Hellraisers Journal – Monday December 2, 1901
New Edition of “Socialist Songs” Now Available from C. H. Kerr
From the International Socialist Review of December 1901:
Socialist Songs.
We are glad to announce that we have just published a new edition of No. 11 of the Pocket Library of Socialism entitled, “Socialist Songs” The new edition corresponds exactly to the words in our larger book “Socialist Songs with Music.” The price of the new booklet is 5 cents, and we offer it at $1.50 a hundred, postpaid, to any Socialist Local, or $1 a hundred, postpaid, to any Local holding a share of stock in our company.
The price of “Socialist Songs with Music” is 20 cents a copy, or $1.50 a dozen, postpaid. This book has given general satisfaction and has made it practicable to have singing in connection with Socialist meetings in many places. The greatest obstacle to its general introduction has been that comrades often could not afford to pay for enough books to scatter through a large hall for propaganda meetings.
The publication of the booklet now announced will make it possible to introduce singing in propaganda meetings everywhere by supplying a few copies of the edition with music for the musicians who assist at the meeting, and scattering the booklets through the crowd. We have endeavored to introduce no song that is not in itself good propaganda material.
[Photograph added.]
From pages 2-3: “The International Party” by Eugène Pottier
-Translated by C. H. Kerr:
Quote, Kerr Translation Internationale, Socialist Songs 2nd, Jan 15, 1900
International Socialist Review
(Chicago, Illinois)
-Dec 1901
Cover: Socialist Songs
-Complied by Charles H. Kerr
Pocket Library of Socialism, No. 11, Jan 1900
-Pages 2&3: “The international Party”
(Translated by CH Kerr)
See also:
CH Kerr’s Pocket Library of Socialism
-Numbered List of Titles:
Tag: Socialist Songs with Music
Tag: Charles H. Kerr Publishing Company
The Internationale – Sing in Solidarity Virtual Choir
Lyrics by Eugène Pottier, English translation by into English CH Kerr