Hellraisers Journal – Friday August 28, 1914
Trinidad Socialist Warns of Reorganization of Murderous State Militia
From The Day Book of August 27, 1914:
Colorado’s labor war threatens to break out again. A. Marians, a union coal miner, secretary of the Socialist party local at Trinidad, Col, has sent a telegram to all Socialist state secretaries. The copy received by John C. Kennedy, Illinois state secretary, reads:
Comrades of America: Troop A of Trinidad and E of Walsenburg (Col.) National Guard organization, which massacred women and children at Ludlow, have reorganized to their full strength and are holding nightly meetings in their armories. Col. Lockett, commanding federal troops, states to citizens that he will permit militiamen to parade through Trinidad streets. Federals will then leave. Citizens openly declare these preparations mean further bloodshed, as company gunmen and Baldwin-Feltz detectives have been enrolled in the militia here for the past week. These things being so, we Socialists of Las Animas county appeal to Socialists of America to take immediate action to protect workers here from repetition of Ludlow massacre, as authorities of state and nation are impotent. Will you see the slaughter repeated without coming to our aid? This message was sent to every state secretary.
[Photograph and emphasis added.]
Quote Ludlow Mary Petrucci, Children all dead,
Trinidad, Las Animas Co, CO, Affidavit, May 11, 1914
The Day Book
(Chicago, Illinois)
-Aug 27, 1914
CO Militiamen and Mine Guards w Machine Gun Aimed at Ludlow,
ISR p713, June 1914
See also:
Hearings before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Mines and Mining
House of Representatives, Sixty-Third Congress, Second Session
Pursuant to H. Res. 387, a Resolution Authorizing and Directing
the Committee on Mines and Mining to Make an Investigation of
Conditions in the Coal Mines of Colorado.
Washington, DC, Government Printing Office, 1914
-Martin D. Foster, Chairman.
–Volume I: Hearings of Feb. 9-April 23, 1914
-page 666: Testimony of Abraham Marians
Tag: Ludlow Massacre
Tag: Colorado Coalfield Strike of 1913-1914
The Women and Children of Ludlow – Tom Breiding
Lyrics by Frank Hayes
Denver United Labor Bulletin p6, May 9, 1914