Hellraisers Journal – Monday February 19, 1912 Duluth, Minnesota – Trade Unionists of the North Remember Visit of Miss Flynn
From the Duluth Labor World of February 17, 1912
Elizabeth Gurley Flynn The Boston Globe February 13, 1912
Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, well known in Duluth, is at present hard at work lecturing in New York for the benefit of the strikers at Lawrence, Mass.
Miss Flynn, clad in her flaming red cloak and hood, visited Duluth several years ago and appeared before the public many times, giving her Socialistic talks. She made many friends here and Duluth people who met or heard her are watching her progress in New York with interest.
Recently people were turned away from the theater at which she was giving a course of lectures. All the money thus earned she turns over to the striker for help in their cause.
The honeymoon of Elizabeth Gurley Flynn was cut short when her husband of less than three weeks, Jack Jones, was arrested on the Mesabi Iron Range. Jones is an iron miner and a union organizer.
Minnesota Official Marriage System LAKE County #D32 on 01/07/1908: JONES, JOHN ARCHIBALD to FLYNN, ELIZABETH GURLEY https://moms.mn.gov/