Hellraisers Journal: McKees Rocks Strikers Issue Proclamation: “We shall fight to a finish, as it is our right.”


Quote Mother Jones, We Will Rest, UMWC Jan 27, 1909———-

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday July 21, 1909
McKees Rocks, Pennsylvania – Strikers of Pressed Steel Car Co. Issue Proclamation

From The Pittsburg Press of July 18, 1909:

McKees Rocks Strike, K. Nagy, WB Remay, Ptt Prs p1, July 18, 1909


Proclamation by Strikers

In refutation of the repeated statements of the officials of the Pressed Steel Car Co., that no strike exists at the Schoenville plant, the organized strikers yesterday issued a formal proclamation. It affirms in the strongest language that a strike is in progress and cites examples of the company’s alleged wage scale under the “pool system.” The proclamation, issued in behalf of the employes by William B. Remay and K. Nagy. is as follows:

Citizens Workingmen:

We talk to you, the oppressed workers, banished by the strike:

Public opinion is not sufficiently informed of the situation, and according to the statement of the directors of the Pressed Steel Car Co. there is no strike existing at McKees Rocks.

We call this statement an untruth. Yes. there is a strike and we proclaim it openly before the public that the bad conduct of the directory of the company is the direct cause of it. We complained numerous times but our complaints have never been listened to, and after complaining again last Monday, we got for our answer: “Your services are no longer required,” and we have been driven out of the works.

Citizens and workingmen, would you have acted in any other way than we did?

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: McKees Rocks Strikers Issue Proclamation: “We shall fight to a finish, as it is our right.””

Hellraisers Journal: McKees Rocks Strikers Elect Committee of Four, Seek Settlement Through Socialist Attorneys


Quote Mother Jones, Parasites Too Lazy, UMWC Jan 27, 1909———-

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday July 20, 1909
McKees Rocks, Pennsylvania – Strikers Seek Settlement

-As the Pressed Steel Car strikers seek a settlement through Socialist Attorneys, we learn that “one a day” is the death toll for the workers within the plant.

From The Pittsburg Press of July 16, 1909:

From page 1:

Committee of Four, One from Each
Nationality, to Confer, Through
Socialist Party Attorneys,
With Officials

Attorney Piekarski Offers His Services to
the Sheriff-Undercurrent of Excitement
in Schoenville This Afternoon

McKees Rocks Strike Troopers Clear Streets, Ptt Prs p1, July 16, 1909

Rioting at McKees Rocks has for the present given place to an effort at compromise, and a committee of four, representing the striking employes, is now conferring with attorneys of the Socialist party, who will take up the matter of settlement with officials of the Pressed Steel Car Co.

“We demand pay by the hour-no other way,” is the only demand made by the strikers.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: McKees Rocks Strikers Elect Committee of Four, Seek Settlement Through Socialist Attorneys”

Hellraisers Journal: McKees Rocks Strikers and Sympathizers Battle Pennsylvania’s Mounted Constabulary


Quote Clarence Darrow, Labor Flesh Blood Life, ISR p203, Sept 1909———-

Hellraisers Journal – Monday July 19, 1909
McKees Rocks, Pennsylvania – Strikers of Pressed Steel Car Co. Battle Cossacks

From The Pittsburg Press of July 15, 1909:

Desperate Fighting Takes Place at Noon,
a Pitched Battle Raging Over Most of
McKees Rocks for Half Hour
–Sergeant of Constabulary Badly Wounded


McKees Rocks Strike, PA Mounted Constabulary, LoC, July Aug 1909

Desperate fighting took place at noon today between 4,000 of the Pressed Steel Car Co. strikers and their sympathizers and the State Constabulary, a pitched battle raging over most of McKees Rocks for half an hour.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: McKees Rocks Strikers and Sympathizers Battle Pennsylvania’s Mounted Constabulary”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for June 1919, Found in Illinois and West Virginia


Quote Mother Jones, Kaisers here at home, Peoria IL Apr 6, 1919———-

Hellraisers Journal – Friday July 18, 1919
Mother Jones News for June 1919
-Found Speaking at Memorial for Coal Miners of Herrin, Illinois

From Springfield [Massachusetts] Republican of June 1, 1919:

Mother Jones, Labor Leader, Spgfld Rpb p37, June 1, 1919

Mother Jones has participated in many a successful strike. During the war she is reported to have said to miners: “Let us lick the kaiser first, then we can lick the operators.”

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for June 1919, Found in Illinois and West Virginia”

Hellraisers Journal: Man Arrested for Remarks about Peace Treaty, “Red Flag” Poem by Ralph Chaplin Found in Pocket


Quote Ralph Chaplin, Red Feast, Montreal 1914, Leaves 1917———-

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday July 17, 1919
Chicago, Illinois – Arrested for Speech Critical of Government
-Dissident to be “turned over to the government.”

From The Chicago Sunday Tribune of July 13, 1919:

Find Red Flag Poem on
Peace Treaty Assailer

WWIR IWW Remember the Boys in Jail, OH Sc p3, Aug 21, 1918

Frank Michalucine, of 14 West Superior street, was arrested in a poolroom at North Clark and West Huron streets yesterday after he is said to have made derogatory remarks about the government and the treaty which is now before congress for ratification.

When searched at the detective bureau a copy of a poem called “The Red Flag” and said to have been written by Ralph Chaplin an inmate of the Leavenworth penitentiary, was found in his pocket.

Michalucine was arrested some time ago by federal agents on the same charge but was released. He will be turned over to the government tomorrow.


[Photograph and emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Man Arrested for Remarks about Peace Treaty, “Red Flag” Poem by Ralph Chaplin Found in Pocket”

Hellraisers Journal: “Treason and Sedition” of Editor Stewart Leads to Suppression in Idaho of the Mullen Mirror


Quote Mother Jones, Powers of Privilege, Ab Chp III———-

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday July 16, 1899
“Treasonous and Seditious” Speech Sends Editor Stewart to Wardner Bullpen

From the Duluth Labor World of July 15, 1899:

Free Speech Mullen Mirror Editor Stewart, LW p1, July 15, 1899


Writing of the imprisonment of Editor Stewart of the Mullen (Idaho) Mirror and the suppression of his paper on the charge of treason and sedition, J. J. Noll says in the People’s Paper:

His criticism was an honest objection, honestly expressed, to Gen. Merriam’s shutting men up in box cars and cattle pens, and imposing such indignities and sufferings on them that four of them died outright and a number are on the verge of the grave. Is this governor and this general made of such stuff that one may not voice an objection to their methods of treating human beings. Can it be that a uniform and a majority vote converts ordinary mortals into gods?

Here is some of the treason and sedition uttered by Editor Stewart:

The “authorities” are declaring that they are handling the affair at Wardner as expeditiously as possible. That may be true. They say that the men are being examined as fast as they can be reached. That may be true. But what compensation will be made to the hundreds of men who have been falsely imprisoned in box cars and a vile filthy barn for from five days to four weeks, herded like sheep in a pen; taken from their work in the mines and mills with no chance to change their wet, heavy mine and mill garments for dry ones? How will the state compensates these men arrested at the bayonet point, while in the peaceful pursuit of their daily toil, given no chance to show whether or not there was any reason why they should be arrested at all? What excuse or compensation will the state make to those men who are released after being subjected for weeks to indignities, insults and abuses such as are said to be accorded political prisoners in Russian Siberia.

* * *

But why were they imprisoned at all? and why treated as convicts before they were given a hearing? The governor may be a hero in the dollar blinded eyes of the Spokane Review, and in “American official life” heroes are scarce, but heroes of the Review stripe are easily procurable for money—and the Standard Oil company has lots of money. Steunenburg has acted the paltroon in the matter from the start. He sent a fool to spy out the situation and bind the state to the oil company and hasn’t the courage to break the fetters that bind him.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: “Treason and Sedition” of Editor Stewart Leads to Suppression in Idaho of the Mullen Mirror”

Hellraisers Journal: Witness at Corcoran Trial Will Not Make Positive Identification Despite Threat Made by Mine Owners


Quote Mother Jones, Powers of Privilege, Ab Chp III———-

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday July 15, 1899
Wallace, Idaho – Trial of Paul Corcoran, Secretary Burke Miners’ Union

From The San Francisco Call of July 12, 1899:

Cannot Positively Identify Corcoran.


It Is the Attempt of One of the
Owners of the Standard Mine
to Compel the Witness to
Stick to His First Story.

Special Dispatch to The Call.

Paul Corcoran, Sec Burke ID Miners WFM, Hutton p186, pubd 1900

WALLACE, Idaho, July 11.—In the trial of Paul Corcoran for the killing of James Cheyne the prosecution this morning called John Clark as a witness. Clark testified that he had been recording secretary of the Burke union, but had not attended the two meetings prior to the day of the riot. On that day he was at Mace, where the Standard mine is located, and when the train bearing the men from Burke came along he boarded it and went to Wardner. He went up into the town of Wardner and did not witness the lawless acts perpetrated on that day, but returned to Burke on the train which bore the returning rioters.

Witness said that when the train was nearing Wallace on the return trip he believed he saw the defendant sitting on top of a boxcar. At the time the witness testified before the Coroners jury he swore positively to the identity of the defendant, but since that time he had come to believe that he might be mistaken, and could not now identify Corcoran as being the man he saw on the car, although he had been acquainted with the defendant for more than three years.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Witness at Corcoran Trial Will Not Make Positive Identification Despite Threat Made by Mine Owners”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for June 1909: “The President Gave Me an Audience.”


Quote Mother Jones, Friend of Friendless, St L Labor, June 26, 1909———-

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday July 13, 1909
Mother Jones News Round-Up for June 1909, Part II:
-Hard at Work for Release of the Mexican Political Refugees

From St. Louis Labor of June 26, 1909:

Washington, D. C.,
June 17, 1909.

Editor [G. A.] Hoehn,
St. Louis, Mo.
Dear Comrade:

Mother Jones Seeks Pardon Crpd, Oak Tb p3, June 24, 1909

I have been hard at work for a week, working for the release of the Mexican Political Refugees. Yesterday the President gave me an audience. I presented a sworn statement from Gue[r]ra, who has been sentenced to the Federal penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kansas. Warden McCloughery was extremely courteous and sympathetic in every way.

T. V. Powderly, one of the early fighters for Labors’ rights in the stormy days of the past, arranged a meeting with the attorney of the Board of Pardons; he gave me a very respectful hearing, and promised to send the papers to the President as soon as possible.

When the President and I met, his salutation was: “Mother Jones, it seems to me that you are always working in behalf of the friendless?” I replied:

Well Mr. President, those who got many friends do not need my assistance.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for June 1909: “The President Gave Me an Audience.””

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for June 1909: Found Meeting with President Taft


Quote Mother Jones, Women Socialism, AtR p3, June 12, 1909———-

Hellraisers Journal – Monday July 12, 1909
Mother Jones News Round-Up for June 1909, Part I:
-Meets with President Taft on Behalf of Mexican Refugees

From Oakland Tribune of June 24, 1909:

Mother Jones Seeks Pardon Crpd, Oak Tb p3, June 24, 1909

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for June 1909: Found Meeting with President Taft”