The people will ultimately see that
socialism is their only hope
-Eugene Victor Debs
Hellraisers Journal, Saturday January 25, 1908
New York, New York – Debs Calls for Nomination of Haywood
From the New York Tribune of January 23, 1908:
Says President Roosevelt Is Aiding Spread
of Socialism-May Unite Factions.
Eugene V. Debs was in New York yesterday to help along the plan to amalgamate the two warring factions, the Socialist party and the Socialist Labor party, the latter representing the De Leon socialists. He said he was for William D. Haywood, secretary of the Western Federation of Miners, as the Socialist candidate for President.
A conference will be held to-day between Debs, the leaders of both parties and Haywood, at which a slate will be informally selected. The leaders on both sides said yesterday that it is practically certain that the amalgamation will take place.
[Debs said last night:
This financial crisis will end in an international crisis such as this world has not seen in our time. Then socialism will have its best chance.
President Roosevelt has done more to further the spread of the socialist propaganda than any man I know of. His policy, or lack of policy, whichever way you take it, along with his currency and tariff views, is paving the way for socialism. The more he says the longer the bread line will grow, and the people will ultimately see that socialism is their only hope. When the international crisis comes socialism will spread all over the world.
[Photograph added.]
New York Tribune
(New York, New York)
-Jan 23, 1908
Socialist Party of America Button
Socialist Labor Party Button
See also:
Tag: Panic of 1907
For more on the work of Debs toward Socialist unity:
Daily People
(New York, New York)
-Jan 28, 1908, page 4
See also at: Debs Internet Archive
[…..]The following letter was received from Eugene V. Debs.
Terre Haute, Ind., Jan. 9, 1908.
Mr. Frank Bohn,
Nat. Sec’y, S.L.P.
New York, N.Y.Dear Comrade:
I have just received a copy of the Daily People of the 7th inst. containing the resolutions adopted by the Executive Committee of the S.L.P. on the unity question, and I drop you this line to extend congratulations to your board and to say that the resolutions, in spirit and purport, have my hearty concurrence. No matter what differences there may be they are not of sufficient account to prevent joint nominations and political unity all along the line in the National, State, and Local campaigns this fall. I shall do all I can to have the Socialist Party accept the resolutions of the Socialist Labor Party in the spirit in which they are offered. I am writing National Sec’y Barnes and sending an article to the Appeal to Reason, urging favorable action.
Earnestly hoping for the successful outcome of this move and for a united and vigorous campaign against the common enemy, I remain,
Yours Fraternally,
E.V. Debs
For more on Haywood and the Socialist Party of America:
The Socialist Party of America
-by Jack Ross
U of Nebraska Press, Apr 15, 2015
(search: haywood)