Hellraisers Journal: Ricardo Flores Magón, Unjustly Imprisoned and Left to Die Due to Brutal, Inhumane Prison Conditions


Quote Freedom Ricardo Flores Magon, ed, Speech re Prisoners of Texas, May 31, 1914—————

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday December 5, 1922
Ricardo Flores Magon Found Dead in Prison Due to Brutal, Inhumane Conditions

From the Oklahoma Leader of December 1, 1922:


Ricardo Flores Magon 14596 Leavenworth Pen, Nov 3, 1919

Several times the writer of this column has called the attention of the country to the unspeakable outrage perpetrated against Ricardo Flores Magon, a Mexican citizen and patriot, who having been convicted in one of our federal courts of the crime of inciting revolution against a friendly republic, was sentenced to serve a long term in the Leavenworth penitentiary and until a few days ago occupied a cell there.

It was when we learned of his declining health, the information that he could not survive for many months, that we entered our first protest against his brutal confinement, and if the so-called department of justice had been animated with one atom of justice and moral courage, his life might have been spared, for now Ricardo Flores Magon is dead, another brave martyr to the cause of human liberty.

He was prosecuted and convicted and imprisoned at the instance of the corrupt agents of the still more corrupt and tyrannical government of the Dictator Porfirio Diaz. In fear of assassination he fled Mexico and on this side of the Rio Grande sought to enthuse the hearts of his fellow countrymen with those hopes and ideals which glorified the lives and characters of the fathers of American liberty.

Diaz, bloody and unscrupulous tyrant, was the bosom friend of the capitalists of this country, and their word and wish was law, so when Ricardo Flores Magon, raised his voice in protest against the cruel wrongs from which his countrymen were suffering-when his powerful pen delineated the indictment against Diaz and portrayed him as the braided beast he was-his friends on this side of the Rio Grande were wild with fury and Magon became their victim.

Notwithstanding, the flame which gallant and courageous Magon kindled, grew into a mighty conflagration, and Diaz, the usurper and autocrat, was exiled, never again to set foot in the country he had cursed by his presence-notwithstanding a free government was established and the constitutional liberties of the people of Mexico restored-notwithstanding the great cause for which he struggled was triumphant, Ricardo Flores Magon continued, for years afterward, to breath the foul air of a felon’s home, even until the day when merciful death closed his kindly eyes and composed in rest and peace a body which knew no weariness in toiling for the liberation of his oppressed countrymen.

What a mighty and cruel force is capitalism! It knows no country. It does not respect international boundaries. It follows its victims, even within the temple where sanctuary, except for its cruel sway, might be obtained, and upon the very tree of liberty it hangs its victims, and in the name of the law, does them to death. Ricardo Flores Magon, pure and gentle, unselfish and brave, should have lived through many happy years, and died at last in the arms of loved ones, amid the worshiping prayers and tears of those compatriots to whom he was an inspiration, but thanks to the international powers of capitalism, whom he had offended, he died a felon and with his last gasp paid the last installment of the penalty which capitalist hate demanded.

So long, Magon, at last your body rests calmly and sweetly in the land you loved. We are ashamed of our part in your cruel murder. Some day we hope we shall be able to make partial restitution, for as the train which bore your wasted and emaciated form, wound its way across the Western plains, the hopes and prayers of many more than a million souls followed you, and some day, please God, our countrymen shall join yours in the erection of a monument to your memory which will express in some small measure the love we bear you. 

[Photograph and emphasis added.]

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Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Saved from Incendiary Fire Set Near Her Hotel Room at Montgomery, West Virginia


Quote Mother Jones Mine Supe Bulldog of Capitalism—————

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday December 4, 1902
Montgomery, West Virginia – Mother Jones Saved from Hotel Fire

From The Richmond Dispatch (Virginia) of December 3, 1902:

This Seemed the Object of Incendiaries
at Montgomery, W. Va.

Mother Jones , Phl Inq p24, June 22, 1902

PARKERSBURG, VA., December 3.-(Special.)—”Mother” Jones, the friend of the miners, narrowly escaped with her life from a burning hotel at Montgomery, early this morning.

Mrs. A. R. Wagoner, the wife of the proprietor of the Montgomery Hotel, was aroused from her slumbers and gave the alarm. The room occupied by “Mother” Jones was full of smoke when she wakened, and in a short time she would have been suffocated.

The fire was of incendiary origin, starting in a room that had not been occupied for three days. The hotel has been on fire three times within the past few weeks, and it is supposed that it was because “Mother” Jones was stopping there.

John C. Todd, one of the guests, had a hip fractured by jumping from the third story window. All the guests lost most of their valuables and clothing.


[Photograph and emphasis added.]

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Hellraisers Journal: From the International Socialist Review: “The Strike at Little Falls” by Phillips Russell, Illustrated, Part II


Quote Helen Schloss, Women w Hungry Souls, Black Hills Dly Rg p2, July 15, 1910—————

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday December 3, 1912
Little Falls, New York – Textile Workers Revolt Against Pay Cut, Part II

From the International Socialist Review of December 1912:

Little Falls MA Strike, Lunn bf Arrest, ISR p455, Dec 1912

[Part II of II]

Shortly after [the October 30th] affair the strikers and the strike committee were holding a meeting in The Slovak Sokol Hall, the principal social center of the working population, when the door was thrown open with a crash and the police and hired guards burst in. Women, who composed the majority of the audience, were hurled right and left. Men who protested were struck on the head. Furniture was overturned. The musical instruments of the Slovak Band were broken and battered. One cop who happened to notice the framed charter of the local textile union of the Industrial Workers of the World, drove his club through the middle of it. It hangs in the hall now, its broken glass held together by an edging of red ribbon with a knot of red covering the hole made by the club. All the members of the strike committee and all persons suspected of being connected with the strike were arrested and dragged to the local lock-up, a place so vile that the State Prison Inspector has threatened the town with mandamus proceedings unless it is cleaned up.

Legere, however, could not be found. The building was searched for him and the police, not wishing to investigate the dark cellar, fired three shots into it at random, any one of which might have killed Legere had he not already been taken to a place of safety by a devoted band of workers. He went to Utica that night, got some needed printing done, sent off some messages, and then returned to Little Falls where he was immediately arrested and taken to the county jail at Herkimer, another place that has been condemned by the State Prison Inspector. 

Bakeman, Hirsh, Bochino and George Vaughan of Schenectady, were already there, along with thirty-nine others, strikers and sympathizers. When visited later, some of them were still wearing the bloody shirts that they wore when arrested. They were joined by Miss Helen Schloss, a young Socialist woman of New York, who for several months had been a tenement investigator for a club of the well-to-do women of Little Falls. Despite warnings from her lady employers, Miss Schloss cast her lot with the strikers, gave up her position, joined the relief committee, and went out on the picket line with the workers. For this she incurred the enmity of the police and her spectacular arrest by Chief Long himself followed. She was put in Herkimer jail on a charge of “inciting to riot” and as a special honor was given the cell occupied by Chester Gillette, electrocuted for the murder of his sweetheart. She was finally released on bail and went right back to work in the relief kitchen.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the International Socialist Review: “The Strike at Little Falls” by Phillips Russell, Illustrated, Part II”

Hellraisers Journal: From the International Socialist Review: “The Strike at Little Falls” by Phillips Russell, Illustrated, Part I


Quote Helen Schloss, Women w Hungry Souls, Black Hills Dly Rg p2, July 15, 1910—————

Hellraisers Journal – Monday December 2, 1912
Little Falls, New York – Textile Workers Revolt Against Pay Cut, Part I

From the International Socialist Review of December 1912:

Little Falls MA Strike, Lunn bf Arrest, ISR p455, Dec 1912

[Part I of II]

ON October 1 of this year a law went into effect in the state of New York making it illegal for female industrial slaves to work more than 54 hours a week. Some employers immediately took advantage of the situation and paid their workers what they call “pro rata”-that is, they punished the beneficiaries of this law by reducing the contents of their pay envelopes to correspond with the reduced number of hours. Departments of industry are so closely connected nowadays that the men were affected in an equal degree with the women.

Slaves in most parts of the state seem to have received the reduction with submission, but not so the employes of the knitting mills in Little Falls. When their second pay day came around and they found their $7 envelopes short from 60 cents to $2, they did what the mill workers of Lawrence did in a similar situation-they rebelled.

On October 10 more than 1,500 workers, embracing nearly all the departments in the Phoenix and Gilbert Knitting Mills and four nationalities-Polish, Slavish, Austrian and Italian-walked out and poured into the streets to the sound of “The Marseillaise.” The Americans stayed and scabbed.

Little Falls Strike, First Parade, ISR p456, Dec 1912

The revolt was entirely spontaneous and most of the workers were uncertain what to do next, but a few of them knew. They appealed to the one organization that can handle such a situation-the I. W. W. Organizers Fillippo Bochino and Fred Hirsh came hurrying from Rochester and Schenectady respectively, and the battle was on.

The first few days were quietly spent in putting the strike on an organized basis, and then as the need for a good chairman for the strike committee became evident, Benjamin J. Legere, a fighting Socialist and graduate of the Lawrence school was sent for. Though he was just entering on a short vacation after several months of exhausting work agitating for the Ettor-Giovannitti defense, he arrived promptly. He showed the strikers how to form a mass picket line that moves in an endless chain and helped to get all the different committees in working order.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the International Socialist Review: “The Strike at Little Falls” by Phillips Russell, Illustrated, Part I”

Hellraisers Journal: Eugene Debs Indicted, States: “I can now be the candidate of the capitalistic class, for the penitentiary”


Quote US DA re Editors, AtR p1, Nov 30, 1912—————

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday December 1, 1912
Terre Haute, Indiana – Debs Responds to Indictment by Federal Grand Jury

From the Richmond Evening Item (Indiana) of November 26, 1912:



(By the Associated Press.)

Terre Haute, Ind., Nov. 26.-Eugene V. Debs, indicted by the federal grand jury at Girard, Kas., Saturday, appeared at his home Monday, refuting the report that he had started for Ft. Scott, Kas., on hearing of the indictment. In speaking of the case, Debs said:

These indictments are based on an infamous lie. There was never any attempt on the part of the officers of The Appeal to Reason to induce any witness to leave anywhere. I have recently been the candidate of the working classes for the presidency. I suppose I can now be the candidate of the capitalistic class, for the penitentiary. Were the whole truth told about conditions in the Ft. Leavenworth prison, the world would stand agast.

[Emphasis added.]

From The Coming Nation of November 30, 1912:


By A. M. Simons

THAT within two weeks after receiving the votes of almost a million citizens for the office of president of the United States, Eugene V. Debs should be indicted by federal grand jury for obstructing the orderly process of the court by alleged tampering with a witness is almost incredible…..

EVD at AtR Desk, Cmg Ntn p2, Nov 30, 1912

When the Appeal turned the light on Leavenworth penitentiary it pulled a bone away from a pack of hungry office-holding curs who sprang in hydrophobic rage upon the persons who had disturbed their foul feast. When to this was added the exposure of the corruption of the federal courts of the nation and especially of the southwest, another allied pack was started into full cry for vengeance. It was easy for these to get the backing of the great powers of capitalism, and all the branches of class government…..

Fred Warren, Cmg Ntn p2, Nov 30, 1912

In their blind baffled rage the conspirators played their last card. A servile grand jury indicted Eugene V. Debs, Fred D. Warren and J. I. Sheppard for attempted tampering with a witness in the case based upon the Leavenworth exposure…..

The object of this assault is to cripple the publications against which it is directed. Throughout this fight the Appeal has helped to carry the COMING NATION. In this desperate crisis no extra weight can be carried. Yet if the news goes out that the first effect of the assault was to compel the abandonment of the COMING NATION that will have all the effect of a victory for the enemy. They will have restricted and choked the voice of revolt by just that much. They will have strangled in youth what promises to be a powerful champion when full grown…..

[Emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Eugene Debs Indicted, States: “I can now be the candidate of the capitalistic class, for the penitentiary””

Hellraisers Journal: Mayor of Portland, Oregon, Complains that IWW Members Get Free Rides on Freight Trains with Red Card


Quote EGF, Compliment IWW, IW p1, Nov 17, 1909—————

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday November 30, 1922
Portland, Oregon – Mayor Unhappy about Free Rides with Red 

From the Duluth Labor World of November 25, 1922:


IWW Membership Card

Many railroad men on roads leading into Portland are recognizing I. W. W. membership cards and giving free rides on freight trains, George L. Baker, mayor of Portland, declared before the tax regulating and conservation commission, in explaining the water front strike situation.

“We have evidence that in many cases I. W. W. cards served as tickets to Portland,” he asserted. “Some of the trainmen will not allow ordinary tramps to ride, but those who carry red cards are given, free transportation. As a result many I. W. W. have come to Portland, who could not have come had they been required to pay their way.”

The mayor asserted that in some cases groups of I. W. W. had compelled train crews to permit them to ride.

[Photograph and emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Mayor of Portland, Oregon, Complains that IWW Members Get Free Rides on Freight Trains with Red Card”

Hellraisers Journal: From The Wheeling Majority: “West Virginia Coal Barons Re-Enact Ancient Barbarism”-Class War On


Quote Mother Jones, Revolution Is Here, Speech Cton WV, Sept 21, 1912, Steel Speeches p116—————

Hellraisers Journal – Friday November 29, 1912
Charleston, West Virginia – Men Lured into State by Human Scavengers

From The Wheeling Majority of November 28, 1912:

WV Coal Barons Barbarism, Mother Jones, Wlg Maj p1, Nov 28, 1912

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From The Wheeling Majority: “West Virginia Coal Barons Re-Enact Ancient Barbarism”-Class War On”

Hellraisers Journal: Rosa Caruso Greets Her Husband after Acquittal of Murder Charge with Baby Born While He Was Jailed


Quote Giovannitti, The Walker, Rest My Brother—————

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday November 28, 1912
Salem, Massachusetts – Rosa Caruso Greets Husband after Release from Court Cage

From The Boston Daily Globe of November 27, 1912:

Mrs Giuseppe Rosa Caruso w Baby, Bst Dly Glb p4, Nov 27, 1912

From San Francisco’s L’Italia of November 26, 1912:

Ettor, Giovannitti, Caruso Acquitted, SF Litalia, p1, Nov 26, 1912
Completely acquitted, Lawrence’s working masses make an
enthusiastic demonstration to the three young Italian agitators.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Rosa Caruso Greets Her Husband after Acquittal of Murder Charge with Baby Born While He Was Jailed”

Hellraisers Journal: Trial of Joe Ettor, Arturo Giovannitti, and Joseph Caruso Ends; All Three Found “Not Guilty”


Quote Joe Ettor, ed, Thank You, IW p1, Aug 29, 1912—————

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday November 27, 1912
Salem, Massachusetts – Ettor, Giovannitti, and Caruso Found “Not Guilty” 

From The Boston Daily Globe of November 26, 1912:

Ettor Verdict This Morn, Bst Dly Glb p1, Nov 26, 1912

Defendants were charged with murder in connection with the killing of Anna Lo Pizzo, martyred striker, during the Lawrence Textile Strike.

From The Boston Daily Globe, Evening Edition of November 26, 1912:

Ettor n G Aquit, Bst Eve Glb p1, Nov 26, 1912


Ettor n G Released Joy, Bst Eve Glb p2, Nov 26, 1912

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Trial of Joe Ettor, Arturo Giovannitti, and Joseph Caruso Ends; All Three Found “Not Guilty””

Hellraisers Journal: Wayland’s Last Paragraph, a Word from Fred Warren, Tribute from Kate Richards O’Hare


Quote EVD re Death of Wayland, AtR p1, Nov 23, 1912—————

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday November 26, 1912
Girard, Kansas – Wayland’s Last Paragraph, “…no unkind words…”

From the Appeal to Reason of November 23, 1912:

JA Wayland Last Paragraph, AtR p1, Nov 23, 1912


Fred Warren re AtR after Death of Wayland, Atr p1, Nov 23, 1912


To a Good Soldier

[-by Kate Richards O’Hare]

J. A. Wayland, Leaves of Life p6, 17 of 289, 1912

We shed no tears of grief; grief is for the naked lives of those who have made the world no better.

We have no idle, vain, regrets; for who are we to judge, or say that he has shirked his task or left some work undone? No eyes can count the seed that he has sown, the thoughts that he has planted in a million souls now covered deep beneath the mold of ignorance which will not spring into life until the snows have heaped upon his gave and the sun of springtime comes to reawaken the sleeping world.

Sleep on our comrade; rest your weary mind and soul; sleep sweet and deep, and if in other realms the boon is granted that we may again take up our work, you will be with us and give us of your strength, your patience and your  loyalty to your fellow men. We bring no ostentatious tributes of our love; we spend not gold for flowers for your tomb, but with hearts that rejoice at your deliverance offer a comrade’s tribute to lie above your breast-the red flag of human brotherhood.

St Louis. Mo.

[Photograph and emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Wayland’s Last Paragraph, a Word from Fred Warren, Tribute from Kate Richards O’Hare”