Hellraisers Journal: Many Fellow Workers in Jail in Fresno, Arrested for Fighting for Free Speech; More Men Arriving


Quote Frank Little, Fresno Jails Dungeons, FMR p6, Sept 2, 1910———-

Hellraisers Journal – Friday October 21, 1910
Fresno, California – Many Fellow Workers Jailed, More Men Arrive Daily

From the Spokane Industrial Worker of October 19, 1910:

Fresno FSF, Masthead, IW p1, Oct 19, 1910



The fight for free speech in the State of California has opened in Fresno. The boys have been gathering for the last month and more are on the way to the front. Telegrams received by the WORKER informs us that 19 men were arrested on the streets up to the time of sending the message. Large crowds are on the streets and the populace is much excited. Men are arriving on every train and more are coming by boat from Portland and Seattle, according to the statements of letters just received from these cities.

The boys have been forced from their hall and cannot rent another, but are doing well in their camp in the jungles. There the incoming men are fed and prepared to go to the “can.” While there has been no news from the men already in jail, it is a safe bet that they are roaring the “Red Flag” and other working men’s songs.

The boys evidently took the police by surprise, as an editorial in the Fresno Herald of a few days ago asserts that November has been selected as the time for opening the fight. This same slimp street, a scurrilous sewer of degenerated conceptions that rivals the infamy of the “Morning Liar” (sometimes called the Spokane Spokesman-Review), states in its columns that the members of the I. W. W. are thugs, holdups, etc., and that one was killed in an attempted robbery on the way to Fresno. This monumental liar does not mention names, dates nor locations, but leaves it to the scurvy imagination of his own class of degenerates to fill in the missing items of mis-information.

He further advocates the use of the whipping post for men the insist on their privilege of free speech, and even suggests that to wash their wounds with salt water would increase the agony. Such a vicious apostle of a return to the methods of the Inquisition is a fitting herald for the ideas and intentions of the master class, and he only advocates the desires of them all. It is just such articles and just such tactics on the part of the ruling class and their tools that puts murder in the hearts of the helpless victim and breeds a psychology of violence it is to be hoped that no member of the I. W. W. will so far lose control of himself as to attempt to retaliate in kind, but should such articles inflame the minds of the weaker minded workers to the extent that violence is returned for violence, the boss and his prostitute lackeys have only themselves to blame. One thing is certain. Whatever the outcome of the fight, the workers will have been educated to a better understanding of their relationship to the boss and they will have learned to hate the condition of slavery to that extent.


[Emphasis and paragraph breaks added.]

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Hellraisers Journal: From International Socialist Review: “The Cossacks Club,” Brutal Servants of Capitalism


Quote Mother Jones Constabulary n Bread, Ab Chp 23, 1925———-

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday October 20, 1910
“Have you ever been clubbed  by a Cossack” -Louis Duchez

From the International Socialist Review of October 1910:

Cossacks Club by Duchez, ISR p198, Oct 1910

Letter W, ISR p577, Jan 1920

ERE you ever on strike? Sure, you’ve been- or else you’ve never been a workingman, or woman. Very well! It’s you I am talking to.

Now, have you ever been clubbed by a Cossack? Have you ever had these brutal servants of capitalism ride into you and your fellow workers on strike, like so many sheep, and club right and left and shoot without reserve?

Perhaps the Cossacks have not been established in your state yet? Then you’ve had similar dealings with the militia, the the local “cops” or the deputies of the firm you were striking against. They’re all about the same thing. They are part of the capitalist machine to keep you and your class-my class—in submission-in slavery.

Well, I’ve had them club me when I was on strike! I’ve seen “the man on horse back” come “over the hill.” And I’ve seen the bloody trail he left behind. I’ve seen it at McKees Rocks, at Butler, at New Castle and elsewhere in Pennsylvania.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From International Socialist Review: “The Cossacks Club,” Brutal Servants of Capitalism”

Hellraisers Journal: John Reed Dies in Moscow; Well-Known Radical Writer Succumbed to Typhus Last Sunday


Quote John Reed, Weak Gov Rebellious People, 10 Days Chp III, 1919———-

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday October 19, 1920
Moscow, Russia – John Reed Has Died of Typhus, According to Cable

From The Butte Daily Bulletin of October 18, 1920:

Well Known American Radical Writer and Editor
Succumbs to Typhus, According to Message.

(Special United Press Wire.)

John Reed, Ogden Standard p12, Feb 19, 1918

Portland, Ore., Oct. 18.-John Reed, well known radical writer and editor, died Sunday at Moscow, Russia, according to cablegrams received by his relatives here. Typhus was the cause.

Reed spent considerable time in Russia as a war correspondent and writer for magazines. He had been previously on the staff of the American magazine. He returned to the United States after the war with a commission as Soviet ambassador to the United States, but his commission was later recalled.


Reed’s commission as ambassador to the United States was refused recognition by the state department.

An address by Reed recently delivered in Moscow was widely quoted in the press of the United States and Europe within the last two weeks. In his address Reed was quoted as declaring that the workers in the United States and Europe were in favor of recognition of the Soviet republic, but that the opposition to such recognition was being fostered by reactionary interests connected with the international financial interests.


[Emphasis added; Newsclip added from Utah’s Ogden Standard of February 19, 1918.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: John Reed Dies in Moscow; Well-Known Radical Writer Succumbed to Typhus Last Sunday”

Hellraisers Journal: I. W. W. Men Arrive in Coalinga and Fresno to Help Out in the Struggle for Right to Picket or Speak


Quote Frank Little, Fresno Jails Dungeons, FMR p6, Sept 2, 1910———-

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday October 18, 1910
Coalinga (Near Fresno), California – I. W. W. Taking Part in Strike

From the Spokane Industrial Worker of October 15, 1910:

for HJ 10-18-1910 IW Oct 15, FMR Oct 4 cpy

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: I. W. W. Men Arrive in Coalinga and Fresno to Help Out in the Struggle for Right to Picket or Speak”

Hellraisers Journal: Strikers at Lick Creek Tent Colony Prepare for Winter as Scabs Brought from Ohio to Tug River Field


Quote Mother Jones, Doomed, Wmsn WV, June 20, 1920, Speeches Steel, p213———-

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday October 17, 1920
Tug River Field, W. V. – Scabs Arrive as Lick Creek Tent Colony Prepares for Winter

From the United Mine Workers Journal of October 15, 1920:

Bringing in Strike Breakers in
the Tug River Field

WV Mingo Co Miners Strike, Fed Troops Lick Creek, BDB p1, Sept 24, 1920
The Butte Daily Bulletin
September 24, 1920

Dispatches from Williamson, W. Va., say that coal operators in the Tug River strike field have begun the importation of strike breakers on an extensive scale. It is said that 125 men, recruited mainly from factories in Akron, O., and other points in that region, have been sent to Williamson to be distributed throughout that district, and across the river in Pike county, Ky.

A man believed to be Anton Skilba, of Cleveland, is at the tent colony of strikers on Lick creek, two miles up the Tug River from Williamson, suffering from a fractured skull, received in one of the numerous clashes in the mountains.

The Lick creek colony contains sixty-two tents housing 107 men, women and children. Preparations are being made to put board floors in the tents, presaging an intention to cling to the makeshift homes and continue the strike into the winter. Living conditions there are of the most primitive type. Food in many cases is cooked on stoves made of rocks and mud.

None of the children wear more than one garment. The men and women are shabby. Food is scarce and what there is of a very coarse variety.


[Newsclip and emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Strikers at Lick Creek Tent Colony Prepare for Winter as Scabs Brought from Ohio to Tug River Field”

Hellraisers Journal: “The day draweth nigh. Soon is the town of Fresno, Cal., to feel the weight of the hand of the I. W. W.”


Quote Frank Little, re Fresno Sure to Win, IW p4, Aug 27, 1910———-

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday October 16, 1910
Fresno, California – Town soon to feel hand of Industrial Workers of the World.

From the Spokane Industrial Worker of October 15, 1910:


IWW Spk FSF v Employment Sharks, IW p1, Apr 2, 1910
Industrial Worker of April 2, 1910

The day draweth nigh. Soon is the town of Fresno, Cal., to feel the weight of the hand of the I. W. W. This upstart city has taken upon itself the task of wresting from the workers the right of free speech and as a result hundreds of workers are in the vicinity of Fresno prepared at the signal to speak in spite of the “law and order” element of thugs and gum shoes.

Soon will the workers demonstrate to the boss that there are a few privileges, at least, that will not be surrendered.

The owners of halls in Fresno have refused to rent their buildings to the I. W. W. boys, but in spite of this obstacle all will be in readiness for the sounding of the call.

Let every worker in the north and west who can possibly do so go to Fresno and speak on the streets in accordance with the age-long inheritance of the Anglo-Saxon. Let us demonstrate to the boss that we will FIGHT before we will submit to the loss of the privilege of free speech.



Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: “The day draweth nigh. Soon is the town of Fresno, Cal., to feel the weight of the hand of the I. W. W.””

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for September 1910, Part II: Found Speaking in Cincinnati and Columbus, Ohio


Quote Mother Jones, Corporations Wreck n Maim, Cnc Pst p9, Sept 26, 1910———-

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday October 15, 1910
Mother Jones News Round-Up for September 1910, Part II:
-Found in Ohio Speaking in Cincinnati and Columbus

Mother Jones, WDC Tx p5, June 18, 1910From the Wilkes-Barre Evening News
of September 23, 1900:

“Mother” Jones after recuperating her health in Hazleton, returned to Cincinnati, Ohio, today.


From The Cincinnati Post
of September 23, 1910:



Mother Jones,” known as the “Angel of the Miners,” will address the Woman’s Union Label League at an outing at Chester Park Sunday. Mrs. May Wood Simons, one of the editors of the Chicago Daily Socialist; E. L. Hitchens, Wm. Tateman and Mrs. Etta Knatt Behrman also will speak.


[Photograph added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for September 1910, Part II: Found Speaking in Cincinnati and Columbus, Ohio”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for September 1910, Part I: Found in Pennsylvania Denouncing John Mitchell


Quote Mother Jones, Union Card n Pious Christian, Shenandoah Eve Hld p1, Aug 27, 1910———-

Hellraisers Journal – Friday October 14, 1910
Mother Jones News Round-Up for September 1910, Part I:
-Found in Pennsylvania Denouncing Former U. M. W. President Mitchell

From the Mount Carmel Daily News of September 1, 1910:


Mother Jones, John Mitchell, TLL, Detail, LW p1, Apr 16, 1910

Addressing a mass meeting of mine workers at Shenandoah, “Mother” Jones denounced John Mitchell, former head of the United Mine Workers, and ex-President Roosevelt, and declared that Mitchell was a traitor to labor.

“Mitchell and Roosevelt,” she fairly shrieked, “are the two biggest bluffs at large.”

“Mother” Jones’ attack on Mitchell gained her few sympathizers, as Mitchell has a devoted following among the miners of this region. She said that Roosevelt’s recent visit to the hard coal region was for political purposes and that he “doesn’t care a rap” for the workers except to further his consuming ambition.

Prominent mine workers declared that her denunciation of Mitchell will hurt the United Mine Workers’ organization, as she is sent here on missionary work by President [Tom] Lewis, who is an inveterate foe of his predecessor in office.


[Photographs added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for September 1910, Part I: Found in Pennsylvania Denouncing John Mitchell”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for September 1900, Part II: Found in Pennsylvania Supporting Great Anthracite Strike


Quote Mother Jones, Not Afraid in PA, SF Exmr p2, Sept 22, 1900———-

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday October 13, 1900
Mother Jones News Round-Up for September 1900, Part II
Found in Pennsylvania Supporting Great Anthracite Strike

From The Philadelphia Inquirer of September 21, 1900:



From a Staff Correspondent.

Mother Jones, at Her Lecture Stand, Detail, Phl Iq p1, Sept 24, 1900

HAZLETON, Pa., Sept. 20.-Outside of a little flurry this morning at Shaft 40, the property of the Lehigh Valley Coal Company, between a half dozen coal and iron police and a crowd of two hundred Hungarians and Polish women, the most startling thing up to noon was the arrival in Hazleton of Wharton Barker, Jr., and Mother Mary Jones. The former came up for a day’s trip only, to study the situation from the standpoint of a student, of social economics and in its political bearing; the latter will remain over until Saturday to rest up after her speech-making of the last week or so, which has worn down her voice to a whisper.

The trouble at Shaft 40, was directly due to the over officiousness of the coal and iron police in going from house to house to collect boys to work in the breakers. They had gathered in about fifty, and were returning to the shaft by way of East Diamond avenue, when a couple of hundred Hungarian women made a dash to rescue the lads. They were repulsed but made another sortie. There was some torn clothing, but nothing worse. The women got the better end of the conflict, as the discomfited officers were not able to corral more than a dozen of the lads, for duty at the colliery.

[Photograph added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for September 1900, Part II: Found in Pennsylvania Supporting Great Anthracite Strike”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for September 1900, Part I: Found in Pennsylvania Working with Mine Workers’ Union


Quote Mother Jones, If war Shamokin Sep 8, Phl Iq p2, Sept 9, 1900———-

Hellraisers Journal – Friday October 12, 1900
Mother Jones News Round-Up for September 1900, Part I
Found Working with Pennsylvania Miners Ready to Strike

From The Philadelphia Inquirer of September 5, 1900:

Mother Jones n Father Phillips w Miners in PA, Phl Iq p4, Sept 5, 1900

“Mother” Mary Jones, of Chicago, Now Working
Hand in Hand With Mine Workers’ Union,
at Wilkes-Barre

Mother Jones Speaks to Miners in PA, Phl Iq p4, Sept 5, 1900

Special to The Inquirer.

WILKES-BARRE, Sept. 4.-The United Mine Workers’ Union here seems to be dominated by “Mother” Mary Jones, of Chicago, and she has full sway in dictating the policy of the union in the labor situation here.

She has not only every member of the United Mine Workers’ Union ready to strike, but her eloquent presentation of the wrongs suffered at the hands of the operator has made many new members, while an equal number are ready to follow the union men out without formally joining the organization.

Mrs. Jones has been working among the soft coal miners of the Meyersdale (Md.) and Central Pennsylvania districts since helping those in Tioga county to win their strike last winter.

Fifty-six years of age, she is bright and active. Her white hair commands respect, while her cheery face and manner hearten up the most morose assemblage.

[She said:]

The condition of the miner is most deplorable. He is the butt of a system of robbery. Of course, there are some good operators-men who would correct the grievances if they dared, but who are governed by others. In New Zealand the operators urge the men to organize, but in this country they shoot them down or get out an injunction and throw them into jail.

In this crisis if the operators don’t make concessions I believe that a strike is inevitable. The law says 2240 pounds make a ton. The operator expects 3300 from the miner. The miners are publicly robbed.

The company doctor is an imposition and ought to be driven out. The company store should not be tolerated. I don’t believe the men want to strike, but if it is their only alternative, I say strike.

I do not approve of strikes, but at times they are necessary and if the operators do not grant the just and equitable demands of the men there is but one thing for them to do-strike, and continue to strike until they gain fair treatment.


[Drawing detail added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for September 1900, Part I: Found in Pennsylvania Working with Mine Workers’ Union”