Hellraisers Journal – Thursday November 27, 1919
William D. Haywood on Lynching of Wesley Everest at Centralia, Washington
From The New Solidarity of November 25, 1919:
[Lynching of Wesley Everest by Maurice Becker]
[-by William D. Haywood]
Another member of the Industrial Workers of the World has been murdered. Wesley Everest was lynched at Centralia, Washington [Armistice Day, November 11th]. He was hung to a bridge, the body riddle with bullets. The corpse was afterwards cut down and by the murderers dragged back to the jail and thrown in among the many fellow workers who had been imprisoned after the [illegal] raid on the I. W. W. hall. Four of them under an armed guard were escorted with the body of their dead fellow worker out into a yard where they were compelled to dig a grave and bury the dead.
Fellow Worker Everest, the murdered man, was an overseas veteran. He fought for the United States of America against the Imperial German government. When he returned from the war he took up his membership in the Industrial Workers of the World, beginning again the battle against the lumber trusts of the Northwest.
When the I. W. W. hall was raided several of the aggressors were killed, but this in no way justified the un-American, unlawful, inhuman murder of their comrade who had fought with them in the trenches of Flanders.
The Centralia outrage was followed by many others all over the country. Halls were raided, furniture destroyed, literature confiscated, and it is reported that over a thousand men have been arrested,-that is, thrown into prison without warrant, and denied the privilege of seeing friends or lawyers.
We urge you to demand with us a government investigation of the many raids against the Industrial Workers of the World and the unlawful manner in which they were conducted. If the I. W. W. is guilty of any offense against the law, charges should be preferred against us, and as every man is entitled to a fair trial, we should be accorded such a trial in the halls of any tribunal.
If the I. W. W. is guilty we are open to the condemnation of the civilized world. If assassins and destroyers of human life, property, and human rights are marauding in uniform all of the people should know.
The Industrial Workers of the World court a full and careful investigation. A campaign has been started to raise $100,000.00 defense funds. This sum is needed now, as extraordinary efforts will be made to fasten some crime upon the organization of some of its members. We will try to guarantee every member as good a defense as possible. To do this, we will require your help. Send checks, money orders, or cash to the General Defense Committee, 1001 W. Madison Street, Chicago, Illinois.
Yours for Industrial Freedom,
[Emphasis added. Detail of drawing by Maurice Becker added.]
The New Solidarity
(Chicago, Illinois)
-Nov 25, 1919
Note: more articles re Centralia/Wesley Everest in this issue:
Page 1-Blame for Centralia Tragedy Rests Squarely on Capitalistic Daily Press
Page 1-Terror Reign Is Started Throughout the Country Bu Organization Is Undismayed by Persecution
Page 1-Open Letter to American Congress by Haywood
Page 1-Body Dragged on Pavements of Centralia
Page 2-Editorials
Page 3-Murdered Man in Potter’s Field; No Ceremony
-Three Fellow Workers Under a Heavy Guard Pay Final Tribute to Soldier of Toil
Page 3-Seattle re raids and arrests following Centralia raid https://www.sos.wa.gov/legacy/publicationsviewer/?title=New%20Solidarity&page=35&id=271