Gabbertized capital must die that
a free people may live!
-Big Bill Haywood
Hellraisers Journal, Saturday September 22, 1906
From the Appeal to Reason: Bill Haywood, A Man of the Masses
From today’s edition of the Appeal to Reason, we find the story of the life of William D. Haywood, candidate of the Socialist Party of Colorado for the office of governor of that state. Comrade Haywood, Secretary-Treasure of the Western Federation of Miners, received his party’s nomination for governor despite being a prisoner in the Ada County Jail of Boise, Idaho.
Written for the APPEAL TO REASON
Candidate for Governor.
William D. Haywood, Socialist candidate for governor of Colorado, comes rightfully by his revolutionary spirit; for it is a fact, although one to which, being a modest man, he seldom and reluctantly refers, that he is directly descended from a gallant Continental rebel. But the pride of such ancestry, instead of making of him an arrogant snobocrat, as is the case in too many instances, imbues him with the idea that he can best honor his liberty-loving forbear by being an uncompromising democrat in the fundamental meaning of the term.
Comrade Haywood was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, Feb. 4, 1869, and to him belongs the unique distinction of being the first Gentile male child born within the borders of Zion.
From his earliest days Haywood was dedicated to the mining craft. His first job, when he was nine years old, was with his step-father on the Russian (!) Mine, Ophir, Utah, as tool-nipper and roustabout.
Even at this early age the robust physique of his later manhood was developed to a degree that enabled him to twist a drill with considerable dexterity and comparative ease.
The family returned to the Mormon metropolis, and when young Haywood was twelve years old an uncle bound him out to farmer, John Holden, of South Cottonwood, eleven miles from Salt Lake. Like a modern and callow Cincinnatus he seized the ox goad and followed the plow, varying the program by occasionally riding the harrow. This agricultural apprenticeship was of brief duration. The potential governor of Colorado got along all right with his yoke of quadrupedal brutes, but when the biped to whom he was bound undertook to chastise him for some boyish prank, he issued an individual declaration of independence, and again like another Cincinnatus, left the plow in the furrow-or, rather, the harrow in the middle of the field-and turned his back forever upon peaceful agricultural pursuits. He went to the house, combed the hayseed from his hair, made his scanty belongings into a bundle, and hit the trail for home.
After this Haywood worked in the city at various vocations-in grocery stores, a telegraph office, etc.-until he was sixteen years old, when he went to Nevada and worked in the mines of the Humbolt Company. Later he learned assaying and surveying. He returned to Utah and worked in different mining camps in that state for two years, then went again to Nevada and subsequently to Idaho and Colorado. In 1895 he located in Silver City, Idaho.
Here it was that Haywood’s career may be said to have begun, and ever after his life was crowded with things of consequence. He became a charter member of Silver City Miners’ Union No. 66, W. F. of M., which was organized in August, 1896. He successively filled all the offices of the union, from finance committeeman to president. In 1898 he was sent as a delegate to the W. F. of M. convention; in 1900 he was elected a member of the executive board of that organization, and in 1901 he was chosen for secretary-treasurer, which office he has since continuously occupied with signal ability and to the complete satisfaction of the members. His work has been as excellent as his rise has been rapid.
Haywood was one of the conferees who met in Chicago, Jan. 2-4, and signed the manifesto that resulted in the convention that organized the Industrial Workers of the World in June, 1905, being also a delegate from the W. F. of M. to that convention, of which he was chosen chairman.
The more recent events in Haywood’s career, culminating in his present tragic martyrdom and his dramatic nomination for governor of Colorado, are too fresh in the public mind to call for any reference here.
The matter of Haywood’s education is one of exceptional interest. Like many another distinguished man, it may be said of him that he is self-educated. His formal schooling was extremely limited. When a child he attended St. Mark’s school in Salt Lake for a short time. As a young man he attended night school for two terms. Yet Haywood has an education that many collegians might envy-that ripe and rounded erudition which results from ceaseless home-study, combined with inveterate and discriminating reading. For he is always the student, and one of rare taste. In a recent letter to the writer, from the jail at Boise, he said: “confinement is not bad when the narrow vigils are broaden to a world-wide scope through the medium of Hugo, Balzac, Sue, Lecky, Draper, Buckle, Blackstone, Prescott, Kielland, Milton and Shakespeare. Besides, we can get books from the public (Carnegie) library.”
A goodly list of intellectual comrades this – the author-associates whom Haywood has made the companions of his historic confinement. And continual attrition with such master-minds is what has given his own powerful mentality its present high polish.
As a writer Haywood is genuinely gifted. He expresses his thought in strong, nervous English that is strikingly effective. Whenever there is occasion for it, he always has something to say worth saying, says it well, and then stops.
Immediately upon reaching his majority, Haywood married Miss J. [Jane] Nevada Minor. They have two children, Vernia, who will be sixteen next November, and Henrietta, who was nine last June. These daughters are as personally devoted to their father as they are proud of his admirable achievements.
And this is William D. Haywood-next governor of Colorado, whose name will be handed down in history as the ablest and purest and bravest executive head the state has ever had. Eminently a man of the masses, he has proved that among the proletariat can be found some of the nation’s best blood, and that from their ranks there may rise the Messiah of the Social Salvation. He is a splendid example of what a man of fundamental character, endowed with brains and persistence and determination, can accomplish unaided even under our present adverse system, and his career is for all an inspiration to hope and courage.
Look well upon this man, ye voters of Colorado, and mark him fairly; and then determine whether you shall exalt him to your highest executive office, that he may bring relief and blessings to your prostrate state.
[Photographs added.]
Appeal to Reason
(Girard, Kansas)
-Sept 22, 1906
Haywood for CO Gov, AtR, Sept 22, 1906
Haywood, Wilshire’s Magazine, 1906
1906 Elections, Haywood for Colorado Governor, IWW Poster;view=thumbnail;rgn1=ic_all;q1=lbc2ic
Haywood for CO Governor, AtR, Aug 25, 1906
Haywood for Gov, AtR, Aug 4, 1906
Kidnappers Special by BBH, detail, AtR, May 19, 1906
See also:
Hellraisers Journal: William D. Haywood Accepts Socialist Party Nomination for Governor of Colorado
Fountain Filled With Blood & Tears – May Day Chorus of Asheville