Hellraisers Journal – Monday July 27, 1903
New York, New York – Mother Jones and Her Army Have Their March, Hold Meeting
From the New York Tribune of July 24, 1903
Hellraisers Journal – Monday July 27, 1903
New York, New York – Mother Jones and Her Army Have Their March, Hold Meeting
From the New York Tribune of July 24, 1903
Hellraisers Journal – Sunday July 26, 1903
Mother Jones and Her Army Will Parade in New York City, Permit or No
From the New York Tribune of July 23, 1903
-Socialist Declare Mother Jones Will Lead Parade in New York City:
Hellraisers Journal – Saturday July 25, 1903
Mother Jones and Her Army March from Paterson to Passaic and West Hoboken
From the New York Tribune of July 21, 1903
-Mother Jones and Her Army Reach Passaic:
From the New York Tribune of July 22, 1903
-Mother Jones and Her Army Reach West Hoboken:
Hellraisers Journal – Thursday July 24, 1913
Copper Country, Michigan – General Strike Begins, Led by W. F. of M.
From The Calumet News (Michigan) of July 23, 1913:
The first general strike in the history of the Lake Superior copper region. which has long been forecasted, become a realization today. Following a mass meeting of the miners, called by local officers of the Western Federation of Miners last evening, the strike was declared this morning, and underground operations have been suspended at practically every mine in the Lake Superior copper region.
Local officials of the Western Federation of Miners give the folowing as the principal demands of the strikers:
Recognition of the union.
Shorter hours.
Increased wages.
Two men to operate the one-man drilling machine.Three members of executive board of the Western Federation of Miners, Guy Miller, J. C. Lowney and Janco Tersich are here to direct the strike. They state the strike will be financed by the Western Federation of Miners and the American Federation of Labor, and that the men are prepared to hold out as long as necessary to gain the points for which they are contending.
Union officials claim the membership in the Western Federation of Miners is 9,000, out of a total of 11,000 men employed in underground work in the district.
Strike Is General.
The surface as well as the underground employes of some of the mines, laid down their tools this morning, declining to go to work, but this is the exception to the rule, for at most of the mines the surface work has not been interrupted so far. The strike, however, is general throughout the entire district, about the only mines now affected so far being the Hancock, Winona and Franklin. At the latter mine a few of the men remained away from work today, but operations continue as usual.
At the Mohawk. Ahmeek, Allouez and Centennial mines, underground was suspended, and at the Wolverine mine, surface as well as underground work came to a stop. No mining work was conducted at the Tamarack, Osceola or Kearsarge shafts today, and the same condition prevailed at Quincy, Isle Royale, Superior and other mines in the portage Lake territory. Work was started at two shafts, the No. 4 and 6 shafts the Isle Royale this morning as usual, but later was discontinued. The shut down at the Champion, Trimountain and Baltic Mines of the Copper Range Consolidated and the Houghton Copper company is complete, as well as all other mines except Winona, Hancock, and Franklin.
It is understood the mining companies will decline to recognize the Western Federation of Miners.
No Disturbances Reported.
The strike is being conducted in an orderly manner so far. Except for the air of suppressed excitement which prevails, it would be difficult to realize a strike is in progress in the district. At some of the shafts and mine buildings the men congregated and discussed the situation, but for the most part the men returned to their homes when they discovered the strike was on.
General Manager James MacNaughton of the C. & H. Mining company was asked for a statement today, but declined to be quoted at this time.
[Emphasis added.]
Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday July 23, 1913
Elizabeth Gurley Flynn on Trial at Paterson, New Jersey
From The Richmond Palladium (Indiana) of July 19, 1913:
Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday July 22, 1903
Mother Jones Warmly Welcomed at Socialist Picnic at Sulzer’s Westchester Park
From The New York Times of July 20, 1903:
She Is Warmly Welcomed by the Socialist
Democrats at Westchester Picnic.“Mother” Jones was the guest of honor yesterday [July 19th] at the annual picnic of the Socialist Democratic Party at Sulzer’s Westchester Park.
‘There were 4,000 persons present, and much disappointment in the afternoon when “Mother” Jones did not appear as she had promised. She arrived in the early evening, however, and was given a rousing welcome. Escorted by a committee to the platform in the pavilion, she had to wait some minutes before she could be heard.
[She said:]
I will be here with my children from the textile works Thursday evening, when I will address you at some length. I am too tired to do so now, and as you see, I am very hoarse.
There is one thing I must tell you, and that is, that I am going to complete the journey to Oyster Bay with my army to see the President. The newspapers say he will not see me. I am going there to find out if he is the President of the capitalists only, or whether be is the President of the workingmen too. If he is the President of the capitalists only, he will be wiped out at the next election.
At the conclusion of her remarks “Mother” Jones was escorted about the park. She was deeply interested in the tests of strength, particularly the work with the sledge hammer, and praised the workingmen for the power they showed in their play.
She was attracted by the neatly dressed children for whom many entertainments had been arranged, such as egg races and skipping the rope for prizes. She said she was glad they could play and had a chance to go to school. Watching the many drinking beer, she remarked that if they would save the drink money they would have more with which to win strikes.
The committee in charge promised “Mother” Jones that they would have Cooper Union engaged for her Thursday evening, or Madison Square Garden, if possible. They asserted that if they could get the big garden it would be overcrowded with the union workingmen and women of New York.
[Photograph and emphasis added.]
Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday July 21, 1903
Mother Jones and Her Army Reach Paterson; Mother Speaks at Socialist Picnic
From the New York Tribune of July 18, 1903:
From the New York Tribune of July 19, 1903:
From the New York Tribune of July 20, 1903:
Hellraisers Journal – Monday July 20, 1903
Mother Jones Leading Babes to New York in Crusade Against Child Labor
From the Duluth Labor World of July 18, 1903:
Wishes to Give the Country a Great Object Lesson
on the Manifold Evils of Child Labor.
———-PHILADELPHIA, Pa., July 16.—Many years ago a great crusade was started in Europe for the discovery of Jerusalem and the Savior’s tomb from the Infidels. A hermit rushed through the country calling upon all parents to allow their children to join the Holy crusade which would surely have the help of all the guardian angles in Heaven.
And so a great army of children of rich and poor was gathered together and set out upon a journey, the dangers of which had been sadly misjudged. They died by the way sides by thousands and gradually the great multitude appeared. Jerusalem was still held by the Infidels, while in the homes mothers mourned for their dear little ones who never returned.
“Mother” Jones’ Crusade.
“Mother” Jones believes it is time for another crusade of children. This one, however, is to be directed to storming the hearts of the people by showing them living examples of what child labor does for childhood. So she started for New York one day last week with 400 textile working men, women and children on strike for shorter hours and a wagon load of little girls to show the “sharks of Wall Street,” as she puts it, and the people generally the evils of child labor through these living examples of a child slavery system which seems so firmly fixed on the little ones of Pennsylvania.
On Wednesday morning [Tuesday July 7th] with the fife and drum preceding them, some carrying umbrellas, while others plodded along under the blazing sun, the procession started for New York City. It was a miserable looking lot of babes that strung out over several miles of dusty road.
At Cedar Hill Cemetery the first big defection took place. Nearly 100 footsore and tired men and women sat still when the order was given to resume the march. The girls in the wagon kept singing the entire time. The fife and drum corps played at intervals. Stragglers by twos and threes kept dropping out until Torresdale Park was in sight twelve miles from the starting point. Thus ended the first day’s march.
The fife and drum, especially when “Marching Through Georgia” was being played, cheered the children up a bit, and the arrival of the commissary wagons loaded with canned goods and bread was a welcome sight. “Mother” Jones will be a leader indeed if she succeeds in keeping a quarter of them together by the time she arrives in New York. An immense meeting of workers is planned to be held in Madison Square Garden when the children, reach there.
Plan Great Show.
Part of “Mother” Jones’ plan consists in the use of an assortment of costumes, glass diamonds, megaphones, phonographs and motto-inscribed banners. “Mr. Capital” is to be exhibited dressed in costly raiment. “Mrs. Mill Owner” is to sit beside him, wearing her jewels. Tableaux, charades, plays and dialogues are to be arranged, all bearing on the textile strike. Frequent stops will be made, exhibitions given, and donations asked for.
“Mother” Jones, as commander-in-chief, has full charge of the campaign. After at first opposing it the strike leaders became convinced that it was an excellent plan to stir up the workers and the general public of the United States to lend a hand in the fight for shorter hours. “Mother” Jones has therefore obtained their co-operation, though her power is somewhat restricted.
[Said Mother Jones:]
The sight of little children at work in mills when they ought to be at school or at play, arouses me. I found the conditions in Philadelphia deplorable, and I resolved to do what I could to shorten the hours of toil of the striking textile workers so has to gain more liberty for the children and women. I had a parade of children through, the city—the cradle of liberty—but the citizens were not moved to pity by the object lesson.
No Pity Here, She Says.
The curse of greed so pressed on their hearts that they could not pause to express their pity for future men and women who are being stunted mentally, morally and physically so that they cannot possibly become good citizens. I cannot believe that the public conscience is so callous that it will not respond. I am going out of Philadelphia to see if there are people with human blood in their veins.
When I think of the present and future I fear for my country. The criminal classes keep increasing. Large sums of money are being poured out for almshouses, or refuge, reformatories and schools for defectives, but they are only a drop in the bucket. The disease cannot be cured unless the cause is removed. Keen, unrestrained competition, rivalry for commercial supremacy and lust for wealth tramples on humanity and feels no remorse.
May Visit Roosevelt.
I am going picture capitalism and caricature the money-mad. I am going to show Wall street the flesh and blood from which it squeezes its wealth. I am going to show President Roosevelt the poor little things on which the boasted commercial greatness of our country is built. Not one single Philadelphia minister of Christ’s Gospel has so much as touched on the textile strike in this city. I shall endeavor to arouse sleeping Christians to a sense of their duty toward the poor little ones.
[Photograph and emphasis added.]
Hellraisers Journal – Sunday July 19, 1903
Elizabeth, New Jersey – Mother Jones and Her Army Treated to Great Hospitality
From The New York Times of July 17, 1903:
From The Cincinnati Post of July 17, 1903:
Hellraisers Journal – Saturday July 18, 1903
Mother Jones’ Army Marches from New Brunswick to Elizabeth, New Jersey
From the New York Tribune of July 15, 1903:
From the New York Tribune of July 16, 1903:
From The New York Times of July 16, 1903: