated June 1914, an unnumbered and undated edition was published by IWW locals of Seattle, Washington. This edition featured four new songs by Joe Hill including “The Old Toiler’s Message” on pages 28-29.
-by Joe Hill
Tune: “Silver Threads Among the Gold”
“Darling I am growing old”
So the toiler told his wife
“Father Time the days have tolled
Of my usefulness in life.
Just tonight my master told me
He can’t use me any more.
Oh, my darling, do not scold me,
When the wolf comes to our door.”
To the scrap heap we are going
When we’re overworked and old
When our weary heads are showing
Silver threads among the gold.
“Darling, I am growing old ”
He once more his wife did tell
“All my labor pow’r I’ve sold
I have nothing more to sell.
Though I’m dying from starvation
I shall shout with all my might
To the coming generation.
I shall shout with all my might”
Source for lyrics:
Performance by Lucas Stark