Hellraisers Journal: Labor World: Samuel Gompers on the Fight of West Virginia’s Miners Against Government by Gunthugs


Mingo Co Sprigg Local Sec E Jude re Gunthugs, UMWJ p14, Aug 15, 1920—————

Hellraisers Journal – Monday September 12, 1921
Gompers on Fight of West Virginia Miners Against Government by Gunthug

From the Duluth Labor World of September 10, 1921:

Gompers re WV Gunmen v Mine Workers, LW p1, Sept 10, 1921

WASHINGTON, D. C., Sept. 8.—Samuel Gompers, president of the American Federation of Labor, in a statement issued this week sets forth the fundamental facts in relation to the situation in West Virginia. He declares that in the mines there an unrestrained, unlimited greed absolutely dominates.

“The appetite of this private greed is upheld by a private army of killers the like of which exists in no other state,” says the labor chief. He shows how the state government has crumbled under the rule of the mining interests and declares the federal government must destroy the rule of gunmen by restoring civil government.

Information Lacking.

[Says Mr. Gompers in his statement:]

With the situation in West Virginia at a most critical juncture it is almost beyond belief that there has not been placed before the public complete and accurate information regarding the events leading up to the position taken by the President of the United States.

There are certain basic facts which must lie considered before there can be fair and proper judgment of the West Virginia situation. These facts have not been presented adequately and in most cases not at all.

The public press has been negligent and the federal government has been equally so in not presenting to the people the full underlying truth.

Prejudice Miners’ Case.

The great mass of news relating to West Virginia conveys the impression that lawless bands of miners are roving the state without reason except an unjustified bitterness against the mine owners. “Uneducated mountaineers,” they are called.

There are four basis facts which are consistently ignored and which it is the duty of government and press to present. These are:

1—The mines of West Virginia constitute the last refuge of autocracy in the mining industry. In these mines an unrestrained, unlimited greed dominates absolutely. Absentee owners hold immense tracts of rich mining land, demanding only dividends.

Private Army of Killers.

2—T’he appetite of this private greed is upheld by a private army of killers the like of which no longer exists in any other state. This private army is paid by the mine owners and naturally seeks to justify its presence by making “business” for itself in the form of trouble. The Baldwin-Felts detective agency recruits this army, but the mine owners pay the bill. Deputy sheriffs, paid by mine owners, form another wing of the private army, equally dangerous.

A Direct Protest.

3—The present strike is a direct protest against the action of the mine owners of West Virginia in refusing to abide by the award of the United States coal commission. If the United States government at this time de­fends the mine owners and does not destroy the private armies of the mine owners the government is in the position of sustaining a defiance of an order issued by its own authority.

4—The state government of West Virginia has broken down, not because the miners have protested against lawlessness, but because it has failed to stop the mine owners from enforcing law as a private business at the hands of privately paid and privately directed gunmen.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Labor World: Samuel Gompers on the Fight of West Virginia’s Miners Against Government by Gunthugs”

Hellraisers Journal: Forty Warrants Issued For Rebel Miners’ Army in West Virginia; Illinois Miners Returning Home in Rain


Quote Fred Mooney, Mingo Co Gunthugs, UMWJ p15, Dec 1, 1920—————

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday September 11, 1921
Forty Warrants Issued For West Virginia Miners’ Army

From the Baltimore Sun of September 9, 1921:

Special Grand Jury Next Week To Hear Evidence
Of Recent Disorders.

Military Authorities Indicate They Anticipate
No More Marches Into Mingo.

re March of IL Miners, Returning Home, Blt Sun p2, Sept 9, 1921

Charleston, W. Va., Sept. 8.-The first step toward the prosecution of those alleged to be responsible for disturbances along the Boone-Logan county border was taken today when 40 warrants were issued at Logan at the instance of County Prosecutor John Chafin, it was, announced today at Governor Morgan’s office. It was stated further that a special grand jury would be called there next week before which witnesses, already summoned, are expected to appear.

It was not known at the Governor’s office for whom the warrants were issued, according to the announcement.

Part of the Federal forces sent into West Virginia last week today were withdrawn. The Twenty-sixth Infantry returned to Camp Dix, New Jersey; the Eighty-eight Aero Squadron, with the exception of two airships and crews, left for Langley Field, Virginia, and the Chemical Warfare Service Section for Edgewood Arsenal, New Jersey.

No official statement was made concerning further withdrawals of troops, but it was learned that, should the Nineteenth Infantry be sent back to its home station, the Fortieth Regiment, Col. E. A. Shuttlesworth commanding, now on duty in Logan county, would be distributed throughout the district affected by the gathering of miners and others during the latter part of August.

The military authorities today indicated they anticipated no further attempts at marches into Mingo county on the part of protestants against State martial law in force there.


Federal Agents Investigating.

Washington, Sept. 8.-Any action by the Federal Government to fix the responsibility for the recent mine disorders in the West Virginia coal fields will depend on the results of investigations now being made, it was said today at the Department of Justice.

Federal agents are at work, it was said, but no reports from them have yet reached the department. 


[Emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Forty Warrants Issued For Rebel Miners’ Army in West Virginia; Illinois Miners Returning Home in Rain”

Hellraisers Journal: From The West Virginian: “Fighting Miners Have Gone Home; Quiet Prevails” -Guns Turned In


Quote Fred Mooney, Mingo Co Gunthugs, UMWJ p15, Dec 1, 1920—————

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday September 6, 1921
Fighting West Virginia Miners Have Gone Home; Quiet Prevails

From The West Virginian of September 5, 1921:

Battle of Blair Mountain, HdLn Quiet, Wvgn p1, Sept 5, 1921Battle of Blair Mountain, Keeney, Mooney, Petry of District 17 UMWA, Wvgn p1, Sept 5, 1921

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From The West Virginian: “Fighting Miners Have Gone Home; Quiet Prevails” -Guns Turned In”

Hellraisers Journal: News from Battle of Blair Mountain: 400 Miners Surrender to U.S. Troops; Reporter Shot, Sticks on Job


Quote Fred Mooney, Mingo Co Gunthugs, UMWJ p15, Dec 1, 1920—————

Hellraisers Journal – Monday September 5, 1921
West Virginia’s Mine War Wanes as Miners Surrender to U.S. Troops

From the New York Tribune of September 4, 1921:

Battle of Blair Mountain, 400 Miners Surrender, Boyden Sparkes Article, NY Tb p1, Sept 4, 1921

Battle of Blair Mountain, Boyden Sparkes Shot Twice, NY Tb p1, Sept 4, 1921

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: News from Battle of Blair Mountain: 400 Miners Surrender to U.S. Troops; Reporter Shot, Sticks on Job”

Hellraisers Journal: Fight Resumes on the Tug; Regulars Push Up to Scene of Battle on Spruce Fork Ridge at Blair Mountain


Quote Fred Mooney, Mingo Co Gunthugs, UMWJ p15, Dec 1, 1920—————

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday September 4, 1921
West Virginia – Regulars Pushing Up to Scene of Battle at Blair Mountain

From The West Virginian of September 3, 1921:

Battle of Blair Mountain, HdLn Fight on Tug, Spruce Fork Ridge Quiet, WVgn p1, Sept 3, 1921

Battle of Blair Mountain, Regulars on Way to Scene, WVgn p1, Sept 3, 1921

Battle of Blair Mountain, Fight on Tug KY Border, WVgn p1, Sept 3, 1921

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Fight Resumes on the Tug; Regulars Push Up to Scene of Battle on Spruce Fork Ridge at Blair Mountain”

Hellraisers Journal: Fighting Continues at Blair Mountain; Nurses Accompany Redneck Miners’ Army, Troops on Move


Quote Fred Mooney, Mingo Co Gunthugs, UMWJ p15, Dec 1, 1920—————

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday September 3, 1921
Fighting Continues at Blair Mountain, West Virginia

From The West Virginian of September 2, 1921:

Battle of Blair Mountain, HdLn, WVgn p1, Sept 2, 1921—–

Battle of Blair Mountain, Nurses, WVgn p1, Sept 2, 1921
Nurses Accompany Redneck Miners’ Army


Battle of Blair Mountain, Fighting Today, Troops Coming, WVgn p1, Sept 2, 1921—–

Battle of Blair Mountain, Miners at Madison Keeney Speaks, WVgn p1, Sept 2, 1921

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Fighting Continues at Blair Mountain; Nurses Accompany Redneck Miners’ Army, Troops on Move”

Hellraisers Journal: Armed West Virginia Miners Seize Trains, Advance on Logan by Way of Jeffrey, Sharples and Blair


Quote Fred Mooney, Mingo Co Gunthugs, UMWJ p15, Dec 1, 1920—————-

Hellraisers Journal – Friday September 2, 1921
Armed West Virginia Miners Advance Through Logan County

From The West Virginian of September 1, 1921:

Battle of Blair Mt HdLn, WVgn p1, Sept 1, 1921Battle of Blair Mt, WVgn p1, Sept 1, 1921

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Armed West Virginia Miners Seize Trains, Advance on Logan by Way of Jeffrey, Sharples and Blair”

Hellraisers Journal: Redneck Miners’ Army Confronts Sheriff Chafin’s Deputized Gunthugs at Blair Mountain


Quote Fred Mooney, Mingo Co Gunthugs, UMWJ p15, Dec 1, 1920—————

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday September 1, 1921
Blair Mountain, West Virginia – Miners’ Army Battles Chafin’s Gunthugs

From The West Virginian of August 31, 1921:

Battle of Blair Mt HdLn, WVgn p1, Aug 31, 1921Battle of Blair Mt HdLn, WVgn p1, Aug 31, 1921


Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Redneck Miners’ Army Confronts Sheriff Chafin’s Deputized Gunthugs at Blair Mountain”

Hellraisers Journal: Miners Gather Again for March on Mingo by Way of Logan; Cabin Creek Miners Arrive at the Front


Quote Fred Mooney, Mingo Co Gunthugs, UMWJ p15, Dec 1, 1920—————

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday August 31, 1921
West Virginia Miners Gather Once Again to March to Mingo

From The West Virginian of August 30, 1921:

Battle of Blair Mt, WVgn p1, Aug 30, 1921

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Miners Gather Again for March on Mingo by Way of Logan; Cabin Creek Miners Arrive at the Front”

Hellraisers Journal: Miners Shot Down in Battle at Sharples, W. Va., as Force Led by Captain J. R. Brockus Invades Town


Miners March Aug 28, 1921 WNF Sharples Greer Morrison, Savage p105—————

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday August 30, 1921
Staples, West Virginia – Miners Die Fighting in Battle with Brockus

From the Baltimore Sun of August 29, 1921:

West Virginia Troops Fired On When
They Order Band To Surrender.

1,500 To 2,000 Armed Men Reported
Gathered At Blair, Logan Co.

State Police Headquarters, Ethel, W. Va., Aug. 28.-Five men fell in an encounter early this morning between an armed band and State troopers on Beach Creek [which runs into Spruce Fork near Sharples, about 6 miles north of Blair], Logan county, near the Boone-Logan county line, Capt. J. R. Brockus, commanding, State police and deputy sheriffs, reported this afternoon. There was much shooting on either side, he said. Whether all the men who fell were killed, Captain Brockus was unable to state.

Miners March Map Marmet to Mingo, NY Dly Ns p8, Aug 27, 1921


He added that after his men had seen those who had fallen picked up and carried away by their companions the State troopers and deputies retired because some of their number were in civilian clothes and it was difficult to distinguish them in the darkness from the men comprising the armed band.

The clash was at close range, according to Captain Brockus’ report, the men firing at each other where but eight to ten feet apart.

Prior to the fight, Captain Brockus said, 11 prisoners had been taken by the patrolling party which set out from Logan yesterday, ostensibly toward Blair and Sharples. Four of the prisoners escaped during the engagement, it was said, and one of them is believed to have been killed.

Captain Brockus was at the head of the advance guard of troopers and deputies. It was this detachment, comprising 12 men that engaged the armed band. The patrol, while proceeding toward Sharples, Captain Brockus reported, ran across five men on foot. All were armed with rifles and one had a shotgun, he said. 


“We called upon these men to disarm, which they did,” the Captain continued.

“We placed them under arrest and proceeded down the road. Further on we met two automobiles and placed six additional armed men under arrest.

“With the 11 prisoners we marched on toward Sharples and came upon another squad of five armed men. Some one called to us that we would not be allowed to pass. We called upon them to surrender their arms, but received in reply a volley of shots.

“Our men returned the fire and in the fight five men fell to the ground. We waited until we saw that they were picked up and carried away, and then decided to discontinue the advance for the present. It was very dark and some of our deputies were in civilian clothes, hampering our distinguishing them.”…..


[Emphasis added, map added from New York Daily News of Aug. 27th.]

Note: this is the same Captain Brockus who perpetrated the raid on Lick Creek Tent Colony in Mingo County in which Striking Miner Alex Breedlove was shot and killed with his hands in the air and a prayer on his lips.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Miners Shot Down in Battle at Sharples, W. Va., as Force Led by Captain J. R. Brockus Invades Town”