Hellraisers Journal: Appeal to Reason Nominates Debs for President & Kate Richards O’Hare for Vice-President


Quote AtR p1 Nominates EVD for President, May 24, 1919———-

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday May 25, 1919
Eugene V. Debs, No. 2253 of Moundsville Prison, for President

From the Appeal to Reason of May 24, 1919:

EVD for President, AtR p1, May 24, 1919—–

[Debs for President, 1920.]

Since political power has put Eugene V. Debs in a felon’s cell, political power will place him in the White House. To test the power of the reactionary ruling class as against the power of the enlightened working class, the Appeal to Reason hereby formally places in nomination for the presidency of the United States to be voted on at the 1920 election Eugene v. Debs, a citizen of Terre Haute, and at present confined by a Democratic party administration in a federal prison at Moundsville, W. Va.

[O’Hare for Vice-President, 1920.]

Because the United States Constitution forbade Congress from passing any law that would interfere with the rights of free speech and free press, and because an enlightened jurist like Federal Judge Amidon has said that the espionage law should not have been used to interfere with innocent expressions of belief, the Appeal to Reason considers Kate Richards O’Hare as a martyr to the cause of liberty and therefore places her name for the nomination of the vice presidency of the United States to be voted on in the general election of 1920.

[Nominating Ballot.]

EVD for President 1920, AtR p1, May 24, 1919

[Debs Thanks Upton Sinclair.]

EVD Thanks Sinclair, AtR p1, May 24, 1919

[Emphasis in original article.]


Appeal to Reason
(Girard, Kansas)
-May 24, 1919

See also:

Category: Eugene Victor Debs

Appeal to Reason of April 26, 1919
No. 1,221, “Special Debs Edition”
“Spirit of Debs Cannot Be Shut up Behind Walls of Steel or Stone!”
-by Upton Sinclair

Debs and the Poets
-ed by Ruth Le Prade
Pub by Upton Sinclair
Pasadena, Cal., 1920


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