It is no wonder the Statue of Liberty
has her back to the United States.
-Elizabeth Gurley Flynn
Hellraisers Journal, Monday February 12, 1917
Everett, Washington – Prisoners Championed by Miss Flynn
While the Everett Class-War Prisoners remain locked behind the bars of the Snohomish County Jail under conditions described as “barbarous,” they nevertheless can take comfort in knowing that they have, as their champion, Miss Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, the “Rebel Girl” of Joe Hill’s famous song, fighting on their behalf.
From the Portland Morning Oregonian of February 5, 1917:
“No Wonder Statue of Liberty Has Back
Turned to United States,”
Speaker Declares
Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, speaking in behalf of the defense of the I. W. W.’s to be tried as participants in the Everett affair of November 5, addressed a capacity audience at the Eleventh-street playhouse yesterday afternoon.
While there were many interruptions of applause during the speaker’s address, the meeting was orderly. A collection, taken up by the girl ushers amounted to $175. Miss Flynn announced that it was not enough, and she called for another passing of the basket to make up the sum of $200. This will be added to the sum needed to defend the men who are charged with murder and complicity in the demonstration on the steamer Verona in Everett, Wash.
Miss Flynn attacked the “lumber trust and other forces of oppression.” She declared that the I. W. W.’s of Everett had been beaten with rubber hose and tortured. She said that the trouble started when the men were told to get off a certain street corner in the heart of the town, on the main street of Everett. “Why, if you got two blocks off the main street of Everett you’d be in the woods,” declared Miss Flynn.
What she termed as the lack of freedom of speech made Miss Flynn say: “It is no wonder the Statue of Liberty has her back to the United States.” She said that while the Salvation army wants “pie in the sky when you die,” the Industrial Workers want “pie here and now.”
[Photograph added.]
From the Seattle Union Record of February 10, 1917:
Judge Ronald Admits Plea for
Change of Venue for Everett Prisoners
and Trial Will Be Held Here
Friday morning Judge J. T. Ronald of King County, sitting in Snohomish County by special appointment of the governor, ruled the plea for change of venue for the 74 men indicted for murder of Everett citizens was well founded, and set the place of trial for King County superior court, department No. 9, at 10 a. m., March 5.
The first of the campaign to discredit the I. W. W. in the eyes of King County citizens was coincident with the announcement of the change of venue, for a bomb was thrown on the headquarters of the Seattle waterfront employers, which mysteriously failed to hurt anyone, and which was promptly charged to the activities of the I. W. W. without an investigation. The people of King County will take with a grain of salt the statements appearing in a prejudiced press concerning such matters.
[Photograph added.]
From Portland’s Oregon Daily Journal of February 9, 1917:
Bomb Disturbs a Meeting
at Seattle
—–Seattle, Wash., Feb. 9.-(P. N. S.)-Police are working on the theory today that members of the I. W. W. were responsible for a bomb which was thrown last night on the roof of Waterfront Employers’ association building here. The bomb did no material damage, but endangered the lives of 50 persons in the building at the time.
An examination of the premises indicated that the bomb was thrown from an alley window of an adjacent building, on the roof of the employers’ building. It tore a hole in some two inch planking, but did no other material damage except break windows.
The Everett Massacre
A History of the Class Struggle in the Lumber Industry
-by Walker C. Smith
IWW, 1918
Chapter V. Behind Prison Bars
Morning Oregonian
(Portland, Oregon)
-Feb 5, 1917, page 10
Seattle Union Record
(Seattle, Washington)
-Feb 10, 1917, (026)
Oregon Daily Journal
(Portland, Oregon)
-Feb 9, 1917
Jail at Everett, WCS;size=100;id=mdp.39015002672635;page=root;seq=122;num=116
EGF, Ad: mtg on 4th, Morning Oregonian, Feb 3, 1917, p11
Everett Massacre, Judge Ronald, WCS, p139;page=root;view=image;size=100;seq=145;num=139
FW Joe Hill
Bonus Song