Hellraisers Journal – Saturday July 8, 1911
Second Battle of Tijuana Ends in Defeat for Rebel Forces
From the Spokane Industrial Worker of July 6, 1911:
The liberal campaign in Lower California was practically ended with the defeat of the hundred men under General Jack Mosby at Tijuana, Mexico, on June 22nd, although there is yet two bands of armed rebel Mexicans, one near Santa Rosalia, in the southern end of the peninsula and another of about twenty-five men in the mountains between Tijuana and Mexicali in the north
The rebels who surrendered were held at Fort Rosecrans for three days and then released with the exception of thirteen who were deserters from the army and navy and Mosby and [Adjutant Bert] Laflin, whom the Madero government is trying to extradite to torture and murder in Mexico. Boys, will we stand for it? I’ll leave it to your actions. Will you act?
About the same time the battle took place the Liberal Junta in Los Angeles were arrested. They have already served three years in our vile American prisons and we must not let them serve any more years.
Subscribe for “Regeneracion” (address 519½ East Fourth street, Los Angeles) and learn the facts of the case.
Remember although the little campaign in Lower California has been smashed the Mexican people are not through revolting. Madero did not start the revolution NOR WILL HE END IT.
Yours in the eternal revolution,
[Photograph and emphasis added.]
Quote Joe Hill, IW p1, May 25, 1911
Industrial Worker
(Spokane, Washington)
-July 6, 1911
Tijuana Tierra y Libertad May 29, 1911
-source for date of photo and for more photos:
“Adventurers, Bandits, Soldiers of Fortune,
Spies and Revolutionaries:
Recalling the Baja California Insurrection of 1911
One Hundred Years Later”
-by James Bartoli
-from Journal of San Diego History 58, nos. 1–2 (Winter/Spring 2012):71–102.
For photo of General Mosby with Adjutant Bert Laflin-1911, see:
See also:
Tag: Second Battle of Tijuana June 1911
Tag: Magonista Rebellion of 1911
– re Joe Hill and the Second Battle of Tijuana, see:
Industrial Pioneer
(Chicago, Illinois)
-Dec 1923, page 53
“Last Letters of Joe Hill” by Sam Murray
Joe Hill
The IWW & the Making of a Revolutionary Workingclass Counterculture
-by Franklin Rosemont
-intro by David Roediger
PM Press, Oct 17, 2015
-III. 2.”’The Pleasure of Fighting Under the Red Flag’
Joe Hill & The Mexican Revolution”
(search: “mexican revolution“)
Revolution in Baja California
Ricardo Flores Magon’s High Noon
-by Ethel Duffy Turner
Blaine Ethridge–Books, 1981
(search: “joe hill”)
“How the Memory Doth Linger,” Cartoon by Joe Hill
Sent to Sam Murray in letter, dated Sept 15, 1914,
-from jail cell in Salt Lake City.
Published in The Industrial Pioneer of Dec 1923:
Rosemont quotes from Turner’s account of 1955 interview with Sam Murray:
On June 22 [General] Mosby sent out a company of seventeen men under a Canadian named Sylvester. They were directed to see if they could detect the presence of the [the Federales] Both Sam Murray and Joe Hill were in this group. The men all carried 30-30 rifles. About ten kilometers to the south of Tijuana they spread out along the river and over the flat terrain, taking a barn and a farmhouse.
Mosby had told them, “If you see the enemy, come back.” But when the advance-guard of the [Federales] arrived, Sylvester would not retreat. His men fired on the guard and held them back until the forces under Mosby arrived. The Federales thought the barn was full of revolutionists, though no one was actually inside. They were afraid to push forward. The seventeen Liberals [PLM/IWWs] advanced over flat ground in skirmish formation. One insurrecto was killed….
When General Jack Mosby and his force arrived, a battle with the [Federales] broke out. It lasted about an hour. Overwhelmed by vastly superior numbers and heavy power in the form of the six machine-guns, the Liberals were forced to retreat back toward Tijuana.
That decisive defeat ended the hope of a continued large-scale struggle in Baja California. The enemy overran Tijuana. Several insurrectos slipped safely across the line. Joe Hill was among them. Sam Murray and many others were taken into custody by the U. S. Army and imprisoned at Fort Rosecrans, near San Diego.
[Emphasis added.]
Should I Ever Be a Soldier – Monsieur Jack
Lyrics by Joe Hill (see page 6)
Should I ever be a soldier,
‘Neath the Red Flag I would fight;
Should the gun I ever shoulder,
It’s to crush the tyrant’s might.
Join the army of the toilers,
Men and women fall in line,
Wage slaves of the world! Arouse!
Do your duty for the cause,
For Land and Liberty.