Hellraisers Journal: From The Wheeling Majority: Fannie Sellins Speaks at Belmont, Tells of Garment Workers Strike in St. Louis


Quote Anne Feeney, Fannie Sellins Song, antiwarsongs org—————

Hellraisers Journal – Friday April 11, 1913
Belmont, Ohio – Fannie Sellins Speaks  on Behalf of St. Louis Garment Strikers

From The Wheeling Majority of April 10, 1913:

Fannie Sellins Tells Of Strike

Fannie Sellins, Tacoma Times p5, Oct 16, 19122

Fannie Sellins, representing the United Garment Workers, appeared before the Belmont Trades and Labor Assembly Sunday and delivered a most interesting talk on labor conditions in general and the St. Louis strike situation in particular. There the Garment Workers are on strike, and these workers, mostly women and girls, are fighting valiantly for the right to organize and have some little voice in the conditions under which they work. Her talk was given the closest attention by the delegates, and the intention of all present is to report the matter back to their locals and have them all hustle to help the Garment Workers of St. Louis. The Assembly broke its iron clad rule, and made a cash donation to help the strikers.

Miss Sellins is a most capable representative and is a hustler for her fellow workers every minute of the day. She is visiting labor unions every night and will be in this section for two weeks at least if the St. Louis strike continues that long. She is a Socialist candidate for school board in the St. Louis municipal election now pending. 

[Photograph and emphasis added.]

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Hellraisers Journal: Harold E. West on Mother Jones and the Civil War in the Coalfields of Kanawha County, W. V.


Quote Harold West re Mother Jones, Safely in Jail, Survey p50, Apr 5, 1913—————

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday April 10, 1913
Mother Jones and the Civil War in the Kanawha County Coalfields

From The Survey of April 5, 1913:

Mother Jones

[-by Harold West]

Mother Jones in Rocker, Survey p41, Apr 5, 1913

The developments of the winter have been under the regime of a third governor, who came to the state house at  season when part of the commonwealth was under martial law. In March came the trials of a number of the strikers their sympathizers-approximately fifty-by a military court on charges of inciting to riot, conspiracy to murder and conspiracy to destroy property. Among those in prison is Mother Jones, the “Stormy Petrel of Labor” who is always present in big labor disturbances, especially those of the miners and the railroad men. She has given the best part of her life to the cause of laboring men and they adore he.

This old woman, more than 80 years of age, was in the mines when I went there and I got to know her well. She passed the word along to the men that I was “all right” and reticent as they are to strangers, they told me their side of the case without reservation.

I have been with Mother Jones when she was compelled “to walk the creek,” having been forbidden to go upon the footpaths that happened to be upon the property of the companies and denied even the privilege of walking along the railroad track although hundreds of miners and others were walking on it at the time. She was compelled to keep to the county road although it was in the bed of the creek and the water was over her ankles. I protested to the chief of the guards saying that no matter what her attitude might be, no matter how much she might be hated, that she was an old woman and common humanity would dictate that she be not ill treated. I was told that she was an old “she-devil” and that she would receive no “courtesies” there, that she was responsible for all the trouble that had occurred and that she would receive no consideration from the companies.

I was with her when she was denied “the privilege” of going up the footway to the house of one of the miners in order to get a cup of tea. It was then afternoon, she had walked several miles and was faint, having had nothing to eat since an early breakfast. But that did not shut her mouth. She made the speech she had arranged to make to the men who had gathered to hear her although they had to line up on each side of the roadway to avoid “obstructing the highway,” a highway that was almost impassable to wheeled vehicle and which there was no travel. And in that speech she counseled moderation, told the men to keep strictly within the law and to protect the company’s property instead of doing anything to injure it.

I had several long talks with her. When she speaks to the miners she talks in their own vernacular and occasionally swears. She was a normal school teacher in her early days, and in her talks with me in the home of one of her friends in the “free town” of Eskdale, she used the language of the cultured woman. And this is the old woman whom nearly all the operators in the non-union fields fear, and whose coming among their workers they dread more than the coming of a pestilence. They now have her safely in jail.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Harold E. West on Mother Jones and the Civil War in the Coalfields of Kanawha County, W. V.”

Hellraisers Journal: From The Survey: “Civil War in the West Virginia Coal Mines” by Harold E. West of Baltimore Sun


Quote Ralph Chaplin, WV Miners Longing for the Spring, Leaves, Paint Creek Miner, ISR p736, Apr 1913—————

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday April 9, 1913
“Civil War in the West Virginia Coal Mines” by Harold E. West

From The Survey of April 5, 1913:

War in WV by Harold West, Survey p37, Apr 5, 1913

FOR nearly a year a state of turmoil amounting in practical effects to a civil war has existed in the coal fields of West Virginia. The situation centers in the Kanawha Valley, hardly more than twenty miles from Charleston, the capital of the state.

The military power of the state has been used with only temporary effect; martial law has been declared and continues in force; the governor of the state has been defied and denounced from the state house steps and within his hearing; men and women have been thrown into prison and are still there for espousing the cause of the miners, and the grim hillsides of the canons in which the mines are situated are dotted with the graves of men who have been arrayed against one another in this conflict between capital and labor…..

WV Confiscated Arms, Survey p39, Apr 5, 1913

[U. S. Secretary of Labor William B.] Wilson charged that a condition of peonage existed in the mines and that men were held there by force and compelled to work against their will. The coal operators denied this vehemently, at the same time fighting bitterly a federal inquiry. Evidence I was able to gather on a trip of investigation to the mines convinced me that a form of peonage does, or did exist; that the miners were oppressed; that the rights guaranteed under the constitution were denied them; that the protection of the law of the state was withheld from them and the law openly defied and ignored by the coal operators……

WV Cabin Creek Woman w Rifle bf Her Tent, Survey p40, Apr 5, 1913

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From The Survey: “Civil War in the West Virginia Coal Mines” by Harold E. West of Baltimore Sun”

Hellraisers Journal: “As He swung his axe in the forest back of Nazareth, He watched the Roman troops despoil the homes of His Fellow Workers”-by Malcolm Fraser


Mother Jones Quote, Star of Bethlehem, Charleston WV, Aug 15, 1912—————

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday April 8, 1913
“The Carpenter of Nazareth” by  Malcolm Fraser
-to Illustrate “The Immorality of Being Rich” by Bouck White

From The Coming Nation of April 5, 1913:

Jesus of Nazareth v The Rich, Cmg Ntn Cv, Apr 5, 1913

The Carpenter of Nazareth by  Malcolm Fraser

As He swung his axe in the forest back of Nazareth, He watched the Roman troops despoil the homes of His Fellow Workers. To illustrate “The Immorality of Being Rich” by Bouck White, page 5.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: “As He swung his axe in the forest back of Nazareth, He watched the Roman troops despoil the homes of His Fellow Workers”-by Malcolm Fraser”

Hellraisers Journal: The Literary Digest: The Constitution and the Labor War in Kanawha County, West Virginia


If they want to stop my protest against unjust conditions
Let them stand me up against a wall and shoot me.
-Mother Jones, The Literary Digest
April 5, 1913

Hellraisers Journal – Monday April 7, 1913
Constitutional Rights and the Labor War in Kanawha County, West Virginia

From The Literary Digest of April 5, 1913:


Mother Jones w WV Strikers Child, Lt Dg p756, Apr 5, 1913

ALTHO the prolonged and warlike miners’ strike in West Virginia seems to the press to be rapidly approaching a settlement, it promises to leave behind it a vital constitutional question which will not be answered until the United States Supreme Court has spoken. This question is: Can the civil law be suspended in time of peace, and trial by jury for civilians be superseded by a drumhead court martial? In the Paint Creek and Cabin Creek districts of Kanawha County, the scene of the rioting and bloodshed described in our issue for February 22, a state of martial law exists and justice is administered by a military commission. Among the many prisoners who have come before this commission are five labor leaders-“Mother” Jones, C. H. Boswell, John W. Brown, Charles Batley, and Paul J. Paulsenwho, after demanding in vain a trial by jury, have challenged its jurisdiction by refusing to put up any defense against the charge of murder conspiracy, thereby hoping to enable their lawyers to carry the case by appeal to the nation’s highest tribunal…..

Arms n Ammo Taken fr WV Strikers, Lt Dg p757, Apr 5, 1913

WV Gov Hatfield, Lt Dg p757, Apr 5, 1913

Altho Governor Hatfield has not seen his way clear to lift the edict of martial law imposed by his predecessor, his personal investigation of conditions and his blending of firmness with clemency are believed to have been large factors in bringing the difficulty as far along the road to settlement as it has come. Thus he has released, on promise to keep the peace, the majority of the miners held for trial by the military commission, and since his intervention the operators of the Paint Creek district have made concessions which bring between 3,000 and 4,000 miners back to work. This leaves about 7,000 miners of the Cabin Creek district still on strike. In the Paint Creek region, according to Mr. John P. White, international president of United Mine Workers, the demands of the men have in the main been granted. Among the points gained, we learn from the dispatches, are: the right to organize; payment twice a month; and the employment of check weighmen. The character of these concessions, remarks the Springfield Republican, “shows that the coal companies in the West Virginia fields have been backward in the treatment of their employees compared with the Pennsylvania coal companies.”……

[Emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: The Literary Digest: The Constitution and the Labor War in Kanawha County, West Virginia”

Hellraisers Journal: From The Wheeling Majority: The Rights of West Virginians Must Be Restored Peacefully Or…..!


Quote WB Hilton re Mother Jones Courage, ed Wlg Maj p10, Mar 6, 1913—————

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday April 6, 1913
Kanawha County, West Virginia – Rights of West Virginians Must Be Restored

From The Wheeling Majority of April 3, 1913:

Article WV Restore Rights, Wlg Maj p1, Apr 3, 1913Article WV Restore Rights Part 2, Wlg Maj p1, Apr 3, 1913WV Troops v Strikers Families, Wlg Maj p1, Apr 3, 1913Cartoon Save WV Miners, Wlg Maj p1, Apr 3, 1913

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Hellraisers Journal: From the Appeal to Reason: Anthracite Coal Strike Commission Renders Its Verdict; UMWA Not Recognized


Labor walked into the House of Victory
through the back door.
-Mother Jones

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday April 5, 1903
Union Recognition Not Granted by Anthracite Coal Strike Commission

From the Appeal to Reason of April 4, 1903:

Drwg Anthracite Coal Comm, Denison Rv IA p3, Oct 21, 1902

The strike commission has at last rendered its verdict in the matter of the anthracite  miners strike. The miners are to receive a 10% increase-they had demanded 20%-the hours are to be reduced to nine instead of eight, as demanded-but only for those who are paid by the day or week. The capitalist press makes a great adoo about the $3,000,000 which are to be paid to the miners. There were about 150,000 of them, so that each man gets about $20. The increase of wages per man per year will be about $40. On the other hand, the union has not been recognized, the coal is not to be paid by weight, and an arbitration court is to be nominated, consisting of three miners and three operators. If this arbitration court cannot agree, a special arbitrator is to be nominated by a federal judge. In other words, the capitalists have gotten the best of the miners, as usual.

[Photograph and emphasis added.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the Appeal to Reason: Anthracite Coal Strike Commission Renders Its Verdict; UMWA Not Recognized”

Hellraisers Journal: From the International Socialist Review: Editorial on the Report of the Anthracite Coal Strike Commission


Quote Clarence Darrow re Tears of RR Pres for Breaker Boys, Chg Tb p2, Feb 13, 1903—————

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday April 4, 1903
Editorial by Algie M. Simons: “The United Mine Workers’ Victory”

From the International Socialist Review of April 1903:

The United Mine Workers’ Victory.

Anthracite Coal Commission, Deseret Eve Ns p1, Oct 27, 1902

At last the long delay and deliberation are over and the arbitration committee has brought forth its report, and the capitalist press unanimously hail it as a victory for the miners.

The main point on which this cry for victory is based is in the 10 per cent rise, in the reduction to eight hours for a few favored laborers, the right to have check weighmen and a few similar articles. That this is a gain no one will deny, that it is in many senses of the word a victory is also true, but the further conclusion which practically every one of these papers draw, that the victory was attained through the methods of arbitration, we are unable to see.

Some months ago when the arbitration committee was first elected we pointed out that the miners would receive just what the proletariat has always received in a contest with its masters,—what it was able to take. There is, at least, some doubt if in this case the United Miners have not received even less than they could have taken had the fight gone on. We now know that there was nearly a million dollars still remaining in their treasury with funds pouring in from all over the world. We now know that a few weeks more of the strike would have brought on a coal famine that would have paralyzed the industries of this country. The great capitalists probably knew this at the time the arbitration committee was appointed. They must have known something of the probable effect of such a coal famine on the permanency of exploiting institutions. It is pretty safe to say that in view of this knowledge they would have been willing to have conceded the full demands originally made by the strikers rather than to have permitted the strike to have gone on to much greater length.

Every day that passed during the closing weeks of the struggle gathered new converts for the miners’ cause. At the same time the Socialists were using the material which was developing from day to day with tremendous force as an indictment against the entire system of capitalism. Under these conditions it is at least questionable whether Mitchell showed good tactics, considered from a trade union point of view, in accepting a Committee of Arbitration whose membership was so decidedly capitalistic. While considering what they have granted to the miners, the question comes up, could they have given much less and had any surety that another strike would not at once follow? It seems hard to believe that men living in the conditions that it has been shown the miners of Pennsylvania were living, and who had just been able to show such marvelous solidarity and organized resistance, would have remained quiet had they received much of anything less than what the Commission awarded them.

On the other hand, it must be at once admitted that the investigation of the Commission has not been without its value. Its proceedings when published will throw a flood of light upon industrial conditions in one of the greatest of American industries. This information will be of the greatest value in every battle which is waged against exploitation.

It is certain that the Pennsylvania Socialists who have shown such remarkable growth during and since the strike will derive new ammunition from this report for future battles. But neither of these things offers any argument in support of the arbitration of industrial disputes.


Just how sincere the capitalist press have been in declaring the decision to be a great victory for the strikers is seen by an extract from a private telegram which has come into our hands, which was sent out by a well known firm of Wall street brokers to their customers. After giving the terms of the Commission report they say of the demands: “All of these, particularly five, six, eight and nine, are absolutely in favor of operators. The first and second clauses were offered by Mr. Baer three months ago. This looks like favorable news for PENNSYLVANIA, ERIE FIRST and D. & H.

The “five, six, eight and nine,” which they favor, are the clauses concerning check weighmen, directing the payment by operators directly to mine laborers, condemnation of boycott and of blacklist. So much for the present. When we come to consider the future we are confronted with the proposition stated above that the contending parties will get exactly what they are able to take. There is no power outside of either of the parties to enforce the decisions of the Commission. In so far as governmental power will be called into use it is upon the side of the operators. There will undoubtedly be another fight before this recognition is granted.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the International Socialist Review: Editorial on the Report of the Anthracite Coal Strike Commission”

Hellraisers Journal: From the International Socialist Review: Ralph Chaplin on Military Violence Against Striking Miners, Part III


Quote Ralph Chaplin, WV Miners Longing for the Spring, Leaves, Paint Creek Miner, ISR p736, Apr 1913—————

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday April 3, 1913
Ralph Chaplin Travels with Comrade Rumbaugh to West Virginia Strike Zone

From the International Socialist Review of April 1913:

WV Paint Creek Strike by Ralph Chaplin, ISR p729, Apr 1913

[Part III of III.]

When the Leaves Come Out by Ralph Chaplin, ISR p736, Apr 1913

A brief account of a trip made by Comrade Rumbaugh, of Hurricane, W. Va., and myself to the danger zone, might be of interest to readers of the REVIEW. We rode into Charleston “on the front end” and found that city to have the appearance of a place preparing for a siege. Martial law had been declared but a short time previously and the streets were full of soldiers. Yellow-legged sentries were stationed in front of the state house and the governor’s residence. It was rumored that machine guns were mounted in the upper windows of the former building, commanding both entrances to the capitol grounds.

A sentry was also stationed in front of the office of the Labor Argus to guard Comrade W. H. Thompson, who is editing that paper while Comrade Boswell is being “detained” in the bull pen. Comrade Thompson is an ex-Kanawha county coal miner and is unblushingly ”red.” He is the editor of the Huntington Socialist and Labor Star and he has put up as staunch a fight for the cause of the miners as any man in the state. At the city jail we witnessed the interesting spectacle of a bunch of “tin horns” bringing a prisoner from the military district to the city lockup. As the great iron gates swung open to receive them, the spectators commenced hissing the soldiers, calling them “scab herders” and other expressive names. Some of the “yellow legs” glared at these people brazenly but, may they be given due credit, others of the soldiers hung their heads with shame, as if such condemnation from members of their own class was more deadly to them than bullets.

From Charleston we took the labor train that was to carry us into the martial law zone. At Cabin Creek we were almost arrested with a bunch of miners in the car who were poking fun at the grave and ludicrous antics cut by some of the would-be man-killers in khaki. At the Paint Creek junction we remained for several hours, ostensibly to visit some soldier boys of our acquaintance, but in reality to secure information and photographs for the REVIEW and the Labor Star. Comrade Rumbaugh was afterwards arrested and relieved of his camera for attempting to take photographs to illustrate this article. We spoke with dozens of the soldiers, and one of them, an ex-mine guard, admitted that the guards use dum-dum bullets against the miners. He told of two miners who had been killed with these proscribed missiles, one man who had the top of his head completely shot off and another who received a death wound in the breast large enough to “stick your fist into.”

The freight house at Paint Creek has been converted into a bull pen, and over fifty men are now incarcerated there, only three of whom are not native West Virginains. The interior of this place would make a Siberian prison pen look like a haven of refuge. The sleeping accommodations are inadequate, ventilation poor and the floors filthy beyond description. Even with two or three men sleeping in the coal-bin there is no room for the others. The only papers the prisoners are permitted to read are the reactionary local rags and the National Socialist. Mother Jones, Charles Boswell and John Brown have somewhat better quarters elsewhere in town. A sentinel is constantly measuring his paces before the door of each. Dear old Mother Jones in the bull-pen and guarded by armed mercenaries of the Mine Owners! The very thought of it makes blood boil, here in West Virginia.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the International Socialist Review: Ralph Chaplin on Military Violence Against Striking Miners, Part III”

Hellraisers Journal: From the International Socialist Review: Ralph Chaplin on Military Violence Against Striking Miners, Part II


Quote Ralph Chaplin, WV Miners Longing for the Spring, Leaves, Paint Creek Miner, ISR p736, Apr 1913—————

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday April 2, 1913
Ralph Chaplin on the Attack by the Bull Moose Special Upon Strikers’ Colony

From the International Socialist Review of April 1913:

WV Paint Creek Strike by Ralph Chaplin, ISR p729, Apr 1913

[Part II of III.]

The operators, realizing that violence has always been their big trump, thought they would have everything their own sweet way when trouble started. Everything was in their favor-armed guards and regiments of militiamen-so why should they not feel confident? But it is evident that the miners have fooled them. The miner knew the hills better than the blood-hounds that were sent to track them down. After a few months of it, the odds are just about even, and the fight is not half over. Soldiers in the strike zone are becoming uneasy and are using the slightest excuse to make a getaway. Many of the guards have deserted their posts of duty in a panic. One hundred and fifty of them have paid for treason to their class with their lives! They are in mortal fear of the time when the bleak hillsides will be covered with greenery-when “the leaves come out!

The miners have been hounded into the using of violence. Just an instance in which the above-mentioned armored train figures conspicuously: This train is called, for some reason or other, the Bull Moose Special. Needless to state, it is thoroughly hated by the miners. The engineer and fireman and others of the train crew are reported to be extremely proud of the union cards they carry. This hellish contraption was a lovely plaything to put into the hands of the cut-throat, coyote-hearted guards and, like children with a new pop-gun, they were simply aching for an opportunity to use it against the strikers. The opportunity soon presented itself. Just how it came about nobody seems to know. The guards claim that some of the miners had fired into an ambulance carrying wounded mine-guards to the hospital. The strikers claim that the train was first used to avenge the death of a couple of guards who had been held to account for insulting some of the girls in the tent village. I, myself, have spoken with miners who claim to have been eye-witnesses to the insulting of these girls.

Mine guards are noted for their inhuman and brutal treatment of the women of the miners. Their authoritative positions often gave them advantages over the helpless women, especially in the absence of the men, and the full record of their unrestrained animal viciousness will never be written. Between the miners and the guards there is an open war to the knife. More than once these Kanawha cossacks have evicted mothers, in the pangs of childbirth, from company houses, and children have been born in the tents of the strikers while the murderous bullets of the guards were whistling and zipping through the canvas. At all events these cut-throats of the coal operators had the long wished for chance to use the Bull Moose special. They would have their revenge.

So in the dead of night, and with all lights extinguished, the Death Train drew up over the sleeping tent village at Holly Grove and opened fire with machine gun and rifle. Miners’ huts were torn to splinters and tents were riddled with bullets. One woman had both legs broken by the murderous rain of lead; and a miner, holding an infant child in his arms and running from his tent to the shelter of a dugout, fell, seriously wounded. The baby was, by some miracle, unhurt, but three bullet holes had tattered the edge of its tiny dress. Men, women and children ran hastily through the dark night seeking the cold security of the woods. The miners, as could be expected, were desperate enough to do most anything and returned the fire as best they could. Bonner Hill, sheriff of Kanawha county, who was only elected by a small and suspicious majority over Tincher the Socialist, candidate, was on the train, and it is claimed by the train crew that it was he who gave the order to fire the first murderous volley.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the International Socialist Review: Ralph Chaplin on Military Violence Against Striking Miners, Part II”