Hellraisers Journal – Sunday January 18, 1914
Salt Lake City – Police Search for Applequist in Connection with Morrison Murders
From the Deseret Evening News of January 15, 1914:
...A gunshot wound in the right hand of Hillstrom, which puzzled deputy sheriffs and police yesterday was explained by Chief Fred Peters of Murray, who said that he “took a shot” at Hillstrom when he leaped from his bed yesterday morning and reached under his pillow. The wound was not a deep or serious one.
[Emphasis added.]
From The Salt Lake Tribune of January 15, 1914:
Quote Joe Hill, General Strike, Workers Awaken, LRSB p6, Oct 1919
Deseret Evening News
(Salt Lake City, Utah)
-Jan 15, 1914
The Salt Lake Tribune
(Salt Lake City, Utah)
-Jan 15, 1914
See also:
Hellraisers Journal – Thursday January 15, 1914
Salt Lake City, Utah –Joe Hill Arrested in Connection with Murder of Grocer and Son
Note: Joe Hill was a musician who played piano and violin.
To lose the use of his hand was a devastating blow.
The Letters of Joe Hill
-ed by Philip Foner
Haymarket Books, Nov 9, 2015
(Note: my copy is from Oak Pub, 1965)
p35: July 7, 1915, Letter to Elizabeth Gurley Flynn:
…Even if I should die before the decision were handed down, I am only a drop in the bucket & this is a fight where individuals dont count. My right hand was shot all to splinters any way when I was arrested and it doesn’t matter much where I go to but to tell you the truth I hate to lay down as long as there is a fighting chance….
[Emphasis added.]
p64-5: Oct 3, 1915, Letter to UT Board of Pardons:
…..On the night of January 14, 1914, I was lying in a bed at the Eselius house in Murray, a town located seven miles from Salt Lake City, suffering from a bullet wound in my chest. Where or why I got that wound is nobody’s business but my own. I know that I was not shot in the Morrison store and all the so-called evidence that is supposed to show that I was is fabrications pure and simple. As I was lying there half asleep, I was aroused by a knock on the door, somebody opened the door and in came four men with revolvers in their hands. A shot rang out a bullet passed right over my chest, grazing my shoulder and penetrating my right hand through the knuckles, crippling me for life. There was absolutely no need of shooting me at that time because I was helpless as a baby and had no weapons of any kind. The only thing that saved my life at that time was the officer’s inefficiency with fire-arms.
I was then brought up to the county jail where I was given a bunk and went to sleep immediately. The next morning I was pretty sore on account of being shot in three places. I asked to be taken to a hospital but was instead taken upstairs to a solitary cell, and told that I was charged with murder and had better confess right away. I did not know anything about any murders and told them so. They still insisted on that I confess, and told me they would take me to a hospital and “treat me white” if I did. I told them I knew nothing of any murder. They called me a “liar”, and after that I refused to answer all questions. I grew weaker and weaker, and for three or four days I was hovering between life and death, and I remember an officer coming up and telling me that according to the doctor’s statement I had only one hour to live. I could, of course name all these officers if I wanted to, but I want it distinctly understood that I am not trying to knock any officers, because I realize that they were only doing their duty, and in my opinion the officers who were in charge of the county jail the, were as good officers as can be found any where. Well! I finally pulled through because I made up my mind not to die.….
[Emphasis added.]
For drawings of Joe Hill playing piano and violin, see:
Fellow Worker Joe Hill-Four Postcard Drawings
Sent to Childhood Friend, Charles Rudberg in San Francisco
Tag: Joseph Hillstrom
Workers of the World Awaken · Bucky Halker