More than anything we attorneys can do,
is what the Appeal to Reason,
through its readers can do.
-Clarence Darrow
Hellraisers Journal, Tuesday January 8, 1907
From the Appeal to Reason: Debs Issues Calls for Action
From the Appeal of January 5, 1907:
An editorial from J. A. Wayland:
The Campaign of lies.
THE New York Tribune of December 9th opens the Campaign of Lies by reprinting, with some down-to-date material, the story of the western situation as sent out by the Pinkerton agency a little less than a year ago. This story is being published, with variations, in the columns of the metropolitan and country press from one end of the country to the other. Since the first of December this malicious and untruthful story has appeared in papers with an aggregate circulation of over TEN MILLION copies. You can readily understand the public mind. It is the preparation for the final consummation of the conspiracy-the hanging of Moyer, Haywood and Pettibone.
Against this deluge of vituperation stands alone the Socialist and labor press, and upon YOU must fall the work of circulating again the true story of this outrage. Every statement made in the Tribune syndicate article has been repeatedly proven untrue in these columns, but it is necessary to continue this work. Step by step we must meet these malicious lies and swing to our side this public opinion, which the prosecution is spending millions to secure.
It will take some swift sprinting on the part of Truth to catch up with these lies-BUT IT MUST AND SHALL BE DONE!
I am going to adopt Comrade Debs’ suggestion and issue an “Anniversary Edition of the APPEAL” to commemorate the kidnaping of these comrades of ours. To arouse and keep aflame the spirit of protest on the part of the working class of this nation is the imperative need of the hour; and I want every reader of this paper, who loves liberty and who looks forward to the time when Socialism shall be established in this country, to help.
I am handicaped by Maddeen’s recent rule that prevents the APPEAL, under threat of losing its second class mail privilege, from sending out any more extra copies than we have subscribers. The APPEAL, however, has never yet been beaten; and we will not be at this stage of the proceedings. I’ll not waste time urging upon you the importance of lending me your assistance at this time. What I want to know, and to know by return mail, is how many copies of the “Anniversary Kidnaping Edition” you will distribute if I can get the papers to you?
Do not send any money for these papers-merely cut out the coupon blank at bottom of this column, indicate the number of copies you will distribute, and send at once. These orders will be entered and filled if I can find a way to get the papers to you. When the papers arrive, you may remit the amount due at the rate of 50 cents per hundred copies.
Who will be the first to order, and who will agree to circulate the largest number of, No. 585, dated February 16th, the “Anniversary Kidnaping edition?”
[Photograph of J. A. Wayland added.]
Appeal to Reason
(Girard, Kansas)
-Jan 5, 1907
HMP, EVD, Show Your Hand, AtR
AtR, 579, Wayland, Warren
HMP, order Kidnap Anvrsy Ed, AtR
J. A. Wayland, ed AtR, 1895-1912
See also:
New York Tribune
(New York, New York)
-Dec 9, 1906
“Idaho’s Trial and Opportunity”
More on Edwin C. Madden vs the Appeal to Reason (and other radical newspapers) from The Literary Digest of Jan 18, 1902: