Hellraisers Journal: Gertrude A. Lee, Suffragist and Chairman of Democratic State Committee of Colorado, Could Help Free Mother Jones from Military Bastile


Quote Mother Jones, Chase No Own State, RMN p3, Jan 12, 1914—————

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday January 21, 1914
Mrs. Gertrude Lee of Colorado’s Democratic Party Could Help Free Mother Jones

From The Cincinnati Post of January 20, 1914
-Write or Wire Mrs. Lee, of Colorado’s Democratic Party, to Help Free Mother Jones:

Gertrude Lee, Suffragist n Chair of CO Democratic Committee, Cnc Pst p1, Jan 20, 1914

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Gertrude A. Lee, Suffragist and Chairman of Democratic State Committee of Colorado, Could Help Free Mother Jones from Military Bastile”

Hellraisers Journal: The Denver Post: “Siberian Exiling Scenes Re-Enacted at Telluride” and News from Cripple Creek


Quote Mother Jones, CFI Owns Colorado, re 1903 Strikes UMW WFM, Ab Chp 13, 1925—————

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday January 20, 1904
News from Colorado Strike Zones of Telluride and Cripple Creek

From The Denver Post of January 15, 1904:

CO Siberian Exiling Scenes Deportations Telluride, DP p13, Jan 15, 1904


Telluride, Colo., Jan. 15-Tears, curses, maledictions and prayers were heard at the depot this morning when the train pulled out of the station having on board six union miners, who were being deported by the military. The men were given breakfast early, the meal being served from the Sheridan hotel, after which the wife of one of them was reluctantly permitted to visit her husband in jail. At 8 o’clock a bunch of blue-coats, under the command of Captain Scholz, marched to the court house and the prisoners were taken to the county jail and formed into line, ready for the march to the station.

A woman with a small child attempted to fall in line with her husband, but was brutally prevented by the soldiers, who forced her back on the sidewalk. With a face drawn with bitter agony and grief she endeavored to keep up with the soldiers as they marched down the streets, but the prisoners had reached the train long before she had gone a block.

At the depot the men were immediately put aboard the train and two soldiers stationed at the car windows. The relatives of the men were allowed to talk to them, and for a moment the air was filled with tearful good-byes and well wishes.

Fifteen minutes before the signal was given to start three women came running down the track. One of them , a Mabel Marchinado, a mere girl, hardly 17 years old, weeping bitterly, rushed over the icy platform to the window in which one of the men was sitting, and exclaimed: “oh, papa, what are they going to do with you?”

Her father, Tony Marchinado, endeavored to comfort her, but the girl continued sobbing pitifully. The sympathy of the entire crowd at the depot went out to this girl, and some turned away. Then the soldiers ordered her to move on.

The girl suddenly ceased weeping and, turning to those standing, and in a voice loud enough for the military to hear, said: “I think it’s living shame for men living in this country to be treated in such a manner.” She was not arrested.

The woman with the small child in the meantime reached the depot almost exhausted. She purchased a ticket and boarded the train on which her husband was about to be sent into exile. She cried bitterly and her baby was blue with cold. “I am too sick to work and look after our baby alone, and I am going with my husband, if it means the jail.” she moaned. If ever volumes of mute sympathy went out from a crowd, it went out greater as she bent down her head and fondly kissed the lips of her offspring, in vain endeavor to hush its cries from the biting cold. It was by far the saddest incident yet recorded in the military occupation of Telluride and the subsequent deportation of striking miners…

[Emphasis added.]

The names of the six deported men are: Tony Marchinado, Tony Sartoris, Louis Sartoris, F. W. Wells, Matt Lingol and Battiste Monchiando.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: The Denver Post: “Siberian Exiling Scenes Re-Enacted at Telluride” and News from Cripple Creek”

Hellraisers Journal: Big Annie Clemenc, Strikers’ Flag Bearer, Seriously Ill at Her Mother’s Home in Calumet, Michigan


Quote Poem Ellis B Harris re Annie Clemenc n Women of Calumet, Mnrs Mag p14, Nov 27, 1913—————

Hellraisers Journal – Monday January 19, 1914
Calumet, Michigan – Annie Clemenc Seriously Ill at Her Mother’s Home

From the Dayton Daily News of January 18, 1914:

Annie Clemenc Ill in Calumet, Dayton OH Dly Ns p21, Jan 18, 1914

Saturday January 19, 1914 – Calumet, Michigan
–Annie Clemenc, Seriously Ill, Cared for at Her Mother’s Home

Annie Clemenc of Calumet has been very ill and under a doctor’s care since early this month.  Charles Edward Russell who is in the strike zone as part of the Socialist Party Investigating Committee went to visit her on January 10th. He reported that “she lay in her mother’s house, unconscious part of the time and part of the time shaken with nervous convulsions.” She is receiving sickness benefits from Slovenska Narodna Podporna Jednota (Slovene National Benefit Society), something she has never needed before.

We are left to wonder how much of a role the Italian Hall Massacre plays in her  illness. Annie, as President of the Calumet Women’s Auxiliary (W. F. of M.), was the driving force behind organizing the Christmas Party for the strikers’ children. The evening began with so much joy, but then ended with Annie holding a dead child in her arms, and attempting hopelessly to revive the little one.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Big Annie Clemenc, Strikers’ Flag Bearer, Seriously Ill at Her Mother’s Home in Calumet, Michigan”

Hellraisers Journal: From Deseret Evening News: “Where Is Otto Applequist?”-Was Room Mate of Joseph Hillstrom, Is Second Suspect in Murders of the Morrisons


Quote Joe Hill, General Strike, Workers Awaken, LRSB p6, Oct 1919—————

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday January 18, 1914
Salt Lake City – Police Search for Applequist in Connection with Morrison Murders

From the Deseret Evening News of January 15, 1914:

HdLn Joe Hill, Joseph Hillstrom, Where Is Otto Applequist, DEN p1, Jan 15, 1914—–
Otto Applequist Wanted, DEN p1, Jan 15, 1914—–
Joe Hill, Joseph Hillstrom w Injured Hand, DEN p1, Jan 15, 1914

...A gunshot wound in the right hand of Hillstrom, which puzzled deputy sheriffs and police yesterday was explained by Chief Fred Peters of Murray, who said that he “took a shot” at Hillstrom when he leaped from his bed yesterday morning and reached under his pillow. The wound was not a deep or serious one.


[Emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From Deseret Evening News: “Where Is Otto Applequist?”-Was Room Mate of Joseph Hillstrom, Is Second Suspect in Murders of the Morrisons”

Hellraisers Journal: Wives of Strikers and Strike Sympathizers Invade Hotel of Gen. Chase, Demand Release of Mother Jones.


Quote Mother Jones, Chase No Own State, RMN p3, Jan 12, 1914—————

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday January 17, 1914
Trinidad, Colorado – Chase: Mother Jones is “an Inciter of Violence and a Disturber”

From the Trinidad Chronicle News of January 15, 1914
-200 Women Invade Hotel, Demand Gen. Chase Release Mother Jones:

HdLn Women v Chase re Mother Jones, TCN p1, Jan 15, 1914

From The Day Book of January 16, 1914
-Mother Jones on Mexican “Bandits” and Colorado Soldiers:

Mother Jones re Mexican Bandits n CO Soldiers, Day Book p15, Jan 16, 1914

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Wives of Strikers and Strike Sympathizers Invade Hotel of Gen. Chase, Demand Release of Mother Jones.”

Hellraisers Journal: President Charles Moyer and Auditor Charles Tanner of the Western Federation of Miners Return to Upper Michigan’s Copper Country


Quote Mother Jones, Powers of Privilege ed, Ab Chp III—————

Hellraisers Journal – Friday January 16, 1914
Houghton, Michigan – Cheering Crowd Meets Moyer and Tanner at Station

From the Miners Magazine of January 15, 1914:

Moyer and Tanner Return to Michigan Copper Country, Mnrs Mag p3, Jan 15, 1914

From the Miners’ Bulletin of January 9, 1914:

Moyer and Tanner Return to Michigan Copper Country, MB p1, Jan 9, 1914

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: President Charles Moyer and Auditor Charles Tanner of the Western Federation of Miners Return to Upper Michigan’s Copper Country”

Hellraisers Journal: From The Salt Lake Tribune: “Wounded Man Held as Slayer of Grocer”-Joe Hill/Joseph Hillstrom Arrested


Quote, Workingmen Unite, Joe Hill, Cry for Justice, p707, 1921—————

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday January 15, 1914
Salt Lake City, Utah – Joe Hill Arrested in Connection with Murder of Grocer and Son

From The Salt Lake Tribune of Jan 14, 1914:

Joe Hill Hillstrom Held for Murder, SL Tb p1, Jan 14, 1914

At an early hour this morning Sergeant Ben Siegfus expressed the belief that Joseph Hill, arrested for the murder of the two Morrisons, is Frank Z. Wilson, a former inmate of the state prison. The description of Hill corresponds closely with that of Wilson. The police have been searching for Wilson ever since the murders.


Suffering from a wound believed to have been inflicted by John Arling Morrison, 17 years old, just before the boy fell dead, a victim of a murderer’s bullet, Joseph Hill, a musician, was brought to the county jail at 2 o’clock, charged with the murder of John G. Morrison and John A. Morrison, his son, in their grocery store in Salt [Lake City] last Saturday night.

Hill was arrested at 11:30 o’clock last night [January 13th] at the home of a family named Eselius on West Seventeenth South street, in Murray, by Marshal Fred Peters and Deputy Marshals Edwin Larson and Joseph Van Newland. They were told of his presence at this home by Drs. F. M. McHugh and A. A. Bird, who had been called to the Eselius home to treat the wounded man. Hill had been lying suffering from his wound at the Eselius home since last Saturday night.

Walked to Murray.

The wounded man walked into the residence of Dr. F. M. McHugh, 4002 South State street, in the outskirts of Murray, at 11:30 o’clock Saturday night [January 10th]. He was suffering from a wound to the left side. A bullet had entered the side pierced the left lung and emerged through the back. The man had apparently lost a great deal of blood and was in a weakened condition. He appeared to the doctor to have been walking a long distance.

The doctor took the man into his house and dressed the wound. Hill told the doctor that he had quarreled with a friend in Murray over a woman and that in the quarrel the friend shot him.

Later in the night Dr. McHugh saw Dr. A. A. Bird, also of Murray, driving by on State street, and called him in. At Hill’s request Dr. Bird drove the man to the Eselius home. Hill had previously known the Eselius family and they apparently believed Hill’s story of the shooting and gave him shelter. At the hour that Hill was treated by Dr. McHugh, the doctor had not heard of the shooting [of the Morrisons]. His suspicions were aroused later on hearing of the account of the murders in Salt Lake, and he then notified the Murray officers.

Maintained Silence.

Since his arrest Hill has maintained a sullen silence. When the officers entered the Eselius home, Hill made a feint as if to draw a gun and was quickly covered by the arresting officers. Hill then made no resistance. He has obeyed the commands of the officers quietly, but has refused to answer any questions.

After he had been brought to the county jail early this morning Hill was examined by Dr. W. N. Pugh, who said that while the wound was a serious one, there was a strong probability that he would recover from it. He said that his silence and apparently dazed condition might have been at least partially induced by opiates given him by the doctors to ease his pain.

The police are elated over the capture of Hill, whom they feel certain is one of the men wanted for the murder of the Morrisons. As soon as Hill’s condition warrants, an effort will be made by the officers to induce him to make a confession and give the name of the accomplice.

Linked about the wounded sufferer at the city jail hospital is already woven a strong chain of circumstantial evidence, even though Merlin Morrison, the only eyewitness to the tragedy, may be unable to make a positive identification of the man.

In a general way Hill’s description corresponds to that of one of the two scarlet-masked men who dashed into the Morrison store on Saturday night and shot to death the proprietor of the store and his brave son. Both Morrison and his son were killed with bullets fired from a .38-caliber automatic pistol.

From the blood-stained coat of Hill at midnight that same night Dr. McHugh took a .38-caliber automatic pistol.


[Emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From The Salt Lake Tribune: “Wounded Man Held as Slayer of Grocer”-Joe Hill/Joseph Hillstrom Arrested”

Hellraisers Journal: Colorado Federation of Labor Holds Convention to Consider Ways and Means of Supporting Ongoing Strikes of Miners-U. M. W. A. and W. F. M.


Quote Mother Jones, CFI Owns Colorado, re 1903 Strikes UMW WFM, Ab Chp 13, 1925—————-

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday January 14, 1904
Denver, Colorado – Delegates of Convention of State F. of L. Consider Miners’ Strikes

News from Special Convention of the Colorado
State Federation of Labor

Monday January 11, 1904 Denver, Colorado
-Colorado Federation of Labor Holds Convention To Support Strikes

J. C. Sullivan Prz CO FoL, EFL p194, 104 Edition

More than 350 delegates are assembled today at the Waiters’ Hall in the Club Building in Denver. This is a Convention of the Colorado Federation of Labor called in order to consider ways and means of supporting the ongoing strikes of the Western Federation of Miners and the United Mine Workers of America. These courageous striking miners are now facing unprecedented Military Despotism at the hands of Generals Bell and Chase under the orders of Governor Peabody.

J. C. Sullivan, President of the C. F. of L. opened the Convention with these words:

Friends and Fellow Citizens, I Greet You:

An industrial condition that makes necessary the assembling of labor’s hosts in special convention is certainly significant, and, if the facial expressions of firm determination that are stamped on the countenances of this magnificent audience correctly reflects its feelings, there is still hope that “liberty” and “justice,” though banished from this centennial state of ours, “by order of a political accident,” and citizens forced to leave their homes and firesides at the bayonet point in the hands of “our” modern “Hessians,” for the sole and only reason that they refuse to join forces with our “modern Tories,” and say they will not sell their manhood on mammon’s greedy altar nor bow the knee in cringing sycophancy to the aristocratic anarchist, though he be clothed with brief official authority.

This, my friends, is a gathering that, if each and every delegate here assembled does his full duty to his country, to his fellow man, to himself and to the posterity of mankind, this meeting will go down in the annals of history as the most important gathering that has ever been held in Colorado up to this time. But if, for any reason, you fail to do your duty, you will, by that failure, assist the modern Tories and the mine operators’ hired Hessians to banish the lovers of liberty from their homes and firesides, and establish in their stead willing corporate vassals, to whom manhood is an unknown quality, to whom justice is a myth and liberty an illusion. The time is now, my friends, when not only labor’s voice must be heard, but labor’s hosts must act, if necessary, if justice is to be again enthroned in the fair State of Colorado.

[Emphasis added.]

Tuesday January 12, 1904 Denver, Colorado
-C. F. of L. Convention Receives Greetings from Mother Jones

Mother Jones, who is recovering from a serious illness in Trinidad, nevertheless sent her greetings to the Special Convention of the Colorado Federation of Labor now in progress in Denver. At the afternoon session yesterday, H. B. Waters, secretary of the Convention, read the following:

Trinidad, Colo.,
January 11, 1904

State Federation of Labor, Convention Hall, Denver, Colo.
To the Delegates of the State Federation of Labor:

Greeting-Let your deliberations be tempered with a high sense of justice for all mankind-malice toward none, for you are the bulwark of the nation. The day dawneth when you shall get your own.

Fraternally in the cause of labor,

The chairman and the secretary of the Convention were instructed unanimously to answer Mother Jones:

To Mother Jones, Trinidad:

The greatest labor convention ever held in the state sends you greeting and wishes you health and God-speed.

J. C. SULLIVAN, President
H. B. WATERS, Secretary

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Colorado Federation of Labor Holds Convention to Consider Ways and Means of Supporting Ongoing Strikes of Miners-U. M. W. A. and W. F. M.”

Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Defies Chase, Returns to Trinidad, Arrested and Held as Military Prisoner at Local Hospital


Quote Mother Jones, Chase No Own State, RMN p3, Jan 12, 1914—————

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday January 13, 1914
Trinidad, Colorado – Mother Jones Seized by State Militia, Held at San Rafael Hospital

From the Trinidad Chronicle News of January 12, 1914:

“Mother” Mary Jones, nationally known as a strike leader, is a military prisoner at the San Rafael hospital where she is being held incommunicado. The woman, who was deported from the strike zone Sunday, January 4, by the military authorities and warned not to return to the district under pain of immediate arrest, accepted the defi and returned this morning. She slipped quietly out of Denver at midnight on a C. & S. train.

That she expected arrest is indicated by her action in alighting at the D. & R. G. crossing this morning instead of waiting until the train reached the station. She walked to the Toltec hotel alone and took a room but did not register at once. The fact of her presence became known to the military authorities about eleven o’clock and a few moments later a military detail in command of Lieut. H. O. Nichols entered her room, placed her in an automobile and whirled her away to the hospital at full speed, with a swarm of cavalry men galloping behind the machine.

Apparently the only object of the aged strike leader had in returning to Trinidad was to see if the threat to arrest her would be carried out. It was. “Mother” Jones was apparently not surprised at the action but was loud in her denunciation of the “military despots who stab and spit upon constitutional rights.” She declares she has viloated no law and that she is willing to face any sort of a civil inquiry. “Why take me to a hospital?” she shouted at Lieut. Nichols , when arrested. “I am not sick! Why not take me to jail?” The prisoner made it clear that she was even more willing to be placed in a cell “for the sake of the cause.”


[Paragraph break and emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Defies Chase, Returns to Trinidad, Arrested and Held as Military Prisoner at Local Hospital”

Hellraisers Journal: From the Appeal to Reason: “Propagating Socialism in the Dakotas” by John W. Gardner


Quote EVD Capitalist Press re Socialism, ISR p181, Sept 1900—————

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday January 12, 1904
“Comrade John W. Bennett is braving the cold blast of North Dakota’s winter…”

From the Appeal to Reason of January 9, 1904:

Propagating Socialism in the Dakotas by JW Gardner, AtR p4, Jan 9, 1904

In view of the above, a short account of Comrade Bennett’s trip thru Nelson County, N.D. may be interesting….

The afternoon of [December] 8th, Comrade Bennett and I started with a horse and buggy for McVille, where Bennett was billed to speak that night.

When we left my home, a storm, at times approaching a blizzard stage, was raging and grew in severity until, after we had traveled about twelve miles, it became so blinding we were compelled to seek shelter at a convenient farm house. After an interval of about forty minutes, the storm having abated somewhat, we thanked our involuntary host for the shelter and the offer of more so freely extended, and once more plunged forward, arriving at the home of Comrade R. H. Carr about one hour later where a hearty welcome awaited us. After supper, seated by a cheerful hard coal fire with the storm raging outside, what a temptation to say: “There will be no one at the meeting place tonight, let us remain at home.” But the thought that a few might have braved the elements in order to hear the truth compelled us, Comrades Mr. and Mrs. Carr, Bennett and myself, to drive two and one-half miles to the place of meeting and we were amply rewarded by the close and even eager attention with which the fifteen persons there assembled listened to the speaker. While no local was organized that night, I confidently predict that one will be formed there in the near future. …

In closing this short detailed account of a very small portion of the work of our loyal and earnest Comrade Bennett, I desire to say: if the reading of the above inspires one comrade to renewed effort in behalf of the cause we all love, I will feel amply repaid for writing it.

Yours faithfully,

[Emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the Appeal to Reason: “Propagating Socialism in the Dakotas” by John W. Gardner”