Hellraisers Journal -Friday December 26, 1919
Leavenworth Penitentiary – I. W. W. Prisoners of Kansas Will Work Outside
From The Leavenworth Post of December 22, 1919:
All Were Assigned to Outside Work
By Deputy Warden This Morning…
The twenty-six I. W. W. received at the federal prison last week following their conviction in Kansas City, were assigned to work by L. J. Fletcher, deputy warden, this morning . They were “mugged,” dressed in and assigned to permanent cells last Saturday.
In assigning the new arrivals at the prison to work the safety of the institution is the first consideration. In the case of the “wobblies” the morale of the inmates was taken into consideration and as a result none of the twenty-six were assigned to any work that would throw them in contact with a number of their own kind, nor will they be placed in clerical positions where they would be over a number of other inmates. The reason for the segregation of that class of prisoners is that, being trained agitators, they soon break the morale of the men and destroy the discipline.
The wobblies in this case were assigned to general work in the yard, but will be closely observed by the officials. They were also separated from each other. Later on if they demonstrate to the deputy warden that they left all agitating tendencies on the outside of the walls, they may be given positions in the institution for which their education and former work on the outside has qualified them…..
[Photographs added.]
The Leavenworth Post
(Leavenworth, Kansas)
-Dec 22, 1919
Search: inmate 14801 (searches with 14801-14827 appear to be the Wichita IWW Class-War Prisoners who were brought to Leavenworth on December 18, 1919)
Tag: Wichita IWW Class War Prisoners
American Political Prisoners
Prosecutions Under the Espionage and Sedition Acts
-by Stephen Martin Kohn
Greenwood Publishing Group, 1994
(Search separately: with name of prisoner; “December 18, 1919”; kansas)
Truth about the IWW Prisoners
ACLU, April 1922
-See page 21 re “The Wichita Trial”
Note: this federal prosecution of IWW is known as the Wichita Case, however the trial took place in Kansas City, Kansas, due to late change of venue.
-See page 46-Wichita Case, FWs still imprisoned as of April 1922:
Peter, Paul, and Mary If I Had a Hammer