Hellraisers Journal – Friday September 30, 1898
Chicago, Illinois – Eugene Debs Calls Comrades to Duty
From the Social Democratic Herald of September 24, 1898:
To Our Comrades!
[-by Eugene V. Debs]
The summer’s heat is ended, and with the bracing air of autumn comes the call to duty. The slogan has been sounded, and every true comrade will hasten to his post.
The Social Democratic Party has made a grand beginning. In its councils harmony and enthusiasm prevail. In every department there is confidence and goodwill. The local branches are composed of true socialists, and, with but few exceptions, are in excellent order. The party has made many of its nominations for fall election, and now steady work, unabating energy, and unfaltering courage are required to make the record of the campaign a certificate of the party’s soundness and splendor.
Therefore, each comrade to his task—alert, dutiful, determined. The very mustering of the forces is an inspiration. The contemplation of the battle makes the blood flow quicker and the heart throb faster. What ecstasy for the soul not dead or stupefied! By its vivifying magic even the rag of poverty becomes a royal robe and the face of misery glows with the soul-born promise of deliverance.
The Social Democratic Party has buckled on its armor for the economic struggle. Its clarion call is heard on the highlands and the valleys. It is pledged to the overthrow of capitalism and the inauguration of socialism. Its principles are founded in the economic bedrock, and its triumph is assured.
Let each branch become at once a living, throbbing factor in the fight. Gather in every true supporter of our principles and spread our literature far and wide.
Pay your dues at headquarters and meet in the real socialistic spirit every demand that membership imposes.
The Social Democratic Herald improves with each issue. It is sound, wholesome, and effective. It is a credit to the organization and deserves the widest possible circulation. Let us all unite in the work with all our hearts.
[Photograph added.]
Eugene V. Debs Internet Archive
Debs Internet Archive, 1898
“To Our Comrades!” by EVD
From the Social Democratic Herald
-Published by the Social Democratic Party of America
(Chicago, Illinois)
-Sept. 24, 1898, page 1
EVD re Social Democracy, SLTb p3, Feb 9, 1898
See also:
Tag: Social-Democratic Herald
Tag: Social Democratic Party of America
Letters of Eugene V. Debs, Volume 1, 1874-1912
-ed by J. Robert Constantine
University of Illinois Press, 1990
(search: “social democratic party” september 1898)
The early growth of the Social Democratic party, which had locals in a dozen states by September 1898, was largely the result of Debs’s speaking tours in the Midwest and the Southwest and of the sympathetic publicity given the new party by such journals as Berger’s Milwaukee Vorwärts, the Jewish Daily Forward in New York City, and Julius Wayland’s Appeal to Reason, published at Girard, Kansas.
The American Socialist Movement 1897-1912
-by Ira Kipnis
Pickle Partners Publishing, Sep 3, 2018
(search: “v the social democratic party”)
From Socialist Songs with Music
-ed by Charles H. Kerr
Chicago, 1901
“Come, Comrades, Come!” by William Morris
Tune: Down Among the Deadmen – The Virginia Company