Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones, William Z. Foster and Speakers for Pittsburgh District of Great Steel Strike


Quote Mother Jones GSS American Liberty, Bff Eve Tx p4, Oct 3, 1919———-

Hellraisers Journal – Monday November 10, 1919
Pittsburgh District Organizers of Great Steel Strike with Mother Jones

From The Survey of November 8, 1919:

Mother Jones and William Z. Foster with Steel Strike Speakers

GSS, Mother Jones, WZF, Organizers, Survey p64, Nov 8, 1919

Close-Up of Mother Jones and William Z. Foster:

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Hellraisers Journal: “Francisco Ferrer Spanish Martyr” -Miners Magazine on Execution of Gentle Professor


Quote Ferrer, Aim Well, per Avrich Modern School Mv p32———-

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday November 9, 1909
Western Federation of Miners Reports Execution of Prof. Ferrer

From The Miners Magazine of October 21, 1909:

Francisco Ferrer Spanish Martyr.

Francisco Ferrer, Cronaca Sovversiva p1, Oct 23, 1909

America gave a gasp of horror this morning when it read that Spain had condemned Francisco Ferrer to be shot for the crime of spreading intelligence in that country, says the Chicago Socialist.

“That would be going back ten centuries in the progress of civilization,” declared Dean Albion W. Small of the Chicago University graduate school and head of its department of sociology, when told of the death sentence that had been passed on Ferrer. “To execute a man of Ferrer‘s character and position would be a reversion to the dark ages,” he continued. “It would be a blot on the page of progress of today. I certainly do protest against it. I will join in any general protest that is made.”

“I also wish to join in any protest that is being made to save Ferrer from the sentence of execution that has been passed upon him. It is the duty of every man to protest,” said Dr. Herbert F. Fisk, head of the department of education at Northwestern University.

Numerous other educators of Chicago were equally emphatic in their denunciation of the tactics pursued by the Spanish government in seeking the death of one who is doing so much for the enlightenment of the human race. They were unanimous in their protest against a government so backward as to desire the destruction of one of its greatest intellectual leaders.

The feeling with which the death sentence that had been passed on Ferrer was received was akin to horror. It was known that Ferrer was in prison, the climax of several years of persecution by the church and government officials of Spain. It was known that his death was desired by many. It was not believed, however, that they would go so far as to make Ferrer a martyr in the face of the combined protest of civilized Europe.

Ferrer is looked upon in this country as the John Dewey of Spain. As Prof. Dewey of Columbia University urged his ideas in education in this country, so Ferrer has introduced modern education into Spain. It is considered that Spain is now in a position where the United States would be if it sought Dewey’s life because of his ideas on the education of children.

Since the execution of Ferrer there has been rioting in many cities in Spain, France, Italy, Belgium and other continental countries; Spaniards have had to bear the brunt of assaults by the enraged populace, and soldiers have with difficulty dispersed angry multitudes. It is feared that the martyrdom will result in further violence, loss of life and destruction of property.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: “Francisco Ferrer Spanish Martyr” -Miners Magazine on Execution of Gentle Professor”

Hellraisers Journal: Elizabeth Gurley Flynn for Missoula Citizens’ Committe: Protests Execution of Francisco Ferrer


Quote Ferrer, Aim Well, per Avrich Modern School Mv p32———-

Hellraisers Journal – Monday November 8, 1909
Missoula, Montana – Committee Protests Execution of Prof. Ferrer

From The Daily Missoulian of November 4, 1909:



[-by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn.]

Ferrer, Execution Results 1 Crpd, Canton SD Frmr Ldr p3, Nov 5, 1909

A protest has been made in Missoula against the execution of Francisco Ferrer, a set of resolutions having been passed at an open-air meeting at the corner of Higgins avenue and Main street. The protest is expressed in the following words:

Whereas, On October 13, 1909, in the fortress of Montjuic, at Barcelona, Spain, Francisco Ferrer was murdered by the Spanish government, and

Whereas, He died bravely, this gentle scholar and brilliant educator of workingmen’s children, with the cry, “Long live the modern schools” on his lips, and

Whereas, His only “crime” was his unswerving devotion to the ideals of freedom and his belief that workingmen’s children should not be given over to a clerical institution to have faith and dogmas moulded into their young minds, but should be taught to think and reason, and

Whereas, He was accused of stirring up anti-war riots in Barcelona and of advocating the establishment of a republic in Spain, both of which are deeds to be proud of and applauded by Americans, and

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Elizabeth Gurley Flynn for Missoula Citizens’ Committe: Protests Execution of Francisco Ferrer”

Hellraisers Journal: From The One Big Union Monthly: FW Haywood on Funds Needed for IWW Class-War Prisoners


Quote Frank Little re Guts, Wobbly by RC p208, Chg July 1917———-

Hellraisers Journal – Friday November 7, 1919
Funds Needed for Bond and Defense of I. W. W. Class-War Prisoners

From The One Big Union Monthly of November 1919:

[“Justice Pleads with the Prison Guard” by Maurice Becker:]

IWW Justice Pleads f Class War Prisoners, OBU p4, Nov 1919

[Secretary Haywood on Funds Needed for Bonds and Defense
-Chicago Class-War Prisoners:]

IWW Bond for Chg Class War Prisoners 1, OBU p5, Nove 1919

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From The One Big Union Monthly: FW Haywood on Funds Needed for IWW Class-War Prisoners”

Hellraisers Journal: Marguerite Prevey: “Unite for Liberation” -Eugene V. Debs Sends Message from Atlanta Prison


Quote EVD, Be True Labor Will Come Into Its Own, OH Sc p1, Nov 5, 1919———-

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday November 6, 1919
Eugene V. Debs: “Be true to yourselves and your class.”

From The Ohio Socialist of November 5, 1919:

EVD fr Prison by M Prevey, OH Sc p1, Nov 5, 1919

Cincinnati O. Oct. 23. 1919.


M Prevey by Art Young, Liberator p18, Oct 1919

I visited Gene yesterday accompanied by attorney Castelton [Samuel Castleton] and found slightly improved, he is still in the hospital and will in all probability remain there because of his health. He is no longer obliged to work in the clothing shop as the Warden recognized he must get better air and rest. Every one about the prison appreciates and loves “our Gene,” many prisoners would gladly serve his time for him if they could. The prisoners in the tuberculosis section raise flowers and frequently send him boquets.

He is cheerful and optimistic, the split in the Party is to him an evidence of growth. He said,

Parties will split, but the movement for working-class emancipation never splits, the rank and file in all the Parties are honest and will get together in their own good time.

Tell them to carry on the work for liberation of all political prisoners. All of us will be released when the working-class present a united front. We must see to it that the financial interests are not permitted to overthrow by force the liberties so dearly bought and paid for by the blood of the workers.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Marguerite Prevey: “Unite for Liberation” -Eugene V. Debs Sends Message from Atlanta Prison”

Hellraisers Journal: From the Spokane Industrial Worker: “Free Speech Fight is On” -IWW Hall Raided, FWs Arrested


Quote re IWW Spk FSF n Solidarity, IW p1, Nov 3, 1909———-

Hellraisers Journal – Friday November 5, 1909
Spokane, Washington – “Free Speech Fight Is On”

From the Spokane Industrial Worker of November 3, 1909:

IWW Spk FSF, Come to Spk, IW p1, Nov 3, 1909—–

[From page 1:]

IWW Spk FSF, Defend Rights o Wkrs, IW p1, Nov 3, 1909—–


With the end of the trial of James P. Thompson held in the Municipal court of Spokane Tuesday morning, November 2, the fight for free speech or the right to speak on the streets has started in earnest by the members of the union here in the city and many others that have arrived from all over the northwest.

Meetings were started in different parts of the city at about 1 o’clock in the afternoon and kept up till 5 o’clock in the evening; as one speaker was pulled off the box by the police another would take the stand for the purpose of being arrested. All told there were about 100 men arrested on Monday, including James Wilson, James P. Thompson, C. L. Filigno, A. C. Cousins, who were arrested on a warrant charged with criminal conspiracy. Also Mrs. Fernette was taken for street speaking, and Mrs. Arquette and Miss Huxtable were arrested in the raid made on the hall at 3 o’clock Monday afternoon.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the Spokane Industrial Worker: “Free Speech Fight is On” -IWW Hall Raided, FWs Arrested”

Hellraisers Journal: News from Spokane Free Speech Fight: Jail Crowded with IWWs, Socialists and Miners of WFM


Quote, FSF Com Only Begun the Fight, Spk Prs p2, Nov 3, 1909———-

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday November 4, 1909
Spokane, Washington – I. W. W. Determined to Carry on Free Speech Fight

From The Spokane Press of November 3, 1909:

Spk FSF, Jail Crowded w IWWs, ed, Spk Prs p1, Nov 3, 1909


Spk FSF, IWW Notices, Spk Prs p1, Nov 3, 1909That 75 socialists are mingled with the scores of revolutionists arrested here yesterday and this morning for speaking on the streets in violation of the city’s ordinance, is an assertion made to The Press this morning by leading members of the Industrial Workers of the World.


In Court

Profound interest settles about the trials of the revolutionists in the police court this afternoon. Judge Mann’s decision of these cases means mush. Should he decide the men guilty and uphold the city ordinance, which is almost identical to the one that he declared invalid yesterday morning, the fight will continue with renewed vigor and determination; while, should his decision be a dismissal of the cases, the street meetings will be continued under the regulation of the police.

In a statement made yesterday in the police court, Attorney Fred H. Moore, for the Industrial Workers of the World, said that that order was willing that the street meetings should be regulated by the police after a reasonable manner, but that the city could not prohibit them.

War against Spokane’s street speaking prohibition has begun today with renewed vigor and with more determination than ever by the Industrial Workers of the World. The revolutionists’ fight was cheeked for a few hours last night because of the arrest of their executive committee, which, from the seclusion of headquarters, was directing the fight outside.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: News from Spokane Free Speech Fight: Jail Crowded with IWWs, Socialists and Miners of WFM”

Hellraisers Journal: Miss Elizabeth Gurley Flynn and the Missoula Free Speech Fight of the Industrial Workers of the World


Quote EGF, Western IWW Aggressive Spirit, IW p3, Aug 12, 1909———-

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday November 3, 1909
Missoula, Montana – Elizabeth Gurley Flynn and the Victory for Free Speech

From the International Socialist Review of November 1909:

EGF, ISR p466, Nov 1909

FREE SPEECH FIGHT. Missoula, Mont., Oct. 3.—Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, organizer of the Industrial Workers of the World, was arrested here tonight for persistently attempting to hold an advertised open-air meeting in the business section.

The plan of action outlined by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn was to select leaders of small squads and distribute them about town, giving each a chance to gather a crowd before the police might become cognizant of the movements of the I. W. W.

At the police station Mrs. Flynn said the I. W. W. could not be suppressed and that the work would be carried on as outlined if 10 men are jailed every day.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Miss Elizabeth Gurley Flynn and the Missoula Free Speech Fight of the Industrial Workers of the World”

Hellraisers Journal: Mary Heaton Vorse: A Woman’s View of Conditions Among the Steel Strikers of Pittsburgh, Part II


Quote MHV Immigrants Fight for Freedom, Quarry Jr p2, Nov 1, 1919———-

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday November 2, 1919
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – Steel Strikers’ Fight for Freedom Goes On

From The Quarry Workers Journal of November 1919:

By Mary Heaton Vorse,
Author of “The Prestons.” Etc.

[Part II.]

MHV, Author of Prestons, ed, NYS p37, Dec 1, 1918

Life is hard enough under ordinary conditions for the steel workers’ wives. They live in joyless towns, their men never had a chance to get really rested; there is always a new baby, and most of them remain forever strangers for they never have time or opportunity to learn English.

Lately the senators have talked about Americanization of the foreign workers. They will have to humanize the steel industry first. They will have to teach such men as Judge Gary the elementary things concerning Americanism.

In times of strike, terror and suspense are added to the lives of the women. Fear of want is their constant companion. How do they stick it out? How can they have such endurance and fortitude? In every town the men are constantly being arrested. The shadow of the constabulary is forever over the strikers.

The bosses make house to house canvasses and play upon the fears and credulity of the women, and yet you find them-like the mother of the laughing children-ready to wait two or three weeks more so that someone needier than herself would have first chance at commissary stores. Holding on in the face of sneering threats, holding on with want just around the corner, holding on with hunger waiting in ambush. Holding on in spite of the appealing hands of children plucking forever at their skirts, reminding them that it is they in the last analysis who are going to suffer.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Mary Heaton Vorse: A Woman’s View of Conditions Among the Steel Strikers of Pittsburgh, Part II”

Hellraisers Journal: Mary Heaton Vorse: A Woman’s View of Conditions Among the Steel Strikers of Pittsburgh, Part I


Quote MHV, Women of Steel Strike ed, Quarry Jr p2, Nov 1, 1919———-

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday November 1, 1919
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – The Steel Strikers: Courageous Men, Enduring Women

From The Quarry Workers Journal of November 1919:

By Mary Heaton Vorse,
Author of “The Prestons.” Etc.

[Part I.]

MHV, Author of Prestons, ed, NYS p37, Dec 1, 1918

This week the commissary stores are being opened in all the steel towns. For six weeks the strikers had nothing. They have been living on their savings; some who have had no savings, have existed from hand to mouth, picking up a chance bit of work here and there and being helped out by their friends.

The first strike relief which will have been given will be the groceries given out twice a week from the commissary stores. Not everyone can have these groceries. They are for those who are starving or on the edge of want, for it would be unthinkable at this stage of organized labor that any one should be forced to scab by hunger.

You do not need much imagination to understand what endurance it has taken on the part of the rank and file to stay out on strike for six weeks without strike benefit or relief. It is going to take even more endurance from now on, when the narrow line will have to be drawn between those actually in want and those nearly in want.

Yesterday I saw how that was being done. When a striker applies for re lief, one of the strike committee goes around to talk the matter over with the family. I went out in Pittsburgh with a Polish fellow-worker who was going out to make such visits of investigation.

We had some difficulty in finding the house where the strikers live. We went down back alleys, past refuse dumps that seemed as venerable as the dilapidated meeting house on the corner. Like everything else in this neighborhood, it was falling to pieces. The paint had scaled from its pillars, but it spoke of a former day before all the mild red brick of the houses had been defiled with the grime soot, and when the well to do, comfortable families lived a family in a house, instead of a family in a room.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Mary Heaton Vorse: A Woman’s View of Conditions Among the Steel Strikers of Pittsburgh, Part I”