I am not a member of the I. W. W.
or an industrial workers of the world sympathizer
but a woman who believes in
the constitutional rights of every man and woman.
-Rosa McKay
Hellraisers Journal, Thursday August 23, 1917
From the Appeal to Reason: Two Brave Women Speak for Labor
The Appeal to Reason of August 18th featured the opinions of two women elected to represent the people: the first, Miss Jeannette Rankin of the United States House of Representatives, and the second, Mrs. Rosa McKay of the Arizona House of Representatives. Yesterday we featured the speech by Miss Rankin who outlined conditions at Butte. We conclude today with an article by Mrs. McKay who describes recent events in Bisbee.
Butte and Bisbee Outrages Scored
by Brave Woman Representatives
…In an article to the Appeal, Mrs. Rosa McKay, member of the Arizona House of Representatives from Bisbee, Cochise county, Arizona, tells of the Bisbee deportation….
By Mrs. Rosa McKay
Member Arizona House of Representatives
For fourteen years I have claimed Bisbee as my home. But after Thursday, the twelfth day of July. I hang my head in shame and sorrow for the sights I have witnessed here. When the full truth about Bisbee reaches the outside world, it will be looked upon with deserved aversion.
In this article I shall give an honest and unbiased statement, from a fair and impartial standpoint, of the labor situation in Bisbee today. I belong to no labor organization or mining corporation. I am merely an onlooker and spectator, and a firm believer in the constitutional rights of all American citizens, whether by birth or naturalization, the rights that our forefathers fought, bled and died for.
On June 27 of this year the Industrial Workers of the World declared a strike here, and the majority of the workers of the district responded. It is claimed by the union officials that eighty per cent answered the call, while the companies, through the press, conceded thirty per cent. However, that matters but little; the fact is that the companies were crippled, one shutting down entirely, and the production of copper was curtailed to a great extent.
It was admitted by hundreds of men that I talked to personally, that the demands of the strikers were very reasonable, and that the men asked for nothing that they were not entitled to, being the abolishment of the sliding scale, the medical examination, and a flat daily wage of six dollars for eight hours. There were a few other demands of less importance, all for the betterment of conditions of the underground workers.
* * *
During the two weeks that elapsed between the calling of the strike and the deportation, to my own knowledge and observation there were no acts of violence committed, and the law was abided by and obeyed to the very utmost. The men all seemed patient and cool and at all times conducted themselves in a gentlemnanly manner.
On the eleventh day of July, the city park, that was built with money contributed by the public and dedicated to the use of the public, was closed to the strikers. There were many among them that had contributed. That being the only place where they could hold their public meetings, it hurt, of course, but they took it calmly and good naturally and many remarked that perhaps it was for the best.
On the following morning a posse organized by the sheriff of Cochise county, and composed of in the neighborhood of a thousand men, the majority of the business men of the district and the “Workmen’s Loyalty League” which comprises all the men that remained loyal to the companies, invaded the entire district, armed with guns of all sizes and descriptions. Some had clubs. Every man who was known to be, or who declared himself to be a striker or strike sympathizer, was taken peaceably or by force, and marched down, at the point of a gun, to Warren, where they were interned at the ball park, and a little later loaded in box cars like cattle, and sent out to Columbus, New Mexico.
Two lives were sacrificed. One of the men killed was a company employee, and a member of the sheriff’s posse. The other man who forfeited his life was a peaceful, law-abiding citizen, of an excellent character and reputation [James H. Brew]. He was not member of the I. W. W., but had come out on strike, because he believed that the demands the boys were making were fair and reasonable, and if he could not help their cause he would not deter it. Many other good, loyal American citizens, good workers, old timers, property owners, taxpayers, took the same stand. Had this man belonged to the Industrial Workers of the World, this sad tragedy would no doubt have been averted, for their policy was law and order, and each member was instructed to offer no resistance, resort to no violence, no matter what took place.
* * *
This man had not been counseled, he had no instructions other than those his own free conscience gave. So he said the night previous to a friend, when he learned of the raid that was to take place, that “if they came after him they would have to take him dead”, for he had committed no crime, violated no law, and he did not care to be disturbed. He must have meant what he said, for that fatal morning, when the deputy walked up to the steps of his door and knocked, he asked who was there. He was told it was an officer of the law, who wanted him. He asked if he had a warrant and what the charge was. He was told that there was no warrant, and that none was necessary, and if he did not come right out he would be dragged out. His reply was a bullet in the officer’s face. As he stepped out on the porch to see who the man was that was intruding upon his rights, another deputy who stood in the yard nearby shot him through the heart, thereby doubling the tragedy.
Another deplorable incident occurred when three or four armed deputies broke down the door of a man’s house, walked in and pulled him out of bed; and, when his wife interceded and begged them to allow her husband to dress and eat his breakfast, she was slapped and pushed out of the way, and the man was dragged out of the house in the sleeping garment. The wife threw his trousers to him through the window and he dressed in the street.
In another instance an aged, gray-haired man, past the three score mark, was taken from his home and because he faltered in his step, one of the deputies, a young man hardly past thirty, jabbed him in the ribs, and said, “Step up there, we have no time to wait for you”. This was a personal grievance because the old gentleman had expressed his sympathy with the strikers, as he was in no way affiliated with the union.
For the first time in my residence in Arizona I was insulted by some of those gunmen. I also saw a man wearing a star strike a woman in the chest. And there were other such cases, from all I can learn.
On visiting Columbus, New Mexico, where the deported men were in camp, a week later, I called on one of the military officers in charge and asked him if he would give me some information that I was looking for. The information that I was seeking was to find out definitely the correct and exact number of married men, etc., and he furnished me with the following:
Married men_______________433
Men with children____________309
Registered for draft_________472
Paid up Liberty Bonds________205
Membership for Red Cross_____520
Property Owners______________266
Naturalized citizens_________468Is the American government, that we have loved and upheld since our birth, going to stand for such lawlessness and deportation?
Will Uncle Sam investigate this matter and bring those responsible for these detestable and shameful acts to account?
All these facts, upon investigation, can be substantiated by eye witnesses. A federal investigation is surely in order.
[Photograph added.]
Note: others state that James H. Brew was a card-carrying member of the Industrial Workers of the World.
From El Paso Herald of July 14, 1917:
HERMANAS, N. M., July 14.-Col. James J. Holbrook, U. S. A., with a command of 192 officers and men, arrived here at 5 oclock this morning on a special train from Douglas, Ariz., to take the 1200 Bisbee exiles to Columbus, N. M. Work of loading the men on to the trains was begun immediately…
Autos Bring Food.
Before the special train of soldiers arrived, ten automobiles came into the desert camp of the exiles bringing food and supplies for the deported strikers and their sympathizers.
Women Come to Rescue.
Mrs. Rosa McKay, a member of the Arizona legislature from Cochise county, and 15 wives of deported men were in the party which came with the automobiles. Members of the relief expedition said they expected 100 automobiles and motor trucks loaded with food to follow…..
COLUMBUS, New Mexico, July 14-Along the same trail on which Gen. Pershing pursued Francisco Villa into Mexico in March, 1916, the horde of deported men from Bisbee marched at noon today to the site of the Mexican and Chinese refugee camp which Gen. Pershing established on the “Plains of Death,” between Columbus and the international line.
Eleven hundred and eighty three refugees from the great Arizona copper camp went into camp under a stinging sun without more shade than the small greasweed and mesquite brush afforded. Many were completely exhausted from their 60 hours on board the deportation train. Much suffering was reported among the older men and the physically unfit. The men wore handkerchiefs over their heads to prevent sunstroke….
…Ten automobiles arrived here from Bisbee ahead of the train, carrying quantities of supplies bought by friends of the deported men.
Automobiles Go Along.
They were not permitted to be issued today but will be when camp is established. Twenty men and 12 women, including Mrs. Rosa McKay, state representative from Cochise county, and wives of the deported miners, also came here from Bisbee by automobile. Mrs. McKay was given an ovation as she walked along the line of march…..
From The Arizona Republican of July 19, 1917:
Settling Into Routine
COLUMBUS, N. M., July 18.-The men deported from Bisbee last Thursday, and now held here, are settling more or less into a routine under the direction of an army officer assigned to have charge of them. They are being supplied with tobacco and stamps if they are without money and several who were deported from Bisbee without adequate shoes are to receive shoes…..
Representative Rosa McKay of the Arizona legislature, who is here says the report that Bisbee banks would not cash checks drawn by the deported men was erroneous. She estimated the men held here were divided equally among the Industrial Workers of the World, organizations affiliated with the American Federation of Labor and those without labor organization official.
Mrs. McKay who is taking an active interest said tonight:
I am not a member of the I. W. W. or an industrial workers of the world sympathizer but a woman who believes in the constitutional rights of every man and woman.
From The Weekly Santa Fe New Mexican of July 19, 1917:
Columbus, N. M., July 18.-Men deported from Bisbee last Thursday and interned here under the jurisdiction of army officers entered with zest into a field meet today. There were more than 50 entries in some of the events.
Miss Rosa McKay, an Arizona legislature member, who is here announced she had offers of financial assistance for any of the men who needed it from several parts of the country…
From El Paso Herald of August 1, 1917:
Woman Legislator Asks Federal Grand
Jury to Probe I. W. W. DriveBisbee, Ariz., Aug. 1.-Mrs. Rosa McKay, member of the Arizona house of representatives from this county, has been wiring her colleagues, asking that they telegraph president Wilson and the attorney general asking for the formation of a special grand jury in the federal court to investigate the Bisbee-Columbus deportations and fix the responsibility. It is understood that few of the members have replied and that a majority of the legislators are apathetic or are opposed to the move suggested.
There also is a suggestion that the state legislature be called in special session to consider “labor” matters with an intimation that the formation of a force of state constabulary might be considered, now that Arizona has no national guard….
Appeal to Reason
(Girard, Kansas)
-Aug 18, 1917
El Paso Herald
(El Paso, Texas)
-July 14, 1917
-Aug 1, 1917
The Arizona Republican
(Phoenix, Arizona)
-July 19, 1917
The Weekly Santa Fe New Mexican
(Santa Fe, New Mexico)
-July 19, 1917
Rosa McKay, WTUL Life and Labor, Nov 1918
See also:
Hellraisers Journal, Wednesday August 22, 1917
From the Appeal to Reason: Two Brave Women Speak for Labor
Woman Representatives Score Butte & Bisbee, Jeannette Rankin Speaks
WE Never Forget: James H. Brew
Rosa Lyon McKay (1881-1934)
Bisbee Deportation Documents
Bisbee Deportation Case-1919
The Bisbee Daily Review
(Bisbee, Arizona)
July 18, 1919
The Arizona Republican
(Phoenix, Arizona)
July 18, 1919
So Declares Cochise Prosecutor in Asking Continuance of Action-Mrs. Rosa McKay Appears on Scene as Principal Witness-Three Cases Today
Working Men Unite – Joe Glazer
Lyrics by E. S. Nelson