Hellraisers Journal: Children’s Crusade for Amnesty Heads to Washington Lead by Kate Richards O’Hare, Former Political Prisoner


Quote Kate O’Hare re War Profitters, Address to Court, Dec 14, 1917—————

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday April 20, 1922
Children’s Crusade for Amnesty Heads to Washington, D. C.

From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch of April 13, 1922:

Part of Children's Crusade for Amnesty, Kate OHare, St L Pst Dsp p17, Apr 13, 1922

MRS. KATE RICHARDS O’HARE, whose five-year sentence under the espionage act was commuted by President Wilson after she had served 14 months, greeting, at Union station today, the families of other prisoners similarly convicted and still imprisoned. Mrs. O’Hare will accompany them to Washington to beseech President Harding to release their husbands and fathers. 

The woman at the extreme left is Mrs. Walter Reeder of Wilson, Ark., with her son, Don, 16 (rear row), and her daughter, Elbertina, 9 years old. The woman behind Elbertina is Mrs. Stanley J. Clark of Fort Worth, Tex. Next are Mrs. O’Hare’s son, Victor, and Mrs. O’Hare. Beside Mrs. O’Hare is Mrs. William Madison Hicks of Guthrie, Ok., with her son, Robert, 9, and her daughters, Rose Alice, 3, and Helen Keller, 6. The group at the right of the picture are Mrs. William Benefield of Saskawa, Ok., and her five children, Beulah, 12, Willie, a girl, 5, Dock, 18, George, 10, and Eugene, 6.


Children's Crusade for Amnesty Banners and Badges, St L Pst Dsp p17, Apr 13, 1922

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Hellraisers Journal: From the London Daily Herald: Survivors of the Titanic Headed to New York City; All Honour to the Crew


Quote Mother Jones, Pray for dead, ed, Ab Chp 6, 1925—————

Hellraisers Journal – Friday April 19, 1912
London’s Labour Newspaper on Crew of Titanic: “We’re Proud of Them”

From the London Daily Herald of April 18, 1912:

HdLn Titanic Honor the Crew, London Dly Hld p1, Apr 18, 1912


HdLn Titanic Survivors to NYC, London Dly Hld p1, Apr 18, 1912

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the London Daily Herald: Survivors of the Titanic Headed to New York City; All Honour to the Crew”

Hellraisers Journal: From the London Daily Herald: Titanic Sinks with 1,300 on Board; Stricken Mourners Gather at Many Ports


Quote Mother Jones, Pray for dead, ed, Ab Chp 6, 1925—————

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday April 18, 1912
Staggering Loss of Life as Titanic Sinks Mid-Ocean

From the London Daily Herald of April 17, 1912:

HdLn Titanic Goes Down, London Dly Hld p1, Apr 17, 1912

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the London Daily Herald: Titanic Sinks with 1,300 on Board; Stricken Mourners Gather at Many Ports”

Hellraisers Journal: From the London Daily Herald, Labour Newspaper: Titanic Collides with Iceberg; Great Loss of Life Feared


Quote Mother Jones, Pray for dead, ed, Ab Chp 6, 1925—————

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday April 17, 1912
The “Unsinkable” Titanic Collides with Iceberg; Many Feared Lost at Sea

From the London Daily Herald of April 16, 1912:

HdLn Titanic Founders, London Dly Hld p1, Apr 16, 1912

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the London Daily Herald, Labour Newspaper: Titanic Collides with Iceberg; Great Loss of Life Feared”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for March 1912, Part II: Found Speaking in Spokane, Washington and in Missoula and Butte, Montana


Quote Mother Jones, Awaken to Power, Spk Chc p6, Mar 28, 1912—————

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday April 16, 1912
Mother Jones News Round-Up for March 1912, Part II
Found in Spokane, Washington and in Missoula and Butte, Montana

From The Daily Missoulian of March 28, 1912:

Mother Jones Ad, Dly Missoulian p2, Mar 28, 1912

From the Spokane Daily Chronicle of March 28, 1912:

“Mother Jones” Has No Use
for Equal Rights Issue.


“Woman suffrage-bah! The mere thought of the movement makes me tired.”-“Mother” Jones.

“Mother” Jones, who has championed the interests of working men, women and children for over a quarter century and who has promoted strikes in various sections of the nations is a socialist but by no means a suffragist.

[She asserted at Machinists’ union headquarters this afternoon:]

The woman’s place is in the home, molding the character of her children, if she has any, and preparing them to meet the issues that will confront them later in life-educating them to the economic problems that affect them,” she asserted at Machinists’ union headquarters this afternoon.

Why, the men haven’t learned yet to vote intelligently and just the same as men are now selling out their votes for a schooner of beer to cunning politicians, the woman’s vote will be influenced with a bouquet or a box of candy.

Calls It Worthless Cause.

Women are simply wasting their time upon a worthless cause in their struggle for the ballot, for as soon as the economic system has become straightened out the way it ought to be, woman will be the equal of man anyway.

That time will come when the great army of working people have become awakened to their power and have taken possession of the machinery of production and the greedy capitalistic class that is now grinding out the lives of the little children of the poor for profit have been made to step down and out.

The employing class is scared almost to death of the working men and women of the nation right now, and if the workers only knew it, they would not be in want over night.

While the working people of the world are no more than a day or two from the poorhouse the year round, as a rule, the poodle doge of the rich are having banquets given in their honor and are treated better than children of the poor.

Prohibitionists say that the prevalence of the drinking habit among the working people is the cause of so much poverty, yet government statistics show that the average workingman has but $12 a year to spend for such luxuries as an occasional drink of liquor.

She 80 Years Old.

All over the nation the working people are gradually waking up and though I will be 80 years old on the first of May, I hope to see the time that the economic system has changed completely and that the working class is in power.

“Mother” Jones spoke in behalf of the striking shopmen on the Harriman railway system Wednesday night at the armory building and will leave tonight over the Great Northern for the east, expecting to be in Minneapolis in a short time.

Despite her advanced age, “Mother Jones is a splendid specimen of vigor and health and her voice is still steady and strong.


Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for March 1912, Part II: Found Speaking in Spokane, Washington and in Missoula and Butte, Montana”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for March 1912, Part I: Found Speaking in Illinois, Denver, Colorado and Tacoma, Washington


Quote Mother Jones Master Class Creates Violence, LA Rec p4, Dec 21, 1911—————

Hellraisers Journal – Monday April 15, 1912
Mother Jones News Round-Up for March 1912, Part I
Found in Illinois, Denver, Colorado and Tacoma, Washington

From The Sibley Journal of March 1, 1912:

Walker to Head Miners.

Mother Jones, Tacoma Tx p3, Feb 14, 1912

The closing day of the Illinois Mine Workers’ state convention was featured by the announcement of election from the vote held December 14, 1911.

It was generally thought at that time that all the officers would be re-elected. There was but one exception in this, Paul Smith defeating Adolph Germer for the vice presidency. President Walker and Secretary Treasurer McDonald were re-elected by large majorities…..

Aside from the announcement of the election results, a two-hour address by ”Mother” Jones, a woman, eighty years old, who is a Socialist lecturer of national prominence and called the “Miners’ Mascot,” in which she denounced woman suffrage, was the feature. She declared that women are not mentally equipped to acquire a proper knowledge of politics, and she attributed the defeat of the recall in Colorado to the women voters. In closing her address, “Mother” Jones detailed the conditions brought about by the railroad strike in Colorado and asked the miners of Illinois to donate a benefit fund of $1,000 to the strikers. A committee was named to investigate the matter…..

[Photograph added.]

From The Illinois State Journal of March 2, 1912:

Mother Jones, IL State Jr p2, Mar 2, 1912

From the Denver Rocky Mountain News of March 5, 1912:


Strikebreakers’ Refusals to Quit Fields Cause
of Most Serious Outbreaks.

“Six men killed, ten maimed for life and more than 100 waylaid and beaten.” This is the record of bitterness between the opposing forces of the labor war in the Northern coal were from the ranks of both strikers and strike breakers…..

One of the striking features of the struggle occurred a few months ago, when “Mother Jones,” a well known national figure in the labor world, went into the district to organize the wives and sisters of the striking miners. She received an enthusiastic reception, but when the women attempted to carry out their ideas the strikers objected so strenuously that they were forced to abandon their militant plans for a campaign.


No CO Coal Strike Chronc, Rky Mt Ns p2, Mar 5, 1912

From the Denver United Labor Bulletin of March 21, 1912:


“Mother” Jones, who has been in Denver for several days, addressed the Federated Shopmen in their convention in Machinists’ hall this week. She is preparing to tour the northwest in the interests of the shopmen. She will go to Tacoma and then travel East as far as St. Paul. 

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for March 1912, Part I: Found Speaking in Illinois, Denver, Colorado and Tacoma, Washington”

Hellraisers Journal: Photographs at Scene of Jed, West Virginia, Mine Disaster; Women and Children Waiting, Day after Day


Quote Mother Jones WV Miners Conditions, ISR p179 , Sept 1901—————

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday April 14, 1912
Jed, West Virginia – Photographs at Scene of Mine Disaster

From The Coming Nation of April 13, 1912:

Jed WV Mine Disaster, Women and Children Waiting, Cmg Ntn p2, Apr 13, 1912Day after day waiting for news from the entombed miners-Photo by A. P. Risser


Jed WV Mine Disaster, Carrying Out the Dead, Cmg Ntn p2, Apr 13, 1912Carrying out one of the 85 victims of the explosion-Photo by Paul Thompson, N. Y.


Jed WV Mine Disaster, View of Town, Cmg Ntn p2, Apr 13, 1912General view of the town of Jed, W. Va. Scene of the Disaster-Paul Thompson, N. Y.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Photographs at Scene of Jed, West Virginia, Mine Disaster; Women and Children Waiting, Day after Day”

Hellraisers Journal: Joe Hill Speaks on Behalf of California Free Speech League at San Francisco Building Trades Temple


Quote Joe Hill, General Strike, Workers Awaken, LRSB Oct 1919—————

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday April 13, 1912
San Francisco, California – Joe Hill Speaks on Conditions in San Diego Jail

From the Spokane Industrial Worker of April 11, 1912:


(By Caroline Nelson).

IWW San Deigo FSF, re UE of San Francisco, IW p2, Apr 11, 1912The free speech protest in Building Trades hall Last Sunday [March 31] was a great success; $175 were collected to carry on the fight in San Diego.

Austin Lewis delivered one of his masterly addresses. He showed that street speaking of the I. W. W.’s was an absolute necessity. Without street speaking the migratory worker could not be reached, because he would not go to any hall. Without street speaking there would have been no organization among the lumber workers and section laborers, and therefore no strikes or fights for better conditions. In street speaking pamphlets, circulars and propaganda sheets are given out and find their way to camps where they do their work.

The last speaker was a released speaker from San Diego, Fellow Worker Hill. He explained that he had just come from the hospitality of the M. & M. [Merchants and Manufacturers Association] in San Diego, that owing to that hospitality he was physically unable to make any lengthy speech. He looked as though he had just risen from a sick bed. His face was pale and pinched. Dressed in overalls he bespoke the low standard of living that our modern civilization imposes upon our most intelligent workers; for he spoke more intelligently and eloquently than many a widely heralded upper class jaw smith, who has had nothing to do all his life but to wag his tongue and to look up references. He nailed the widely circulated lie that the upper class have bought out all the workers who have any intelligence, and that every intelligent man can get work.

Fellow Worker told how they practiced sabotage in San Diego in the jail in the form of building battle ships, as they called it, by hammering on the iron doors. The court was located on the second story over the jail and terrible noise made by the hungry prisoners prevented them from holding a session in the upper region. They sent word down to the prisoners to be quiet or they couldn’t hold court. The prisoners’ replied that it was their intention that no court should be held until they were fed.

Hill brought down the house when he proposed that the army of fifty thousand unemployed of San Francisco move on the San Diego, to free the men now in jail there which the M. & M. intend to railroad to the pen. The San Diego jail and bull pen are full now. They are running up the expenses of the tax-payers fearfully and an army of invaders would scare them stiff, and prevent the sending of the ten men now on trial to the penitentiary. But unless something was done quickly these men would be sent over the road; for there is nothing our ruling class doesn’t dare when it comes to strike terror to the hearts of the workers. They violate every law on the statute books, and trample in the dust every human right that is supposed to be sacred. They hold no law sacred except when it protects them in their piracy.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Joe Hill Speaks on Behalf of California Free Speech League at San Francisco Building Trades Temple”

Hellraisers Journal: Michael Hoey, Martyr of San Diego Free Speech Fight, Funeral Oration by Laura Payne Emerson


Quote Laura Payne Emerson Make This Hell a Heaven, Ind Pnr p12, Mar 1921—————

Hellraisers Journal –  Friday April 12, 1912
Farewell Tribute for Michael Hoey, Martyr of San Diego Free Speech Fight

From the Spokane Industrial Worker of April 11, 1912:

IWW San Diego FSF, Michael Hoey Martyr, IW p1, Apr 11, 1912



(By Laura Payne Emerson).

Fellow Workers: I count it an honor to be accorded the privilege of paying a tribute, on this occasion, to our martyred dead fellow-worker, Michael Hoey. He was a soldier in the war for industrial freedom. Early in life he joined the forces that were making for better conditions for his class, the working class, and to the day when he fell mortally wounded, and was carried from the field of battle, never did he falter.

It was in San Diego, Cal. A fight for free speech was on. An infamous ordinance had been passed by the common council denying the natural and constitutional right of free speech and public assembly to certain citizens. Many brave souls had undertaken to test the odious law by attempting to speak on the streets, and had met the policeman’s club and the jail. Among those on the fire line in that contest was Michael Hoey, a man sixty-three years of age. When told by a friend that he was too old to enlist in such a fight, and that he should leave it to younger and more vigorous men, he replied:

I have nothing to give but myself and life is not worth living
when all liberty is gone.

That night, amid a cheering crowd, his fine face appeared for a moment, while his voice was raised in a last appeal to his class to stand firm for human rights! Then!! Burly guardians of the law snatched him down, and with kicks and clubs, jail and starvation, silenced his voice forever.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Michael Hoey, Martyr of San Diego Free Speech Fight, Funeral Oration by Laura Payne Emerson”

Hellraisers Journal: Haywood to be Arrested if He Attempts to Speak to Striking Textile Workers of Passaic, New Jersey


Quote BBH re Capitalist Class, Lbr Arg p4, Mar 23, 1911—————

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday April 11, 1912
Passaic, New Jersey – Haywood and Thompson Barred from Aiding Strikers

From the Passaic Daily News of April 6, 1912:


BBH, Thompson, Rothfisher, Passaic Dly Ns p1, Apr 6, 1912Four in center: Charles Rothfisher (hands in pockets, jailed yesterday), James P. Thompson, general organizer of Chicago I. W. W.; Frank Pless Domo (in front, arms folded), Big Bill Haywood, holding paper.


[Haywood May Arrive Tomorrow or Monday.]

William D. Haywood and James P Thompson, national and general organizer of the Industrial Workers of the world, who are conducting the New England textile strikes and recently took a hand in the strike here, have practically been barred from Passaic and Bergen Counties and from authentic sources it was learned today that they will be arrested if they attempt to address striker here. 

Since their meeting hall was closed by the Bergen County authorities, who also ordered the owners of all halls to refuse their use for strikers’ meetings, Haywood and Thompson will be forced to meet in this city if they intend to have any part in the labor strife here. Saloonkeepers and others controlling halls have been notified not to rent their places to either of these men……

Strikers at Botany Mills, Passaic Dly Ns p1, Apr 6, 1912

[Emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Haywood to be Arrested if He Attempts to Speak to Striking Textile Workers of Passaic, New Jersey”