Hellraisers Journal – Friday April 11, 1913
Belmont, Ohio – Fannie Sellins Speaks on Behalf of St. Louis Garment Strikers
From The Wheeling Majority of April 10, 1913:
Fannie Sellins Tells Of Strike
Fannie Sellins, representing the United Garment Workers, appeared before the Belmont Trades and Labor Assembly Sunday and delivered a most interesting talk on labor conditions in general and the St. Louis strike situation in particular. There the Garment Workers are on strike, and these workers, mostly women and girls, are fighting valiantly for the right to organize and have some little voice in the conditions under which they work. Her talk was given the closest attention by the delegates, and the intention of all present is to report the matter back to their locals and have them all hustle to help the Garment Workers of St. Louis. The Assembly broke its iron clad rule, and made a cash donation to help the strikers.
Miss Sellins is a most capable representative and is a hustler for her fellow workers every minute of the day. She is visiting labor unions every night and will be in this section for two weeks at least if the St. Louis strike continues that long. She is a Socialist candidate for school board in the St. Louis municipal election now pending.
[Photograph and emphasis added.]
Quote Anne Feeney, Fannie Sellins Song
The Wheeling Majority
(Wheeling, West Virginia)
-Apr 10, 1913
Fannie Sellins, Tacoma Times p5, Oct 16, 1911
See also:
Search: Fannie Sellins 1910-1914
Catherine Hurley and Fannie Sellins
Fighting Sweatshop System in St Louis, Saving Children
Tag: Fannie Sellins
Fannie Sellins – Anne Feeney
Lyrics and Music by Anne Feeney