Hellraisers Journal: From the Spokane Industrial Worker: Magonista Rebels Defeated at Tijuana, But Not Conquered


Quote Joe Hill, All aboard for Mexico, IW p1, May 25, 1911—————

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday July 8, 1911
Second Battle of Tijuana Ends in Defeat for Rebel Forces

From the Spokane Industrial Worker of July 6, 1911:


Tijuana Tierra y Libertad May 29, 1911, Wike n Bartoli, 11of 32

The liberal campaign in Lower California was practically ended with the defeat of the hundred men under General Jack Mosby at Tijuana, Mexico, on June 22nd, although there is yet two bands of armed rebel Mexicans, one near Santa Rosalia, in the southern end of the peninsula and another of about twenty-five men in the mountains between Tijuana and Mexicali in the north


The rebels who surrendered were held at Fort Rosecrans for three days and then released with the exception of thirteen who were deserters from the army and navy and Mosby and [Adjutant Bert] Laflin, whom the Madero government is trying to extradite to torture and murder in Mexico. Boys, will we stand for it? I’ll leave it to your actions. Will you act?

About the same time the battle took place the Liberal Junta in Los Angeles were arrested. They have already served three years in our vile American prisons and we must not let them serve any more years.

Subscribe for “Regeneracion” (address 519½ East Fourth street, Los Angeles) and learn the facts of the case.

Remember although the little campaign in Lower California has been smashed the Mexican people are not through revolting. Madero did not start the revolution NOR WILL HE END IT.

Yours in the eternal revolution,


[Photograph and emphasis added.]

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Hellraisers Journal: From the Industrial Worker: New Songbooks Available with New Song: “Long Haired Preachers”


Quote Richard Brazier, BRSB p388 from Lbr Hx Winter 1968—————–

Hellraisers Journal – Friday July 7, 1911
New I. W. W. Songbooks with New Song: “Long Haired Preachers”

From the Spokane Industrial Worker of July 6, 1911:

Ad LRSB, Long Haired Preachers, IW p3, June 6, 1911

Songs to Fan the Flames of Discontent
-Published by Spokane Local, I. W. W.
-New Song: “The Preacher and the Slave”

1911 LRSB by Spokane Local IWW, Preacher n Slave, Gibbs p232-3

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Hellraisers Journal: “All Aboard for Mexico!” -Joe Hill; Reds Gain Great Victory at Tijuana, Report from “S. G.”


Quote Joe Hill, All aboard for Mexico, IW p1, May 25, 1911—————

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday May 27, 1911
Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico – Rebels Win Great Victory

From the Spokane Industrial Worker of May 25, 1911:

Joe Hill, Vote Right, All aboard for Mexico, IW p1, May 25, 1911




Special to the “Worker.”

TIJUANA, Baja, Cal., May 10.-At last the victory of social revolutionists in Lower California is assured. The workers of America and Mexico are awakening, and brave men are sacrificing their lives for the cause of Freedom, and their sacrifice shall not be in vain. All opposition is being swept aside by “la Bandera Roja” (the red band), the latest victory being the capture of this little Mexican village, situated in the Tijuana river valley right on the International boundary line, and fifteen miles southeast of San Diego, Cal.

The fall of Tijuana, means the turning point in the campaign against Diaz tyranny in Baja, California. The rebels now control the whole peninsula excepting the capital of the state, Ensenada, and the acquisition of Tijuana gives the “red army” an excellent base of supplies, and a military headquarters from which to conduct the rest of the campaign.

The battle [of May 8th and 9th] was by far the biggest battle that has been fought since the Mexican Liberal party [P. L. M.] placed their army in Lower California. It lasted nearly 36 hours, and about 400 men were involved. Many brave acts were recorded, one was the firing of the Catholic church, and the “Bull pen” by the rebels. At an early stage of the fight four men crawled from the rebel ranks through Tijuana, and slipped into a federal trench and from that point these four insurrectos poured a deadly fire into the ranks of the Mexican federal troops, the latter being unable to locate the four men until too late, as by that time the rebels had completely surrounded the town and were advancing on all sides, steadily pouring a well directed fire into the Diaz camp. 


[A]t 8:30 a. m., Tuesday, May 9th, the Liberal Army was in full possession of Tijuana, Mexico, a port of entry and a valuable recruiting station for the Liberals in Lower California.

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Hellraisers Journal: From the Spokane Industrial Worker: Cartoon by Fellow Worker J. Hill, “Two Victims of Society”


Quote Joe Hill, Murderers Slaughter Our Class, IW p3, Aug 27, 1910———-

Hellraisers Journal – Monday January 30, 1911
“Two Victims of Society” -Cartoon by FW J. Hill

From the Spokane Industrial Worker of January 26, 1911:

Joe Hill Cartoon, Two Victims of Society, IW p1, Jan 26, 1911

[“He can’t afford to have a home. She never had a chance. That’s why they are both selling themselves to the highest bidder.” -Joe Hill]


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Hellraisers Journal: I. W. W. Aniversaries – In November We Remember: Joe Hill, Wesley Everest, and Everett Massacre


Quote Wesley Everest, Died for my class. Chaplin Part 15———-

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday November 3, 1920
Industrial Workers of the World – Some November Anniversaries

From The One Big Union Monthly of November 1920:

Some I. W. W. Anniversaries

Joe Hill, Funeral Program page 1, small, Chicago Nov 25, 1915

The month of November is particularly rich in memories for the I. W. W.

The events of the day are crowding upon us so fast that we cannot devote much time or space in our publications to the memories of the past, but not for a moment should the workers of this country be allowed to forget the outrages committed upon us in years gone by.

For the time being we shall content ourselves with a very brief review of some of the most horrid anniversaries of the I. W. W., which should be “celebrated” this month, not forgetting such anniversaries as that of Frank Little, whose anniversary falls in a different month.

On November 19, 1915, Joe Hill was legally murdered in the prison of Salt Lake City, Utah. His ashes are scattered by loving friends, who believe in his innocence, over the flower beds of this and other countries, and his memory lives in the songs which the I. W. W. members sing on every occasion.

Joe Hill Sig, OBU Mly p60, Nov 1920

Besides being a writer of songs which made the workers of all countries listen, Joe Hill, the miner, was also an amateur cartoonist. We reproduce here with a couple of his cartoons.

On November 5th, 1916, The Everett Massacre took place. We shall not try to describe this terrible tragedy of the class struggle. We refer every body to the account of it, issued in a book of 302 pages by the I. W. W. This book, “The I. W. W. Massacre,” is written by Walker C. Smith and sold by the I. W. W. Should be read by every red- blooded worker. Five were killed and scores wounded.

The Everett Massacre was one of the foulest deeds ever committed by the dirty hirelings of the capitalist class. It can be compared only to the indescribable horrors of Armistice day in Centralia, Wash., on November 11, 1919. The gruesome death of our Fellow Worker Wesley Everest on that day is enough to stagger the world. We cannot go into details. Read the book “The Centralia Conspiracy,” by Ralph Chaplin. It describes in word and illustration those terrible days.

Fellow Worker Bert Bland, who with a number of others is now serving a sentence equal to life imprisonment in Montesano as a result of the Centralia conspiracy, writes a touching tribute to the memory of the martyr Wesley Everest, which is published herewith.

Wesley Everest’s last greeting was: “Tell all the boys I did my best.” Joe Hill’s last message was: “Don’t mourn. Organize!” Frank Little’s last message is known only to his murderers, but we have no doubt it was like Joe Hill’s.

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Hellraisers Journal: I. W. W. Men Arrive in Coalinga and Fresno to Help Out in the Struggle for Right to Picket or Speak


Quote Frank Little, Fresno Jails Dungeons, FMR p6, Sept 2, 1910———-

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday October 18, 1910
Coalinga (Near Fresno), California – I. W. W. Taking Part in Strike

From the Spokane Industrial Worker of October 15, 1910:

for HJ 10-18-1910 IW Oct 15, FMR Oct 4 cpy

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Hellraisers Journal: From the Industrial Worker: “Another Victim of the Uniformed Thugs” by Fellow Worker Joe Hill


Quote Joe Hill, Murderers Slaughter Our Class, IW p3, Aug 27, 1910———-

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday August 30, 1910
Pendleton, Oregon – FW Joe Hill, “on the road,” finds victim of gunthug. 

From the Spokane Industrial Worker of August 27, 1910:


On the Road, August 11th, 1910

Migratory Workers, The Blanket Stiff, ISR p830, Apr 1909

While strolling through the yards at Pendleton, Ore…I saw a fellow sitting on a tie pile. He had his left hand all bandaged up and hanging useless by his side, and the expression on his face was the most hopeless I ever saw. Seeing that he was one of my class I went up and asked him how it happened, and he told me a tale that made the blood boil in my veins. Like many others, he floated into Roseville Junction, Cal., a town noted for murders and bloodshed. He had a few cents and did not have to beg, but the bull of that worthy town did not like the way he parted his hair, I guess, so he told him to make himself scarce around there. After a bit a train pulled out and he tried to obey the orders, but that upholder of law and justice saw him and habitually took a shot at him. His intentions were, of course, the very best, but being a poor shot he only succeeded in crushing the man’s hand.

The poor fellow might starve to death though, so that blood-thirsty hyena may not get so badly disappointed after all. Not being satisfied with disabling the man for life, he struck him several blows on the head and face with a “sapper” (rubber host with chunks of lead in the end). Then he threw him in the “task” without any medical aid whatever, although the hand was bleeding badly. The next morning about 5 o’clock he got a couple of kicks for breakfast and told that if he dared to show his face around there again it would be the grave yard for his. He told me he could not sleep much because the hand was aching all the time and he wished he could get it cut off, because it was no good anyway. Now, fellow workers, how long are those hired murders, whose chief delight it is to see human blood flowing in streams, going to slaughter and maim our class. There is only one way to stop it-only one remedy-to unite on the industrial field, Yours,

Portland Local, No. 92.

[Drawing and emphasis added]

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Hellraisers Journal: “Farewell to you, thou rebel true..those last brave words..shall live forever in our hearts.”


Proudly went out Joe unto his death
With smiling lips and fearless eyes
this message gave with his last breath
“Don’t mourn for me, but ORGANIZE.”
-Richard Brazier

Hellraisers Journal, Saturday June 1, 1918
“Farewell, Joe” by Richard Brazier

From I. W. W. Songs, “General Defense Edition” of April 1918:

Joe Hill, IWW Songs, LRSB, April 1918


Farewell Joe by Brazier, IWW Songs, LRSB, Apr 1918

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Hellraisers Journal: “What We Want” by Joe Hill from “I.W.W. Songs-General Defense Edition,” Recently Released


We want all the workers in the world to organize
Into a great big union grand
And when we all united stand
The world for workers we’ll demand.
-Joe Hill


Hellraisers Journal, Monday April 15, 1918
“I. W. W. Songs to Fan the Flames of Discontent”

From the recently released General Defense Edition:

What We Want by Joe Hill, LRSB p8, Gen Def Ed, April

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