Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for January 1921, Part II: Found Speaking in Mexico City at Pan-American Labor Congress


Quote Mother Jones PAFL Congress, p72, Jan 13, 1921———-

Hellraisers Journal – Monday February 28, 1921
Mother Jones News Round-Up for January 1921, Part II:
-Found Speaking in Mexico City at Pan-American Labor Congress

Translated from Mexico City’s  El Universal of January 10, 1921:

Mother Jones Arrives in Mexico City

Mother Jones, NYC Dly Ns p12, May 7, 1920Upon arriving at Buena Vista station in Mexico City [on the morning of January 9th], Mother Jones was met by 2,000 workers among whom were a large feminine contingent from the factories: El Recuerdo, El Buen Tono, Tabacelera, Cigarrera, La Estrella, Departmentos Fabules, and from the Trade Union of Waitresses, etc., all of whom carried, as did the male element, the banners of their respective groups…..

Mother Jones was the object of singular interest. With ninety years on her shoulders, she is one of the most indefatigable fighters for working-class organization in the United States.

Amidst a veritable shower of flowers, Mother Jones was brought in an auto from the platform of the station to the Glorieta Cuauhtémoc, where another contingent of trade union workers were awaiting her. They applauded her and threw fragrant sprays of roses. In the Glorieta, a demonstration was organized to honor Mother Jones, and was followed by a parade to the Hotel St. Francis where several Mexican workers spoke, and the guest of honor answered. She did so in virile and intrepid language, saying , in short, that when she first visited Mexico [in 1911], she never believed the workers’ movement in this country would have reached its present numbers and effectiveness; that she had been struggling in the field of ideas and action for years and years, a a struggle which would end only with her death; that she had dedicated her existence to seeking the economic, moral, and cultural development of the working class. She ended with a tribute to the Mexican workers affirming that only on the day when a single language and a single nation would exist on earth, would human happiness have been achieved.

Mother Jones is an elderly lady whose appearance is as modest as it its admirable, a woman with a very friendly behavior.


[Photograph added.]

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Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for January 1921, Part I: Found Traveling from West Virginia to Mexico City with Fred Mooney


Quote Mother Jones, Un-Christ-Like Greed, IN DlyT Ipls p1, July 15, 1920———-

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday February 27, 1921
Mother Jones News Round-Up for January 1921, Part I:
–Found Traveling from West Virginia to Mexico City with Fred Mooney 

From The Sacramento Bee of January 4, 1921:


CHARLESTON (W. Va.), January 4.-Fred Mooney, Secretary of District No. 17, United Mine workers of America, left to-day for Mexico City to attend the Pan-American Labor Conference next week. Mooney was accompanied by “Mother Jones.”


Mother Jones, ed WDC Tx p2, Aug 29, 1920

[Photograph added.]

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Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for December 1920: Found in Nation’s Capital Pleading for Release of Eugene V. Debs


EVD Quote re Mother Jones, AtR, Nov 23, 1907———-

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday February 26, 1921
Mother Jones News Round-Up for December 1920:
–Found in Washington, D. C., Pleading for Release of Debs

From Virginia’s Richmond Times-Dispatch of December 15, 1920:

Socialist Leader Not Included in Christmas
Pardons in List From White House.

Executive’s Refusal Is Blow to Aspirations of Liberals,
Who Have Been Working to That End.
“Mother Jones” Visits Capital.

(By United News.]

Mother Jones, UMWJ p11, July 15, 1920

WASHINGTON, Dec. 24.-Two men convicted of murder and one man convicted of selling drugs unlawfully, received Christmas pardons today from President Wilson. Eugene V. Debs, choice of a million citizens for President in the recent election, did not. His ten-year term, under conviction of violating the espionage act, still stands, subject only to abbreviation through good behavior….

The President’s refusal to extend mercy to Debs is a blow in the face for Socialists and liberals all over the country. The Socialist party, as such, has not interceded in his behalf, but individual members of the party have been campaigning consistently ever since the signing of the peace treaty eighteen months ago to obtain Debs’ release. The Bureau of Civil liberties has been the center of activity of others working for pardon for him.

Mother Jones, aged friend of the miners, spent some time in Washington last week working in Debs’ behalf….

It became known recently that Attorney-General Palmer, who has been considered opposed to clemency for Debs, actually had recommended to the President that the grant the pardon. Partly because this fact was rumored among those working for Debs’ release and because of the frequent revival of the report that the President planned to grant the pardon at Christmas time, the general feeling In this city had been that the Socialist leader would be a free man Christmas Day. The statement that this would not be the case, made Thursday by the United News, was a profound shock, and many still clung to hope until the issuance of the pardon list by the Attorney-General’s office Friday revealed only the three names given above.


[Photograph and emphasis added.]

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Hellraisers Journal: William D. Haywood to Preach Solidarity of Labor for Lecture Bureau of International Socialist Review


Quote BBH One Fist, ISR p458, Feb 1911———-

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday February 25, 1911
Big Bill Haywood to Make Tour of Socialist Locals for the Review

From the International Socialist Review of February 1911:



BBH, ISR p68, Aug 1910

Our object in planning the Review Lecture Bureau is to increase the circulation of the INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST REVIEW, to supply lecturers who are representative of revolutionary socialism—men and women who will drive home the things the REVIEW is trying to say to the working class, and to put some money into the local’s treasury [locals of the Socialist Party of America].

We have been fortunate in securing William D. Haywood to fill dates for us. Comrade Haywood has returned from his tour of Europe filled with enthusiasm for the growing solidarity of labor he has found in every country. No American has ever spoken to the enormous crowds in Europe that greeted Haywood every where he went. Stokers, dockers, boiler makers, thousands upon thousands of miners and other working men and women heard him and refused to go home when his meetings closed. “More, more”! was the cry that greeted Haywood wherever he spoke.

We have a plan whereby it will be possible for every Local in the country to have a Haywood date, without any expense to the Local. The comrades guarantee to take 500 admission tickets at 25 cents each. Each card is good for a three month subscription to the INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST REVIEW, wherein Haywood hopes to repeat, drive home and clinch the arguments he makes in his lectures. This is the perfect propaganda. No man or woman ever grew sleepy at a Haywood lecture or forgot what Haywood said. They will get these things in permanent form in copies of the REVIEW.

The 500 tickets sold at 25 cents each, will be $125 of which we will pay $25 on hall rent, furnish posters, dodgers, and pay all of Haywood’s expenses. We will send FREE 200 copies of the current number of the REVIEW to be sold at the meeting for the benefit of the Local. The Local keeps the collection and literature sales. The Local takes half of all tickets sold over 500. Remember each admission ticket is good for a three-months’ subscription to the REVIEW. There is no better way to arouse the workingmen and women in your city than to get them to hear Haywood speak and to send copies of the REVIEW into their homes every month.

We are filling dates for Haywood in the central states at this time. Take up this matter with your local and write for a date NOW if you want to plan a lecture for February, March, or April. We will send on the cards, to be paid for on date of lecture.


[Photograph and emphasis added.]

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Hellraisers Journal: From the Industrial Worker: Latest from Fresno Free Speech Fight, City Hates to Holler “Quit”


Quote Frank Little, Fresno Jails Dungeons, FMR p6, Sept 2, 1910———-

Hellraisers Journal – Friday February 24, 1911
Fresno, California – Latest News from the Free Speech Fight

From the Spokane Industrial Worker of February 23, 1911:

City Would Like to Holler “Enough”
-More Men Are Needed to
Board With the County.

Fresno FSF, Frank Little Acquitted, FMR p5, Feb 2, 1911
Fresno Morning Republican
February 2, 1911

The fight for Free Speech is still going on in Fresno. The men are all “stickers” and are determined to stick until they win. We have held two street meetings, Sunday, February 5 and 12. We had large crowds at both meetings, and the public sentiment is changing in our favor.

The city officials would like to quit, but they hate to lay down under fire. The city has enough, but hates to holler “quit.” Now that the fight has lasted as long as it has, they will never want to tackle the I. W. W. again. It is now up to the members to get to Fresno in strong enough numbers to FORCE the officials to “lay down.”

This has been a clean fight on our side and has been carried on by “Direct Action.” We want no compromise. Nothing but the unconditional surrender on the part of the city, and the release of all prisoners will go with us. I think after this fight is over we will have no more Free Speech fights for awhile. The officials of other cities will think twice before they tackle us.

I have been out of jail since February 1, when I was acquitted by a jury of farmers in four minutes on a charge of vagrancy. I have done some outside work since my release. Some of the boys will have jury trials on Friday. I will plead their cases, then speak on the streets and go to jail. Am getting homesick for my beans and raisins. Can’t stay out much longer. Wake up, boys. Come to Fresno and help whip the BOSS as he should be whipped. Meet us in the Fresno jail.


[Newsclip and emphasis added.]


Fresno FSF Suburb of Hell, IW p1, Feb 23, 1911

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the Industrial Worker: Latest from Fresno Free Speech Fight, City Hates to Holler “Quit””

Hellraisers Journal: Newly Compiled: Socialist Songs with Music, from Charles H. Kerr & Company of Chicago, Illinois


Quote Charles H Kerr, Tramp, Sc Songs w Music No 27, Feb 15, 1901———–

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday February 23, 1901
New Socialist Songbook from Charles H. Kerr of Chicago

Socialist Songs with Music, Compiled by Charles H Kerr
 -from Library of Progress Quarterly, No. 37, February 15, 1901

Sc Songs w Music, ed by CH Kerr, Title Page, Feb 15, 1901


Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Newly Compiled: Socialist Songs with Music, from Charles H. Kerr & Company of Chicago, Illinois”

Hellraisers Journal: From the Appeal to Reason: “Debs the Dreamer..His dreams are all for you.” -Poem by Ellis B. Harris


Quote EVD if Crime to oppose bloodshed, AtR p1, Oct 23, 1920———-

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday February 22, 1921
“For country, home and liberty, Come voyage on with Debs.” 

From the Appeal to Reason of February 19, 1921:

POEM Debs the Dreamer by Ellis B Harris, AtR p4, Feb 19, 1921

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the Appeal to Reason: “Debs the Dreamer..His dreams are all for you.” -Poem by Ellis B. Harris”

Hellraisers Journal: Winthrop D. Lane for the Appeal to Reason: “West Virginia is today in a state of civil war.”


Quote Fred Mooney, Mingo Co Gunthugs, UMWJ p15, Dec 1, 1920————

Hellraisers Journal – Monday February 21, 1921
Winthrop D. Lane on Civil War in West Virginia

From the Appeal to Reason of February 19, 1921:

Coal Barons, Guns and Courts in Hand, Fight
Attempts of Miners to Organize Unions

Facts West Virginia, Mingo, AtR p2, Feb 19, 1921

(You have read endless dispatches about the troubles in the mining district of West Virginia. But the Associated Press true to its time-established policy has obscured the issues of the struggle. The daily press, as a rule, presents no clear account of the conflict. In fact, in the ordinary news dispatches the miners are given the worst of the account. But one daily paper—the New York Evening Post-has seen fit to send a special reporter to the scene of the conflict, with instructions to tell the truth. He tells it in the following story, which, coming from a capitalist daily, cannot be accused of bias in favor of the miners. Indeed, you will note that this reporter is exceedingly careful not to tread too severely upon the toes of the coal operators. But, with all his caution and moderation, he gives the facts. Winthrop D. Lane, the author of the following article, is well known in the labor movement as a writer for The Survey, a liberal magazine which has in the past published many exposures by Mr. Lane of the persecutions of the workers:)



Mr. Lane has just spent six weeks in the bituminous coal field of West Virginia for the New York Evening Post. He went there to try to get a picture not only of the industrial conflict going on in that state, but also of the civilization back of it. He talked to operators, sat by the fire in miners’ homes, visited many mining camps, entered mines, and discussed the struggle with officials of the union.

WEST VIRGINIA is today in a state of civil war. This civil war is of a peculiar kind. It is not being fought by armies in the field, led by military commanders and seeking military victory. It is more subtle and covert than that. It is being fought through many of the ordinary channels of civilization.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Winthrop D. Lane for the Appeal to Reason: “West Virginia is today in a state of civil war.””

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for January 1911, Part II: Found Speaking at United Mine Workers Convention at Columbus, Ohio


Quote Mother Jones, Grow Big Great Mighty Show CFnI, UMWC p269 Jan 21, 1911———-

Hellraisers Journal – Monday February 20, 1911
Mother Jones News Round-Up for January 1911, Part II:
–Found in Columbus, Ohio, Speaking at Miners’ Convention

From Ohio’s Marion Daily Mirror of January 21, 1911:

Talks to Miners.

Mother Jones, ed Cameron Co PA Prs p1, Apr 7, 1910

Columbus, O., Jan. 21.-“Mother” Jones, whose name and fame is known throughout the country as the friend of laborers, addressed the miners’ convention [United Mine Workers of America] this morning and was given a rousing ovation when she appeared on the stage. “Mother” Jones claims the United States as her only home and registers on the hotel registers accordingly. She is 67 years old, and her hair is as white as snow. Without husband or children, she has chosen as her family the thousands of toilers from the Atlantic to the Pacific.


[Photograph added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for January 1911, Part II: Found Speaking at United Mine Workers Convention at Columbus, Ohio”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for January 1911: Found in Western Pennsylvania and at Columbus, Ohio, for Miners’ Convention


Quote Mother Jones, Hell, Greensburg PA Jan 14, AtR p2, Jan 28, 1911———-

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday February 19, 1911
Mother Jones News Round-Up for January 1911, Part I:
–Found in Pennsylvania and at Columbus, Ohio, for Miners’ Convention

From the Uniontown Morning Herald of January 9, 1911:

Mother Jones Speaks in Brownsville, Pennsylvania

Mother Jones, ed Cameron Co PA Prs p1, Apr 7, 1910

BROWNSVIILE, Jan. 8.-Mother Jones, the noted labor advocate, lectured in the Grand opera house, Sunday afternoon, to an audience of about 300. She advanced a strong plea in behalf of the striking miners of Westmoreland county. Her description of the starving miners, encamped upon the mountain sides, brought substantial results in a financial way, at the close of her address Mother Jones states that the coke regions of Fayette county will be the next field for organization.

[Photograph added.]

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