This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones
Hellraisers Journal, Sunday August 11, 1907
Denver, Colorado – Moyer Returns Home; Haywood to Chicago
From The Wichita Eagle of August 9, 1907:
Pettibone Alone Remains
in Boise City Jail.
Denver, Colo., Aug. 8.-Charles H. Moyer, president of the Western Federation of Miners arrived tonight. Mr. Moyer was accompanied by Mrs. Moyer and her sister and went immediately to her home.
Owing to the strain to which he and Mrs. Moyer have been subjected they have kept closely at home, denying themselves to everybody. Mr. Moyer will attend the next meeting of the executive committee of the federation [Western Federation of Miners] which will be held this week probably.
[Photographs added.]
[Note: Pettibone is in the Ada County Jail in Boise.]
From The Chicago Daily Tribune of August 9, 1907:
Secretary of Western Federation of Miners
Is Promised a Noisy Welcome When
He Arrives on Sunday.
William D. Haywood, secretary of the Western Federation of Miners, who recently was acquitted of a charge of conspiracy to murder Gov. Steunenberg of Idaho, and Attorney E. N. Richardson, associate counsel for the defense, will be in Chicago next Sunday. Haywood will be the principal speaker at a socialist demonstration the same afternoon at Luna park, Fifty-second and Halsted streets.
Haywood and Richardson will be met at the Burlington train by a reception committee of socialists, anarchists, and “radicals,” which will escort them to the park.
During his stay in Chicago Haywood will be given a banquet by the socialists, at which red neckties will be the prescribed “dinner attire” in neckwear.
Charles H. Moyer, president of the Western Federation of Miners, who is out on bail pending the trial, will be the speaker at the socialist picnic to be held at Kolze’s electric grove, Dunning, on Labor day.
[Photograph added.]
From the Rocky Mountain News of August 10, 1907:
—–William D. Haywood left Denver yesterday for Chicago, where tomorrow he will speak at two mass meetings called to raise funds for the defense of George Pettibone in his coming trial at Boise.
Police Chief Forbids Red Flags
From the The Chicago Daily Tribune of August 3, 1907:
Threaten to Carry Red Flags.
There is a possibility that the police will have some trouble handling belligerent socialists at their picnic and demonstration which is to be held at Luna park in the near future. It has not been decided whether there will be a street parade. There will be a public demonstration of some sort, however, and there has been more than one threat that red flags will be carried, regardless of any order that Chief of Police Shippy may issue.
G. F. [T] Fraenckel, secretary of the cook county socialist organization, issued a defi to the police head when he said that he would carry a red flag if for no other reason than that Chief Shippy ordered him not to carry such an emblem.
[He said:]
The police have no right to order me not to carry such a flag, and I would disobey such an order just to show that it could not be enforced. I would carry a red flag if I was sure that I would be placed in jail.
The day following the Moyer-Haywood demonstration, when many red banners were displayed, chief Shippy issued an order to the effect that no more red flags should be displayed in Chicago under any circumstances. He now says that his order will be enforced.
[Photograph added.]
The Wichita Eagle
(Wichita, Kansas)
-Aug 9, 1907
The Chicago Daily Tribune
(Chicago, Illinois)
-Aug 9, 1907
-Aug 3, 1907
Rocky Mountain News
(Denver, Colorado)
-Aug 10, 1907, page 9
HMP, Pettibone, Moyer, BBH, Wives, Current Lit June 1907
HMP, Mrs Moyer and Sister, Witnesses, Wilshires Aug 1907;view=image;page=root;size=100;seq=193;num=121
Haywood, Wilshire’s Magazine, 1906
Socialist Party of America Button
See also:
Gustave T. Fraenckel, signed letter to Debs, Aug 3, 1911
(Using “G. T. Fraenckel” for tag-search with same provides
more info, but good to search with both.)
The New York Times of May 20, 1907 declared the Chicago Moyer-Haywood Parade of May 19th to be a flop and also complained about red flags:
In the same issue of the Times–
a letter to the editor defending the Red Flag:
Merely an Emblem of a Universal Cause,
as the Cross is of Christianity.To the Editor of the The New York Times:
[by L. Julian McIntyre, written from New York on May 9th, and gives brief description of the New York City Moyer-Haywood Parade.]
In your editorial of Thursday last entitled “An Un-American Crime” there is abundant evidence of a desire to be fair in the treatment of the Moyer and Haywood case, but there is much to create a belief that you do not fully grasp the meaning of either the trades union or the Socialist movement….
Socialists fight not for themselves alone, but for the whole human race…
This struggle being universal naturally cannot be National, hence the appearance of disloyalty in the emblem of the red flag. The use of a common flag, however, is no more an indication of disloyalty to one’s own country than is the cross of Christendom or any other emblem of international significance…