Hellraisers Journal: Appeal to Reason Correspondent, John Kenneth Turner, Begins Series on “Government by Gunmen”


Quote Mother Jones, Powers of Privilege ed, Ab Chp III—————

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday May 14, 1914
Mother Jones Praises John Kenneth Turner’s Series, “Government by Gunmen”

From the Appeal to Reason of May 9, 1914:

John Kenneth Turner Opens Fire
On Government by Gunmen

WV Mother Jones w John Kenneth Turner 1913, AtR p1, Apr 11, 1914

Here follows the introductory article of the “Government by Gunmen” series. In investigating these facts John Kenneth Turner risked his life, as it required his association with gunmen, detectives and the riff-raff of capitalist society. Several times he was warned by friends to drop his investigations. A reformed gunman has written the Appeal urging us to suppress this series if we valued Turner’s life. But the author of “Barbarous Mexico” and the investigator of West Virginia and other recent labor wars, laughs at this threat. He believes that the publicity given to this series will not only protect him but all who are today in danger of being “eliminated” by the murderous detective agencies. Here then is the beginning of the “Government by Gunmen” series. And every week for nearly half a year we shall bring before the public bar the strongest indictment of Capitalism’s Invisible Army that was ever attempted in this country. The Appeal feels that our first and most important duty is to abolish Government by Gunmen. It must be done-it will be done. 

Staff Correspondent Appeal to Reason.

Gunthug Gun n Booze, AtR p1, May 9, 1914

In the county jail at Marysville, Cal., a short time ago I talked with two young workingmen who were on trial for murder. A jury of twelve men-not working men-has since declared them guilty and a judge has sentenced them to imprisonment at hard labor for the rest of their natural lives.

Yet these two workingmen had not killed anybody. Nor had they planned or attempted to kill anybody.

One, Richard Ford, is ruined for life-torn from his wife and two little children forever-solely because he became the spokesman for 2,300 hop-pickers who went on strike against intolerable conditions.

The career of the other, Herman Suhr, is blasted-he too, is unfortunate enough to possess a wife and two children-solely because he signed a number of telegrams asking that organizers be sent to the hop-fields to enroll the 2,300 pickers in a labor union.

The arrest, the trial and the conviction of Ford and Suhr was a deliberate frame-up of a ring of capitalists, in which a private detective agency took a necessary and criminal part…..

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Appeal to Reason Correspondent, John Kenneth Turner, Begins Series on “Government by Gunmen””

Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones: “Every man should shoulder his gun and start to Colorado”-Speech to Kansas Miners


Quote Mother Jones re Miners Org Real Power of Labor Mv, Speech UMW D14 Conv, Apr 30, 1914, Ptt KS, Steel Speeches p134—————

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday May 3, 1914
After Speech by Mother Jones, Kansas Miners Donate Treasury

April 30, 1914, Pittsburg, Kansas
-Mother Jones Addresses Convention of District 14, U. M. W. A.

Mother Jones gave a long speech Thursday, April 30th, in Pittsburg, Kansas, at the Convention of District 14, United Mine workers of America. She came seeking donations for the striking miners of Colorado, and, in the end, the miners of Kansas gave her all that she asked for.


Chairman [John P.] White: Now, this morning I know that I voice the sentiments of this convention when I say that we appreciate the presence here of our great old organizer, Mother Jones. (Applause.)

Yesterday I gave you a pretty strong bump about Colorado, and what you were going to do about the money that you had loaned the national organization, that I plead guilty to being responsible for, so God help you for I put you in the hands of Mother Jones now. (Loud applause.)

A Delegate: I think the brothers ought to put up their pipes, put them in their pockets.

Mother Jones: You should join John D. Rockefeller, you are getting so nice…

The Colorado Coal War

[Mother Jones continued]: You see, my brothers, the trouble with us all is we don’t feel the pains of our fellow beings in the great struggle. I wonder if the nation felt horror of that affair at Ludlow? Why, if that happened in Mexico we would go down to clean up Mexico, and it happened here at home and there is very little said about it, when every man should shoulder his gun and start to Colorado to stop the war there. (Applause.)

Detail Tikas w Ludlow Flag, Mother Jones Leads CO FoL Dlg to State House at Dnv, Toronto Star Wkly p8, Jan 3, 1913
Louie Tikas with
the Flag of Ludlow

…No time in modern history has there been anything so horrible as this trouble in Colorado. I know those men in Colorado pretty well. No state in the Union has truer, better fellows; they have made a great fight against the men in power. There is no question about it. The poor fellow that got killed, this Greek [Louie Tikas], when I went to Ludlow, when the battle first started, the tears came streaming down his face, and he said, “Mother, they jumped at me to go war, and I got away and let the capitalists fight their own battle. I am here now, and this is my battle, the battle of right for the class that I belong to.” That summed up the whole philosophy of the labor movement. In other words, it was a battle for freedom for the class that he belonged to. And he said, “Mother, I need a gun.” I said, “You will have one, Louie, if Mother has to take her hat off and sell it, you will get the gun.” (Applause.)

Now, those brave men were the ones brought over, most of them, after the last strike that we had in Colorado; Rockefeller sent his agents to Europe and brought those fellows over. He has been able to crush them, rob them, persecute them until he has made his millions out of their precious blood, and then he goes into church on Sunday and is hallowed by the people of this great nation.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones: “Every man should shoulder his gun and start to Colorado”-Speech to Kansas Miners”

Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Speaks at Pittsburg, Kansas-Addresses Convention of District 14, United Mine Workers of America


JP White re Mother Jones, Pittsburg KS, Apr 30, 1914, Speeches Steel p130—————

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday May 2, 1914
Pittsburg, Kansas – Mother Jones Speaks at Convention of U. M. W. A., District 14

From the Pittsburg Workers’s Chronicle of May 1, 1914:

Mother Jones Addresses Conv, UMW D14, Pittsburg Ks, Apr 30, Workers Chc p1, May 1, 1914

Yes, she swears. Says “dam” and “hell” and other such words. That’s Mother Jones. But did you ever hear people swear when it sounded like a benediction or a prayer? Mother don’t swear like other folks. Some way or other her swear words are more like poetry than vulgarity. Ask ANYONE who ever heard her.

She spoke to the delegates at the convention yesterday morning and not a miner in that hall will ever forget her message. Among other things she said:

I was asked by the congressional committee if I was opposed to sending the federal troops into Colorado, “I certainly am” I said. I am deadly opposed to bayonets being sent into any strike district where an industrial conflict is being waged. The miners in Colorado have had bayonets for months. They are not needed. Justice is what they want, not bayonets.

Out of the past eleven months I have served more than six of them in the bastiles of West Virginia and Colorado. I have seen the suffering of these wretched strikers, their ragged and defenseless wives and their starving babies in these strike districts and human pen or tongue will never be able to adequately portray the awful scenes enacted there.

She told of the Greek, Louis Tikas, whose truce with the gunmen of Mr. Rockefeller, ended in his murder; of the 51 bullet holes in his body and its laying exposed for days after his infamous murder. Told of his coming to her early in the strike and in his broken language and with tears streaming down his bronzed cheeks explaining how his Greek government had tried to draft him into the Balkan war and how he resented it to the extent that he was almost branded as a coward by the minions of that government’s plutocracy. This, however, was a fight of his class and he was willing to die a thousand deaths rather than see his fellow workers submit to the shackles of the mine owner corporations.

In dealing with the Colorado and West Virginia strikes she said that the ones who had died had not given up their lives in vain, but that they had died for a great cause.

When the congressional committee asked her if it would be acceptable if Rockefeller would consent to grant every demand of the miners except the one compelling recognition of the U. M. W. of A. she replied: “NO! We’ll give up every demand before that. It is the meat in the nut and without it we would be just as helpless as before.”

It might be well to state that Mother Jones’ confinement in Colorado was due to a fight for a principle. In 1904 what is known as “The Moyer” decision was passed by the supreme court. That decision gave to the military the right to arrest and confine any person without preferring charges of any kind against them. This was one of the most infamous decisions against labor ever rendered and has been the instrument with which more than one strike has been broken. Her fight was to get out of jail on a writ of habeas corpus and secure the reversal of that infamous Moyer decision. Up to the present time they have managed to evade the testing of the law but Mother Jones is still after them and if it is within human power to secure a reversal she will assuredly secure it.

Mother Jones came direct from Denver to Girard [home of the Appeal to Reason] where she arrived on Wednesday night. She will return to the strike zone immediately after a monster protest meeting in Kansas City next Sunday. She speaks in Frontenac at the May Day celebration today. Don’t fail to hear her.

[Emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Speaks at Pittsburg, Kansas-Addresses Convention of District 14, United Mine Workers of America”

Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Rescued from “Quarantine” in Utah; Charles Moyer and Big Bill Haywood Persecuted Under Military Despotism in Colorado


Quote Mother Jones, CFI Owns Colorado, re 1903 Strikes UMW WFM, Ab Chp 13, 1925—————

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday April 30, 1904
Mother Jones Held in Utah; Moyer and Haywood Up Against Militia in Colorado

From The Rocky Mountain New of April 27, 1904:

Mother Jones has been in Utah since her deportation from Trinidad, Colorado. There she has been working among the miners of that state, and, for her efforts, was confined under “quarantine” near Helper, Utah. This was too much for the miners of that area and a raid was made upon the pest house which freed from Mother from that place. She has since been recaptured, and, according to the following report, is now held in the Carbon County jail at Price, Utah.

Mother Jones Escapes Quarantine to County Jail, Price UT, RMN p4, Apr 27, 1904

From the American Labor Union Journal of Apr 28, 1904
-Moyer brought to Denver, but returned to bullpen at Telluride;
Haywood brutally assaulted by soldiers:

BBH Moyer v Colorado Military Despotism, ALUJ p1, Apr 28, 1904

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Rescued from “Quarantine” in Utah; Charles Moyer and Big Bill Haywood Persecuted Under Military Despotism in Colorado”

Hellraisers Journal: Thousands Gather in Denver for Rain-Soaked Protest Meeting; Ammons Denounced; Mother Jones Speaks


Quote Mother Jones, Fight n Keep On, Hzltn Pln Spkr p4, Nov 15, 1900—————

Hellraisers Journal – Monday April 27, 1914
Denver, Colorado – Thousands Gather to Protest Slaughter of the Innocent at Ludlow

From The Denver Post of April 27, 1914:

Photos Denver Mass Meeting Protest re Ludlow, Crowd, Doyle, Vetter, DP p3, Apr 27, 1914HdLn re Denver Apr 26, Mass Mtg Protest re Ludlow, DP p3, Apr 27, 1914

[Photos above: Top: Crowd standing in the rain at the state house. Bottom left: Edward Doyle. Bottom right: Jesse Vetter.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Thousands Gather in Denver for Rain-Soaked Protest Meeting; Ammons Denounced; Mother Jones Speaks”

Hellraisers Journal: From The Labor World: Young Rockefeller Declares He Has Millions to Crush the Miners’ Union in Colorado


Quote Mother Jones Statement Apr 18 at Denver CO bf to WDC, RMN p5, Apr 19, 1914—————

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday April 19, 1914
Washington, D. C. – John D. Rockefeller Jr. Pledges Millions to Crush Colorado Miners

From the Duluth Labor World of April 18, 1914:

Declares Before Industrial Commission He Has
Millions to Crush Miners’ Union.

Refused to Arbitrate Colorado Coal Strike
-Trusts Everything to Managers.

John D Rockefeller Jr, Brk Dly Egl p1, Apr 6, 1914

John D. Rockefeller, Jr., son of the world’s richest man, testified Monday [April 6th] before the House Mines Committee in Washington about the question of his moral responsibility for the industrial strife which has kept the coal fields of southern Colorado in turmoil for six months.

After more than for hours of cross-examination Rockefeller had told the committee:

That he and three other directors represented his father’s interest of about 40 per cent in the Colorado Fuel and Iron company, the central figure in the big coal strike.

That as a director he had fulfilled all his interest and responsibility in the company when he placed the officers, “competent and trusted men,” in charge of the company’s affairs.

That he knew nothing of conditions in the strike district except from reports of the officers of the company.

He “Protects” “Free” Labor.

That the strike had become a fight for the “principles” of freedom of labor, and that he and his associates would rather the present violence continue and that “they lose all their millions invested in the coal fields than that American working men should be deprived of their right under the constitution to work for whom they pleased.”

This was accepted as an indication that the Rockefeller millions are opposed to the unions in Colorado.

That he favored arbitration in Industrial disputes-generally, but that in the present instance he supported the officers of the company in their refusal to submit the question of unionizing the mines to arbitration.

In support of these conclusions Rockefeller was kept busy for hours explaining defending and arguing. He asserted that employer and employe were “fellow men and should treat each other as such,” but could see no analogy between the unionization of workmen and the combination of capital….

[Photograph and emphasis added.]


During his testimony this exchange took place between Rockefeller and the Chairman of the Subcommittee, M. D. Foster:

The CHAIRMAN. And you are willing to go on and let these killings take place—men losing their lives on either side, the expenditure of large sums of money, and all this disturbance of labor—rather than to go out there and see if you might do something to settle those conditions?

Mr. ROCKEFELLER. There is just one thing, Mr. Chairman, so far as I understand it, which can be done, as things are at present, to settle this strike, and that is to unionize the camps; and our interest in labor is so profound and we believe so sincerely that that interest demands that the camps shall be open camps, that we expect to stand by the officers at any cost. It is not an accident that this is our position.

The CHAIRMAN. And you will do that if it costs all your property and kills all your employees?

Mr. ROCKEFELLER. It is a great principle.

[Emphasis added.]

From the Rocky Mountain News of April 19, 1914
-Mother Jones Makes Statement Before Leaving Denver for Washington:

HdLn ed Mother Jones to WDC re CO Conditions, RMN p5, Apr 19, 1914

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From The Labor World: Young Rockefeller Declares He Has Millions to Crush the Miners’ Union in Colorado”

Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Travels to Denver After Release from Cold Cellar Cell, Escorted by Union Leaders to Oxford Hotel


Quote Mother Jones Statement Apr 18 at Denver CO bf to WDC, RMN p5, Apr 19, 1914—————

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday April 18 1914
Denver, Colorado – Mother Jones Resting After Release from Cold Cellar Cell

From the Rocky Mountain News of April 17, 1914:

HdLn Mother Jones Free, Arrives in Denver CO, RMN p14, Apr 17, 1914

From The Indianapolis Star of April 18, 1914:


DENVER, Col, April 17-A movement was started here tonight by the policy committee of District No. 15 of the United Mine Workers of America, to reopen in Washington the congressional investigation of the Colorado coal miners’ strike by seeking to place before the committee the testimony of “Mother” Mary Jones, the aged strike leader who was released from military imprisonment at Walsenburg on Thursday.

“Mother” Jones who came to Denver immediately on her discharge, probably will leave tomorrow for Washington.

Telegrams were sent tonight to Representative M. D. Foster, chairman of the recent investigating House mines committee, and to Representative Keating of Colorado, urging a hearing for “Mother” Jones.

[Emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Travels to Denver After Release from Cold Cellar Cell, Escorted by Union Leaders to Oxford Hotel”

Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Freed from Cold Cellar Cell, Greeted Upon Release by Crowd of Cheering Strikers


Quote Mother Jones re Walsenburg Cellar Cell, Mar 22, 1914 x26 days, Ab Chp 21, 1925—————-

Hellraisers Journal – Friday April 17, 1914
Walsenburg, Colorado – Mother Jones Released from Cold Cellar Cell

Mother Jones is in Denver today after her release yesterday from the cold damp cellar cell which served as the Military Bastille in Walsenburg, Colorado. Newspapers around the country are reporting the news.

From El Paso Herald of April 16, 1914:

HdLn Mother Jones Free fr Cold Cellar Cell, El P Hld p1, Apr 16, 1914

Walsenburg, Colo., April 16.-“Mother” Mary Jones, who has been a military prisoner in the hospital ward of the county jail since March 22, was released this morning upon orders of Gen. John Chase. The aged strike leader was offered transportation to any point in the state, but the offer was refused.

The appearance of “Mother” Jones at the door of the jail was the signal for a demonstration by a large crowd of strikers and the strike sympathizers that had gathered in anticipation of her release. The aged leader appeared in good health and declared she was feeling well.

Will Lay Woes Before Wilson.

“Mother” Jones was escorted to union headquarters, where she conferred with a number of strike leaders. She announced her intention of speaking at a mass meeting late today after which she plans to go to Trinidad and speak. Later she intends to go to Washington.

“Mother” Jones said:

“You’ll know soon enough why I go to Washington.” Later she intimated that she proposed to tell the story of her experiences in the Colorado coal strike to president Wilson and to the congressional strike investigating committee.

[Emphasis added.]

Note: the cellar cell where she was held for 26 days is hardly a “hospital ward.” It is, in fact, the same cold damp cell which claimed the life of striker Kostas Markos earlier this year.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Freed from Cold Cellar Cell, Greeted Upon Release by Crowd of Cheering Strikers”

Hellraisers Journal: Does the Colorado State Militia Mean to Kill Mother Jones? Now Held in Cold Cellar Cell Beneath Huerfano County Courthouse


Quote Mother Jones re Walsenburg Cellar Cell, Mar 22, 1914 x26 days, Ab Chp 21, 1925—————

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday April 16, 1914
Walsenburg, Colorado – Mother Jones Held in Cold Cellar Cell 

From the Appeal to Reason of April 11, 1914:

CO Killing Mother Jones, Huerfano Co Courthouse, Cold Cellar Cell, AtR p4, Apr 11, 1914


Detail CO Killing Mother Jones, Huerfano Co Courthouse, Cold Cellar Cell, AtR p4, Apr 11, 1914

Note: Kostas (Gus) Marcos was the name of the striking miner who died as a result of being held in the cold cellar cell beneath the Huerfano County Courthouse at Walsenburg, Colorado.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Does the Colorado State Militia Mean to Kill Mother Jones? Now Held in Cold Cellar Cell Beneath Huerfano County Courthouse”

Hellraisers Journal: “Crimes of Capitalism in Colorado” by Eugene Victor Debs; Driving Out Mother Jones by C. W. Fryer


Quote Mother Jones, CFI Owns Colorado, re 1903 Strikes UMW WFM, Ab Chp 13, 1925—————

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday April 10, 1904
“Crimes of Capitalism in Colorado” by Eugene Victor Debs

From The Chicago Socialist of April 9, 1904:

EVD IA re Mother Jones CO Militia, Chg Sc p1, Apr 9, 1904

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: “Crimes of Capitalism in Colorado” by Eugene Victor Debs; Driving Out Mother Jones by C. W. Fryer”