Hellraisers Journal: “All Aboard for Mexico!” -Joe Hill; Reds Gain Great Victory at Tijuana, Report from “S. G.”


Quote Joe Hill, All aboard for Mexico, IW p1, May 25, 1911—————

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday May 27, 1911
Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico – Rebels Win Great Victory

From the Spokane Industrial Worker of May 25, 1911:

Joe Hill, Vote Right, All aboard for Mexico, IW p1, May 25, 1911




Special to the “Worker.”

TIJUANA, Baja, Cal., May 10.-At last the victory of social revolutionists in Lower California is assured. The workers of America and Mexico are awakening, and brave men are sacrificing their lives for the cause of Freedom, and their sacrifice shall not be in vain. All opposition is being swept aside by “la Bandera Roja” (the red band), the latest victory being the capture of this little Mexican village, situated in the Tijuana river valley right on the International boundary line, and fifteen miles southeast of San Diego, Cal.

The fall of Tijuana, means the turning point in the campaign against Diaz tyranny in Baja, California. The rebels now control the whole peninsula excepting the capital of the state, Ensenada, and the acquisition of Tijuana gives the “red army” an excellent base of supplies, and a military headquarters from which to conduct the rest of the campaign.

The battle [of May 8th and 9th] was by far the biggest battle that has been fought since the Mexican Liberal party [P. L. M.] placed their army in Lower California. It lasted nearly 36 hours, and about 400 men were involved. Many brave acts were recorded, one was the firing of the Catholic church, and the “Bull pen” by the rebels. At an early stage of the fight four men crawled from the rebel ranks through Tijuana, and slipped into a federal trench and from that point these four insurrectos poured a deadly fire into the ranks of the Mexican federal troops, the latter being unable to locate the four men until too late, as by that time the rebels had completely surrounded the town and were advancing on all sides, steadily pouring a well directed fire into the Diaz camp. 


[A]t 8:30 a. m., Tuesday, May 9th, the Liberal Army was in full possession of Tijuana, Mexico, a port of entry and a valuable recruiting station for the Liberals in Lower California.

Thus ended a memorable struggle, between slaves of the capitalist class on one side and Liberty Loving Workers, who are fighting for freedom, on the other side. The warriors for freedom were victors.


I crossed the line early in the day and was told by the Insurrecto soldiers that Tijuana was to be strongly fortified and would be used as a recruiting station for the army of liberty. One of the officers told me that “if any workers wanted to enlist to tell ’em to come to Tijuana, fifteen miles south of San Diego, Cal.” There are many I W. W. men in [General] Pryce’s army, and some W. F. M. men ad Socialists. More news later.

“S. G.”



Let us revolutionists in America adopt that stirring slogan of the European proletariat; “Insurrection rather than war.”

When we show the great capitalist, the exploiter of humanity, that we will stop fighting his battles, and when we show these parasites that we are not patriotic sentimentalists, who are only revolutionary on paper, then and then only will the power of the capitalist class be weakened.

The power of the exploiter lies in his great armies who do not hesitate to shoot down their brothers, and if we push the anti-militarist propaganda, and get among these soldiers, there will soon be red spots in the army. The beginning has already been made, may soldiers already understand their economic position, and these are doing their utmost to convince their fellow soldiers.

On with the anti-military movement; down with “The Iron Heel.”

“S. G.”


[Emphasis added.]


Industrial Worker
(Spokane, Washington)
-May 25, 1911, pages 1 & 4

See also:

Tag: Magonista Rebellion of 1911

Carol Pryce

First Battle of Tijuana


Should I Ever Be a Soldier – Monsieur Jack
Lyrics by Joe Hill (see page 6)

Should I ever be a soldier,
‘Neath the Red Flag I would fight;
Should the gun I ever shoulder,
It’s to crush the tyrant’s might.
Join the army of the toilers,
Men and women fall in line,
Wage slaves of the world! Arouse!
Do your duty for the cause,
For Land and Liberty.