Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday March 10, 1909
Chicago, Illinois – Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Speaks for Propaganda League
From The Industrial Union Bulletin of February 27, 1909:
Sunday evening, February 21, Elizabeth G. Flynn gave a very instructive lecture under the auspices of the Chicago Propaganda League, at 55 North Clark street, on the subject, “Why Women of the Working Class Need Not Be Interested in Woman Suffrage.”
The speaker argued not so much against woman suffrage in itself, as against the emphasis now being placed by Socialists upon a question of secondary importance. She pointed out that woman’s activity in the labor movement promised more fruitful results along the line of building up the economic organization, by which alone conditions in industry could be improved and rendered more nearly equal for both men and women, and the danger of “sex war” averted, which was one of the grave possibilities of the agitation merely for “equal political rights.”
The meeting was well attended, and interest manifest throughout the lecture and the discussion which followed.
Next Sunday, February 28, at the same hour (8 o’clock) and place (55 North Clark street). Theodore Hertz will speak on “Tendencies in the European Trades Unions towards Industrial Unionism.” The change in dates for these two lectures was made on account of the fact that Miss Flynn will speak in Buffalo on the 28th.
Hellraisers Journal – Sunday March 9, 1919 Appeal to Reason Returns to “Good Old Name”
From the Appeal to Reason of March 1, 1919:
Back to the Good Old Name
Beginning with this issue, No. 1213, the Special Amnesty Edition, this paper will be known as the Appeal to Reason. In returning to our old name we are doing nothing but accepting the judgment and wishes of our readers. Ever since December, 1917, when the old name was changed to The New Appeal, we have been receiving letters from our workers and subscribers urging us to go back to the good old name. In addition we have been impressed with the fact that in spite of the many months that have passed, half of our mail today is addressed, “Appeal to Reason, Girard, Kans.” Not only does the Socialist world stick to the old name, but even capitalist newspapers and magazine in referring to us either name us by the old title or speak of “The New Appeal” formerly “Appeal to Reason.” When, after a year’s use of a name, it is necessary to identify it, plainly the best thing to do is to go back to the good old, familiar name, Appeal to Reason. Of your practically unanimous approval of this change we are confident. Here’s to the “little old Appeal”!
Hellraisers Journal – Monday March 8, 1909
Mother Jones News Round-Up for February 1909, Part II:
-Found in Denver, Colorado; Scheduled to Speak at Protest Meeting
At the end of February, Mother Jones arrived in Denver, Colorado, where she was scheduled to speak at a “Gompers Protest Meeting” on March 1st. According to the Rocky Mountain News of February 28th, Mother made the following statements:
There is an industrial panic in the United States today, and it is not confined to any particular locality. The steel trust is now engaged in stamping out the independent steel concerns, and God have pity on the iron and steel workers when this happens and the rest of the people, too. In Illinois the coal miners are having their trouble, some working only one day a week, and some three days a week. The shoemakers all over the country are struggling against similiar conditions, and everywhere you turn you find this industrial stagnation…..
How can you expect labor to make very much headway with 10,000 judges ruled by the capitalists? Where can they get justice? Where can justice be had with Wall Street dictating the policies of the president, congress and the governors of the states?
Even religion is mixed up in the conditions. I saw in an Eastern city a $2,000,000 church built with the subscriptions of men whose daughters work in factories and stores for $3 and $4 per week. Oh, the farce of it all! Dare you tell me that a girl can work for $3 a week and be respectable? The idea of building a great church upon the sold bodies of girls!…..
I tell you that there is a limit to all things-and the limit will come in the present economic conditions of this country, and people will arise and take the industries into their own hands and right the wrongs that are making of this nation the most grasping in the world today.
Hellraisers Journal – Sunday March 7, 1909
Mother Jones News Round-Up for February 1909, Part I:
-Found Praising the “Appeal to Reason”
From the Appeal to Reason of February 13, 1909:
The Appeal feels a pardonable pride in the compliment paid to it by that grand old agitator, Mother Jones. She has been with the Appeal from the day of its first issue and she knows its record as few others do. She knows its trials and its struggles, its privations and reverses, it’s mistakes and defeats, and she also knows what its motive and purpose has been through all its career. She knows that while the Appeal, like every other paper, has its shortcomings and has committed its follies its one unflinching purpose has been to serve and strengthen the Socialist movement in the struggle for industrial emancipation.
It is gratifying therefore to have one who so well knows the Appeal and who is so well known for her own spotless integrity and courage to write us that the Appeal
is the one Socialist paper that Wall street knows and fears!
The Appeal values this appreciative expression from Mother Jones sufficiently to move it to exert all its effort to increase the fear of Wall Street and the confidence and good will of all who are helping to overthrow capitalism and usher in the reign of the people.
Hellraisers Journal – Friday March 5, 1909
Antonio de Pío Araujo Sentenced to More Than Two Years at Leavenworth
From the Appeal to Reason of February 27, 1909:
Antonio de Pío Araujo
As we go to press we are in receipt of a letter from Elizabeth Trowbridge Sarabia, wife of Manuel Sarabia, one of the Mexican patriots awaiting trial. The following excerpts will be of interest to our readers:
One of the worst features of these Mexican cases is that so many of them come and go and the public seem to take no interest, regardless of the atrocities committed and of the precedents set to use later against the American workers. One of the worst of all has taken place recently in San Antonio, Tex., where on the 21st of January, a young man named Antonio de P. Araujo, was sentenced to two years and six months in the penitentiary at Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., for the awful crime of being an associate editor of a Mexican Liberal paper published in the United States. There certainly is “liberty of the press” in this “free republic!”
Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday March 3, 1909
Mexico City -John Murray Meets with Mexican Revolutionaries
John Murray recently returned from Mexico and has written an article about that experience for this month’s edition of the International Socialist Review. Below we offer the conclusion of that article in which Mr. Murray meets with a group of Mexican Revolutionaries.
Mexico’s Peon-Slaves Preparing for Revolution
[Part IIII]
We turned into the mouth of a narrow street, cobbled from wall to wall. Herbierto knocked at a door. A window swung open above our heads and a voice called out, “Is that the doctor?”
“It is,” answered Senora Moreno. “Is the child still sick?”
“Yes, come in quickly,” replied the watcher, closing the window.
“A sick child?” I questioned, as the door opened and we stumbled through the dark passageway.
“No,” meaningly answered Herbierto. “A sick country, with the revolution as the only medicine.”
And the woman added: “That was the pass word.”
Around an oblong table in the room we entered sat two dozen men, as dissimilar in their appearance as their native land is varied, Mexico is half desert and half tropics and breeds its people small, light-skinned and still-tongued, or swarthy, heavy-boned and voluble, as unlike each other as sand and sage brush are to mountain torrents and black jungle-land.
“A friend from Los Angeles,” explained Herbierto to the group watching me in surprised silence, but as he read my credentials from Magon their faces changed and when the signature was reached, a slim, black-eyed boy warmly grasped my hand, asking the question which seems to echo through Mexico:
“How is Ricardo?”
I gave them greetings from their imprisoned leader. He was their hero, their master-mind, whose years of unflinching struggle against the crushing powers of the Dictator had kept hope in Mexico alive; and in return I heard the news of the revolutionary movement.
Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday March 2, 1909
At Mexico City – John Murray Learns Details of Rio Blanco Massacre
John Murray recently returned from Mexico and has written an article about that experience for this month’s edition of the International Socialist Review. Below we offer part two of that article in which Mr. Murray arrives in Mexico City and hears the story of the Rio Blanco Massacre.
Mexico’s Peon-Slaves Preparing for Revolution
[Part II]
Black clouds gathered against the mountains and as the City of Mexico was reached the deluge broke.
A sandal-footed, brass-tagged “cargador” seized my bags and carried them from the Pullman’s steps to a blue-flagged coach.
I kept my face glued to the carriage window and asked myself this question: “Mexico, Mexico, Mexico is—what?” The answer seemed to rise from the passing throng of bent-backed, human burden bearers, “Mexico is a land of cargadores.”
With leather thongs passed across their foreheads and around their heads, cargadores carrying as much as three hundred pounds, trotted by without a stumble. And in the steps of these men followed the women and children likewise loaded.
In no other country in the world does the human back so stagger under a dead weight as here in Mexico.
Arriving at the hotel in front of the Alameda, I went immediately to my room, locked the door and got out my list of addresses in cipher. It was a wearisome task to figure them out, one by one, but I dared not run the risk of being taken by the police and having them find names of Mexican revolutionists given me by the Junta in Los Angeles—that would mean prison for all. One person in Mexico in particular had been recommended to me by Magon. I would see him first.