Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for July 1920, Part I: Found in Nation’s Capital after Visit to Matewan, West Virginia


Quote Mother Jones, IN DlyT Ipls p1, July 15, 1920


Hellraisers Journal – Saturday August 21, 1920
-Mother Jones News for July 1920, Part I
Found in Washington, D. C., after Visit to Matewan, West Virginia

From the United Mine Workers Journal of July 1, 1920:

Williamson Conv ed, Mother Jones, UMWJ p7, July 1, 1920

…..Mingo county is now 100 per cent organized. Approximately 6,000 new members have been taken in in that county since the Matewan battle.

The first convention of the United Mine Workers of America ever held in Mingo county was held at Williamson, the county seat, on June 23. The sessions were held in the court house, the purpose of the convention being to formulate a set of demands as to wages and working conditions to be presented to the operators. The above photograph was taken on the court house steps, and it shows the delegates, some of the officials of District 17, and also some of the international organizers who were active in effecting the organization……

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Hellraisers Journal: UMW District 17 Sends Letter to West Virginia Governor in Defense of Mingo County Sheriff


Mingo Co Sprigg Local Sec E Jude re Gunthugs, UMWJ p14, Aug 15, 1920———-

Hellraisers Journal – Friday August 20, 1920
Mingo County, West Virginia – District 17 Defends Sheriff Blankenship

From the United Mine Workers Journal of August 15, 1920:

-from page 7:

Pointed Letter Sent
to West Virginia Governor

UMW D17, Mooney Keeney, Lbtr p9, Aug 1920

The reconvened scale convention of District 17, which was held at Charleston, W. Va., July 15, 16 and 17, for the purpose of dealing with certain differentials, voted unanimously to send the following communication to Governor Cornwell, of that state:

Charleston, W. Va., July 19, 1920.

Hon. John J. Cornwell, Governor of West Virginia,
Charleston, W. Va.

Dear Sir—In its issue of July 17, 1920, The Charleston Gazette carries copies of a telegram and letter alleged to have been sent by you to Sheriff Blankenship of Mingo county, West Virginia, relating to disorders along the Tug River in that county.

These letters do an injustice to our officials and membership by carrying the imputation that they have failed to co-operate with the civil authorities in the preservation of law and order. They also carry the inference that the officials of this district have appealed to the federal government for federal troops to be sent into Mingo county and other sections of this state. You must certainly know that neither of these imputations is true.

Sheriff Blankenship and the other peace officers of Mingo county will no doubt gladly testify to the fact that the officials of our district have at all times consulted and cooperated with him in an effort to protect the citizens of that county from the lawless gang of gunmen and thugs turned loose upon them by the coal operators, who have endeavored to supersede the civil authorities by the introduction of a private army of their own. In marked contrast to your attitude toward the lawless invasion of that county by private gunmen of the operators, Sheriff Blankenship and his deputies have attempted to uphold the law and to throw its protecting folds around the peaceful and law-abiding citizens of that section. In all of his efforts he has the earnest and whole-hearted support of our officials and membership.

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Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Speaks at Princeton, W. V.-Near Headquarters of Baldwin-Felts Gunthugs, Part III


Quote Mother Jones Princeton WV Speech Aug 15, 1920, Steel Speeches, p230———-

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday August 19, 1920
West Virginia – Mother Jones Speaks at Princeton, West Virginia, Part III

August 15, 1920 – Princeton, West Virginia
-Mother Jones Speaks at Public Meeting, Part III of III:

Mother Jones, UMWJ p11, July 15, 1920

I am going to pay McDowell County a visit. They can put me in jail if they want to, but I don’t care, as I can always command more respect when I am in jail.

I knew young Al Baldwin 20 years ago. There were two Baldwins that I knew well, and if anything went wrong, they would come and tell me. One time when I went to Pocahontas the woman didn’t want to give me a room in the hotel, and young Baldwin said, “Yes, you will, give her my room.” I shall always appreciate those two men, but I want to tell you, since you became murderers—since these men are being robbed out of the coal they dig, so that we and our children have been deprived of the necessaries of life, and out of the money of which you are robbed, these Baldwin-Felts men are paid. That wasn’t done in the slavery days. The black slaves were fed and protected, and if they were sick, they were taken care of. [With all due respect to Mother Jones, this is an absurd statement: the enslaved were under the watchful eye of their master, not to protect them, but to maintain their enslavement; they were fed and cared for only in as much as that care profited their master.]

When you have as much American blood in you as the mule has, then you will be a man. I am ashamed of you. You miserable cowards. When you—you miserly un-American fellows making your living this way. You are staying where your brothers were murdered. You have to be a man to protect your brothers.

By God, I am not afraid of the Baldwin-Felts thugs. I would tell Uncle Sam straight that if he doesn’t clean them up, we will.

In 28 years the voice from labor was never raised [at Homestead]. I said to the boys, we have got to go in, and they told me they would put me in jail, and I told them that we built the jails and we had a perfect right to be put in them. Three of us went in to the steel workers. One fellow got up and told us that we were under arrest and told us to get out. I said, “Don’t you know that God Almighty never made a man that knew how to coop a woman up.” They didn’t know that anyone in the world would dare talk to the Chief of Police like that.

We were taken up to jail [August 20, 1919] and 8,000 steel workers gathered around the jail in about eight hours. There were 8,000 men there. I told them to hell with old Carnegie and all the robbers of the country. I went up to headquarters at Boston and told them not to fear the Bolsheviks, the Reds or the I. W. W. because the trouble was that the police were serving the capitalists.

But I don’t bother with them fellows.

I talk to Uncle Sam. It is up to you men not to be afraid of the newspaper men. Stand up like Americans. Join the union. Do you belong to the United Mine Workers? Say, “Yes, I do.” Put on your hat like an American.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Speaks at Princeton, W. V.-Near Headquarters of Baldwin-Felts Gunthugs, Part III”

Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Speaks at Princeton, W. V.-Near Headquarters of Baldwin-Felts Gunthugs, Part II


Quote Mother Jones Princeton WV Speech Aug 15, 1920, Steel Speeches, p227———-

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday August 18, 1920
West Virginia – Mother Jones Speaks at Princeton, West Virginia, Part II

August 15, 1920 – Princeton, West Virginia
-Mother Jones Speaks at Public Meeting, Part II of III:

Mother Jones, UMWJ p11, July 15, 1920

Now I am going to talk, men. I have come up against those things [the brutalities of the Baldwin-Felts gunthug system], perhaps, more than any other one person. I was up in Raleigh, and these Baldwin-Felts turned two machine guns on me—two here, and one here (pointing to each side of her head and her forehead). It was on Sunday and they put their guns against my head, but I took no back water, and they didn’t shoot them. They didn’t pull the trigger.

These Baldwin-Felts men, when they had that machine gun up there in Cabin Creek, turned that machine gun to murder thirty-six men that didn’t even have a pen-knife, and were coming down to meet me. The men screamed, and I jumped out of the buggy and went up and put my hands on the guns and told them not to shoot a bullet. They told me to take my hands off and I told them I had a right to examine them. They made me wade a creek the next day up to here (pointing), but I came back and organized the men.

I am not like you, a pack of damn measly cowards. Damn you. They are so afraid of the operators—so afraid of the managers.

Did you ever watch a mule in a mine. If a mule turns his head around and the boss goes on, the mule takes to his hind legs and says “Get the Hell out of here.”

Here is the thing. We are after this. This paper said today that I came in here and there is always trouble. Well, we are not after trouble. We are not looking for trouble. We are going to do this. The newspaper men are organized. The mine owners are organized and have their Union. The lawyers are in their Union. The sky-pilots are in their Union. The judiciary are in their Union. The merchants are in their Union. Don’t you think we have the same rights they have? Now if you don’t think so, we are going to show you, and we are not going to offer you or your press apology for doing it.

It is so sickening and nauseating to hear men talking today. We are moving.

I was along the Coast and after I had gone, the men sent for me to come back. Everywhere there is that unrest. Now, what is the cause of this unrest? It is injustice.

You cannot stop this thing with police. You cannot stop it with deportation, nor with the assassination of the press. It is the awakening. The night bell of the worker is ringing in the dawn of that new day. Hanging, deporting and shooting them is not going to stop it. There is nothing that will stop it but industrial and social justice.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Speaks at Princeton, W. V.-Near Headquarters of Baldwin-Felts Gunthugs, Part II”

Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Speaks at Princeton, W. V.-Near Headquarters of Baldwin-Felts Gunthugs, Part I


Quote Mother Jones Princeton WV Speech Aug 15, 1920, Steel Speeches, p226 ———-

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday August 17, 1920
West Virginia – Mother Jones Fights for Miners, Causes Trouble for Mine Operators

From The Richmond Daily Register of August 6, 1920:

Mother Jones w Workman, Hatfield n Fry, UMWJ p11, July 15, 1920

“Mother” Jones has reached the West Virginia mines and is said to be responsible for much of the recent trouble started there.

[Photograph added.]

August 15, 1920 – Princeton, West Virginia
-Mother Jones Speaks at Public Meeting, Part I of III:

My friends, in all the ages of man the human race has trod, it has looked forward to that mighty power where men could enjoy the right to live as nature intended that they should.

We have not made millionaires, but we have made billionaires on both sides of the house. We have built up the greatest oligarchy that the world has ever known in history.

On the other side, we have the greatest slaves the world has ever known. There is no getting away from that.

I am not going to abuse the operators nor the bosses for their system. The mine owners and the steel robbers are all a product of the system of industry. It is just like an ulcer, and we have got to clean the ulcer.

(Hissing from the audience.)

God—they make me sick. They are worse than an old bunch of cats yelling for their mother.

Today, the world has turned over. The average man don’t see it. The ministers don’t see it and they don’t see what is wrong. They cannot see it. But the man who sits in the tower and his fortune of clouds clash, knows there is a cause for those clouds clashing before the clap of thunder comes. All over the world is the clashing of clouds. In the office, the doctor don’t pay attention to it. The man who watches the clouds don’t understand it. People want to watch the battle.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Speaks at Princeton, W. V.-Near Headquarters of Baldwin-Felts Gunthugs, Part I”

Hellraisers Journal: Poem for Eugene V. Debs by Daniel Peters: “The Forward Cry of Social Evolution-Advance! Advance!”


Quote EVD, Children of the Poor, AtR p2, Mar 17, 1900———-

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday August 16, 1900
Poem for Candidate Debs by Daniel Peters: “Forward Cry of Social Evolution”

From the Social Democratic Herald of August 11, 1900:

POEM f EVD by Daniel Peters, SDH p1, Aug 11, 1900

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Hellraisers Journal: Mexican Political Refugees Released from Prison; Villarreal, Magón & Rivera Arrive in Los Angeles


Quote Ricardo Flores Magon, Nothing But Death, AtR p2, May 29, 1909———-

Hellraisers Journal – Monday August 15, 1910
Los Angeles, California – Mexican Political Refugees Arrive after Release

From the Appeal to Reason of August 13, 1910:

Refugees Released–Their Persecution.

[-by John Kenneth Turner.]

Story of the Release.

By Telegraph to Appeal to Reason.

Mex Rev, Villareal Magon Rivera, Barbarous MX p307, 3rd ed 1910

Los Angles, August 5.-Magon, Villarreal and Rivera, the refugee leaders of the Mexican Liberal party, are free at last, free and resting with friends in this city preparatory to reassembling their forces and launching again upon their campaign against the “Perpetual President” Diaz.

In order to meet them as they came out of prison, to be present if they were rearrested, so that through the Appeal to Reason the story of the latest crime against these men might be given to the world, I undertook the journey into that human bake oven, Arizona. I found the sweltering town of Florence, and that walled institution wherein some five hundred unfortunates pant and fight flies throughout the burning summer days and nights, bunked like sardines four or more in a cell. The trip nearly finished me. What long drawn agony it must have been to these persecuted men!

When Wednesday morning the three refugees stepped out through the iron gates into the open air, they looked about them for a man with a star and handcuffs, and could hardly believe their eyes when they saw none.

Arriving down town, they looked again for such a man, and at the station they looked for him again. As the train pulled into Phoenix Magon leaned back, resigning himself as it were, to the inevitable. Villarreal bent toward me and said: “He can’t believe that we are to be free, he cannot believe it. I could not believe it myself.”

But the man with the star and the handcuffs did not appear, nor has he yet appeared. As we disembarked at Los Angeles we heard a cheer, then the three Liberals were surrounded by scores of men and women. Americans and Mexicans, who shook their hands, patted them on-the back, and hugged them…..

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Mexican Political Refugees Released from Prison; Villarreal, Magón & Rivera Arrive in Los Angeles”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for July 1910, Part II: Found Honored for Her Work on Behalf of the Mexican Political Refugees


Quote Mother Jones Save Our Mexican Comrades, AtR p3, Feb 20, 1909———-

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday August 14, 1910
Mother Jones News Round-Up for July 1910, Part II:
-Found Praised for Her Work on Behalf of Mexican Comrades

From the Appeal to Reason of July 2, 1910:

Mother Jones in Washington.

Mother Jones, WDC Tx p5, June 18, 1910

Mother Jones has for two weeks been in Washington where she went to testify in behalf of the Mexican politician refugees. She has been courteously received even by members of congress who have no special leaning to labor’s cause, and was admitted to an audience with Taft. She said this was a courtesy which was denied her by Roosevelt. After she had laid the case of the Mexican prisoners before the president, Taft remarked:

“Mother, I am afraid if I were to put the pardoning power in your hands, there wouldn’t be any men left in the penitentiaries.”

To this Mother Jones replied:

And, indeed, Mr. President, if this nation spent half as much money keeping men out as she does keeping them in, we wouldn’t need so many penitentiaries.

Mother described her residence to Washington reporters as “wherever there is a labor war,” which is literally true.


[Photograph added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for July 1910, Part II: Found Honored for Her Work on Behalf of the Mexican Political Refugees”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for July 1910, Part I: Found Speaking to Miners in Hazleton and Coleraine, Pennsylvania


Quote Mother Jones, Brutal Ruling Class, Cnc Pst p7, May 31, 1910———-

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday August 13, 1910
Mother Jones News Round-Up for July 1910, Part I:
-Found with Miners of Hazleton and Coleraine, Pennsylvania

From the Shenandoah Evening Herald of July 6, 1910:

Mother Jones crpd, WDC Tx p5, June 18, 1910

Mother Jones Coming.

Mother Jones who led the McAdoo marchers in 1900 and who was stricken in a western city some months ago has partially recovered and is expected to arrive in Hazleton this week to spend several weeks, in the hope of regaining her former health and vigor.


[Photograph added.]

From the Pottsville Republican of July 16, 1910:

Mother Jones at Hazleton.

“Mother” Jones, who took a leading part to two of the big miners’ strikes some years ago, arrived in Hazleton to remain for three or four days. She may make one or more addresses. She was recently stricken ill in Cincinnati, O., but has fully recovered.


From the Shenandoah Evening Herald of July 19, 1910:

“Mother” Jones to Speak.

“Mother” Jones, who is at Hazleton for a week or ten days, will be the principal speaker at a big rally to be held at Coleraine on Thursday night.

From the Pittston Gazette of July 23, 1910:

Mother Jones at Coleraine.

Mother Jones, who came to this region over a week ago to recuperate her health, is rapidly gaining in strength and in a few weeks will have regained her former vigor and activity. Last night she addressed the miners at Coleraine and was given a rousing welcome, particularly by the breaker boys.-Hazleton Standard.


Note: Emphasis added throughout.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for July 1910, Part I: Found Speaking to Miners in Hazleton and Coleraine, Pennsylvania”

Hellraisers Journal: Socialist Montana News: “Laissez Faire” by Robert Hunter -What the powerful claim to believe in.


Quote Tom Morello, Law Rulers Ruled, Which Side Are You On———-

Hellraisers Journal – Friday August 12, 1910
Robert Hunter on Laissez Faire, what the powerful claim to believe in.

From the Socialist Montana News of August 11, 1910:

By Robert Hunter.

Robert Hunter, Painting by Sergeant Kendall crpd, The Critic, Jan 1905

The above is the name of a politic that the powerful claim that they believe in.

It means, “Let Alone”. It means that the community must not interfere in behalf of the weak, nor in aid of the strong.

It is the politic upon which our government is said to be founded and it has been called the politic of “Everybody for himself and the devil take the hindmost.”

Those who are successful sat that it is a fine doctrine, that it means, unlimited competition, unlimited struggle, and the survival of the fit.

They say everyone should have freedom to battle and to win, if he can.

And they claim that Laissez Faire permits a free race in which the swift always wins. And so Bryan and Taft, Cannon and Aldrich, and nearly all the leaders of both parties, say they believe in Laissez Faire.

When the the judges declare unconstitutional laws limitting the hours of work, they speak in the name of Laissez Faire.

When the trusts want to escape the law they plead in the name of Laissez Faire.

When the rich fight socialism they say it is because Socialism would hurt Laissez Faire.

And who is this Laissez Faire anyhow that has become such a terrible bogie?

Well I’ll tell you. It is a secret, but I tell you. He doesn’t exist. He is just gas and wind. He is a goblin.

If Jack Johnson should go to Mr. Rockefeller’s estate and beat up Mr. Rockefeller and take his property away from him, Mr. Rockefeller would run to the courts not to Laissez Faire.

If the workers were to gain control of congress and do away with the protective tariff, the powerful would denounce Laissez Faire.

And so the rich not believing in Laissez Faire have built up about themselves every kind of protection.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Socialist Montana News: “Laissez Faire” by Robert Hunter -What the powerful claim to believe in.”