It’s great to fight for freedom
with a Rebel Girl.
-Joe Hill
Wednesday July 12, 1916
Duluth, Minnesota – Miss Flynn Meets with Local I. W. W. Leaders
Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, prominent I. W. W. speaker and organizer, was in Duluth yesterday and is expected to leave today tor the strike zone on the range to assume an active part in the cause of the insurgent range miners.
The appearance of Miss Flynn and Haywood’s “Declaration of War” against the “United States Steel corporation and independent mining companies of Minnesota,” which is in part an organization appeal for funds with which to continue the range strike, were yesterday’s chief developments in the I. W. W. situation as related to this city.
Miss Flynn registered at the Hotel Holland, giving her residence as New York city.
She may be the advance guard of a fresh force of leaders and organizers sent for some days ago-the materialization of the promise of William D. Haywood, general secretary-treasurer of the I. W. W., to immediately replenish the ranks of range leaders and organizers depleted by the arrest of a score, now lodged in the St. Louis county jail and the Itasca county jail.
She got in touch with H. C. McGucken, secretary of the Duluth I. W. W. local and Lawyer John A. Keyes, who has been active in the defense of I. W W. workers arrested in connection with rioting and other forms of outlawry.
The trio gathered in the Hotel Holland, where, according to Miss Flynn’s assertions, she was “advised of the present situation on the range and the urgent needs of leaders and organizers to refresh the waning enthusiasm of the miners.” She refused to say what other matters were discussed at the conference, which she admitted was a lengthy one.
Hints Others Will Follow.Miss Flynn gave no intimation of the plans of the I. W. W. for continuing the strike, other than hinting she was soon to be followed into the strike zone by several other leaders and organizers.
While in Chicago, the latter part of last week, Miss Flynn admitted she had several conferences with Haywood relative to the strike situation. She declined, however, to say what course he had instructed her to pursue while in the range region.
Miss Flynn’s departure for the range, she said last night, will depend on orders she is to receive today.
According to Haywood’s “Declaration of War,” which was posted in the local I. W. W. headquarters at 907 West Michigan street, 20,000 range miners are now out seeking a wage increase to $2.75 for top men; $3 for miners, dry places; $3.50 for miners, wet places; an eight-hour day and the abolition of the contract labor system.
The “declaration” is printed in another column [see below].
The Duluth News Tribune
(Duluth, Minnesota)
-July 12, 1916
MN Iron Miners Strike, EGF Arrives, DNT July 12, 1916
MN Iron Miners Strike, Haywood Dec of War, DNT, July 12, 1916
All Hell Can’t Stop Us – Twin Cities Labor Chorus
Lyrics by Ralph Chaplin
Written by Ralph H. Chaplin, in Leavenworth Pen.
(Tune: “Hold the Fort”)
Now the final battle rages;
Tyrants quake with fear.
Rulers of the New Dark Ages
Know THEIR end is near.
Scorn to take the crumbs they drop us;
All is ours by right!
Onward, men! All Hell can’t stop us!
Crush the Parasite!
With a world-wide revolution
Bring them to your feet!
They of crime and persecution-
They must work to eat!
Tear the mask of lies asunder;
Let the truth be known;
With a voice of angry thunder,
Rise and claim your own!
Down with Greed and Exploitation;
Tyranny must fall!
Hail to Toil’s Emancipation;
Labor shall be all.