You ought to be out raising hell.
This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones
Thursday July 20, 1916
Duluth, Minnesota – Haywood Seeks Strike Funds
From The Duluth News Tribune of July 19, 1916:
I. W. W. Will Attempt to Influence Dock Workers,
Says Chicago Agitator.
Will Arrest Workers, He Says.
McGuckin Removed as
Local Secretary.
A second attempt of the I. W. W. to foment a walkout of Duluth dock workers in sympathy with striking range miners was announced yesterday when Edward Caldwell arrived from Chicago to supplant H. E. McGuckin as secretary of the Duluth local of the organization.
Commissioner of safety Silberstein said last night renewal of I. W. W. efforts to get dock workers to strike would be met with the arrest of the agitators.
McGuckin to Range.McGuckin’s removal as secretary and Caldwell’s appointment, he stated, were mede by William D. Haywood, general secretary-treasurer of the organization, to further concentrate the organizing of dock workers and miners. McGuckin probably will be sent into the strike zone, Caldwell added.
Caldwell later confirmed the rumor that the change in the local organization meant a renewal of the endeavor to incite dock workers to strike.
“Work among the dock workers will begin immediately,” said Caldwell. “We expect to be successful this time.”
An I. W. W. meeting held at Sixth avenue west and Michigan street last night marked the extension of the organization’s local efforts to raise funds for the continuation of the range strike.
Raise Twenty Dollars.J. S. Randolph, an I. W. W. speaker from Minneapolis, addressed the meeting. He confined himself to a resume of the striking miners’ demands and a plea for financial assistance. Over $20 was collected.
I. W. W. leaders announced that Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, prominent organization worker, probably would arrive in Duluth today for a second speech to be made in behalf of the miners at a meeting planned for tonight in Finnish hall.
—–[Photograph of Elizabeth G. Flynn added.]
The Duluth News Tribune
(Duluth, Minnesota)
-July 19, 1916, page 3
MN Iron Strike, BBH seeks funds, DNT-p3, July 19, 1916
EGF, New Ulm Rv, MN, July 19, 1916
See also:
Memoirs of a Wobbly: With an Article by the Author from the International Socialist Review, August 1914
-by Henry E. McGuckin
C.H. Kerr Publishing Company, 1987
Solidarity Forever – Nightwatchman & Wobblies