Hellraisers Journal: Coal Barons Rule West Virginia; Mother Jones, Socialist Editor and 150 Miners to Be Tried by Military Court


Quote WB Hilton re Mother Jones Courage, ed Wlg Maj p10, Mar 6, 1913—————

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday March 8, 1913
Charleston, West Virginia – Coal Barons Own State Government, Rule Over Miners

From the Chicago Day Book of March 7, 1913:


WV Militia v Miners n Mother Jones, Missoulian p6, Feb 21, 1913

Little West Virginia is having big troubles. She deserves most of them.

For years, her politics have been, a cesspool of corruption, her contributions to the U. S. senate, for instance, being silly, caricatures upon the word “statesmen” and their selections being brazen travesties upon the term “self-government.”

The other day, a legislator, a minister, got up in the assembly and announced that his pockets had been stuffed with money to induce him to vote for a certain man for U. S. senator. The arrests of four representatives and one state senator followed. Last Thursday it took an entire police department to put down a riot in the capitol at Charleston. Rotten politics begets rotten conditions, and West Virginia has earned what she has got.

West Virginia has permitted her “coal barons” to treat their workmen like dogs. There has been bloody, warfare in the Holly Grove district. Six companies of militia are there, the third invasion of troops in less than a year. The governor is averaging three proclamations of martial law per week. “Mother Jones,” the well known friend of the miners, an editor and two labor union officials have been jailed as “accessories before the fact” in the death of a man killed in one of the riots. The Ettor case over again, you see.

The military court has 150 cases against strikers to pass upon. And the governor is compelled to borrow the money to promulgate his declarations of martial law. Such are West Virginia’s industrial, or economic troubles. She has earned them by foul liason with the vilest gang of monopolists that ever debased a community and looted her resources.

But maybe there’s hope for even West Virginia. Some of her citizens are being shot or arrested, and some of her editors are going to jail in behalf of the right of free speech, Such things seem to be the beginnings of reforms now-a-days.

[Photograph and emphasis added.]

From The Daily Missoulian of February 21, 1913:

WV Militia v Miners n Mother Jones, Missoulian p6, Feb 21, 1913



Quote WB Hilton re Mother Jones Courage, ed Wlg Maj p10, Mar 6, 1913

The Day Book
(Chicago, Illinois)
-Mar 7, 1913

The Daily Missoulian
(Missoula, Montana)
-Feb 21, 1913

See also:

Tag: West Virginia Court Martial of Mother Jones + 48 of 1913

Tag: Paint Creek-Cabin Creek Strike of 1912-1913
