Hellraisers Journal – Sunday December 13, 1908
Socialist Party of America-Vote Totals from Forty States
From the Appeal to Reason of December 12, 1908:
Reports of the vote continue to come in slowly, but we are able this week to give the approximately correct vote of forty states as shown in the following table. Many of the figures heretofore given have been revised which makes an increase for some states and a decrease for others. It will be noticed that Indiana, which was charged with a slight loss in a former number of the Appeal, has on the official count, really made a gain of 1,463. The estimated vote of Texas was given at 25,000 which seems to be incorrect; and figures causes us to leave that state out of the table this week. In 1904 Debs received 2,791 votes in Texas, and the probability is that his vote in that state this year will be not less than 8,000 when all the precincts are heard from.
In previous issues of the Appeal a complete vote by counties for Missouri, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin have been printed in the Appeal. Next week a complete vote of other states will be printed and as rapidly as the completed returns are received they will be printed in the Appeal. It would be well to preserve these reports.
[Photographs added.]
Quote EVD re Next Battle, MTNs p1, Nov 12, 1908
Appeal to Reason
(Girard, Kansas)
-Dec 12, 1908
EVD Debs Hanford Campaign, AtR p4, May 23, 1908
See also:
The Socialist Party of America
-A Complete History
-by Jack Ross
U of Nebraska Press, Apr 15, 2015
(search: 420852; search: election 1908; & search: vote 1908)
Note: Ross states:
On Election Day, Taft beat Bryan by more than a million votes, with Colorado, Nebraska, and Nevada the only states outside the South to go to Bryan. Debs and Hanford received a generally disappointing 420,852 votes nationwide, a marginal improvement in actual votes but a small decline in the percentage of the vote from 1904….
Tag: Elections of 1908
We Will Sing One Song – Six Feet in the Pine
Lyrics by Joe Hill