Hellraisers Journal: Debs Bids Farewell to Cleveland Comrades at Speech at West Side Turn Hall, Appeals for Solidarity


Quote EVD, re Red Roses, OH Sc p4, Mar 19, 1919———-

Hellraisers Journal – Friday March 21, 1919
Cleveland, Ohio – Eugene Debs Presented with Red Roses at Farewell Address

From The Ohio Socialist of March 19, 1919:

Eugene V. Debs’ Speech at West Side Turn Hall, Cleveland
[Wednesday Evening, March 12, 1919]

EVD, Bstn Glb p3, Sept 13, 1918

Before a capacity audience of 3,000 which filled West Side Turn hall one hour before his scheduled appearance Debs made his farewell speech.

Debs was calm, His opening words were accorded an instantaneous silence. He said:

How true it is that there is a divinity that shapes our ends, roughhew them how we will! It may seem strange to you, but in my plans, in my dreams, I did not think of going to the penitentiary-and I-I had a thousand times rather go there and spend my remaining days there than to betray this great cause.

So far as I am concerned it does not matter much. The margin is narrow, the years between now and the sunset are few, and the only care that I have personally is that I may preserve to the last the integrity of my own soul and my loyalty to the only cause worth living for, fighting for, and dying for.

It is so perfectly fine to me to look into your faces once more, to draw upon you for the only word I have ever had, the only word that I can ever speak for myself. I love mankind, humanity. Can you understand? I am sure you can.

We are close of kith and kin, we are human and when we get into close touch with each other we come to understand that our good depends upon the good of all humanity.

Opposed to System.

I am opposed to the system under which we live. I am opposed to the government that compels you, the great body of the American people, to pay your tribute to an insignificant few who enjoy life while the great body of the people suffer, struggle, and agonize without ever having lived. Can you understand? I am sure you can.

Let me get in touch with you for a while. I am going to speak to you as a Socialist, as a revolutionist, and, if you please, as a Bolshevist.

And what is the thing that the whole world is talking about? What is it that the ruling class power of the world are denouncing, upon which they are pouring a flood of all their malicious lies-what is it? It is the rise of the workers, the peasants, the soldiers, the common man, who for the first time in history said, “I have made what there is, I produced the wealth; I want to be heard.”

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Hellraisers Journal: Charles Grant on Free Speech & Law and Order from the First Edition of Spokane’s Industrial Worker


Quote Charles Grant, Spk IWWs Sing in Jail, IW p3, Mar 18, 1909———-

Hellraisers Journal – Friday March 19, 1909
Spokane, Washington – Free Speech and Law Order

From the Industrial Worker of March 18, 1909:

Industrial Worker Spokane, Vol I No I, Mar 18, 1909


By Charles Grant

[Since the I. W. W. began holding outdoor meetings in Spokane…..]

…The capitalistic papers, Spokesman-Review-morning dollar sign-and its concubine, the Chronicle, were quick to take up the cry against the I. W. W. The Spokane Press brought up the rear. Rev. Dr. Bull wrote several [withering?] articles against the union, saying he considered these the most dangerous men in Spokane.

The City Council.

The city council was influenced by Dr. Bull to draw upon an ordinance [which] prohibited free speech and peaceful assemblage upon the streets of Spokane, but this applied only to the revolutionists and Industrial Workers of the World.

The Fourth of March.

The I. W. W. still persisted in the fight and forced the council to a general application of the law in all organizations, Salvation Army, Volunteers of America, etc., and on the 4th of March an ordinance was put into effect, and on that date J. H. Walsh violated the ordinance and was arrested, put in jail and fined $10 and costs. The Salvation Army and Volunteers also violated the ordinance and were arrested, but not put in jail. Their fines were also $10 and costs. All the cases were appealed to the superior court, but the members of the I. W. W., as individuals, continued to speak upon the streets, were arrested and placed in jail. The conditions there equalled the black hole of Calcutta. Mexican dungeons were not to be compared as regards brutality and utter hate for humanity.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Charles Grant on Free Speech & Law and Order from the First Edition of Spokane’s Industrial Worker”

Hellraisers Journal: Miners to Celebrate Eight-Hour Day Victory, Won for Central Competitive Field in Great Strike of 1897


Quote Mother Jones, Brave Hearts, UMWC, Jan 29, 1909———-

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday March 18, 1899
United Mine Workers to Celebrate Eight-Hour Day Victory

From The American Federationist of March 1899:

Miners’ Eight-Hour Day.

UMW Ex Brd 1897, Evans II p480


John Mitchell, Pres UMW Jan 1899, Evans II p650

An echo of the great victory of the miners in their strike of 1897, comes to us just now. It will be remembered that as a result of that memorable contest the miners secured, apart from an increase of 33 per cent, in wages, the establishment of the eight-hour day in the competitive field to be inaugurated April 1, 1898. After working under the eight-hour system for nearly a year the officers of the United Mine Workers through President Mitchell and Secretary Pearce have just issued the fallowing call upon the miners of the country:

Inasmuch as Saturday, April 1, 1899, marks the first anniversary of the inauguration of the eight-hour work day in the central competitive coal mining States, we desire that it be fittingly observed by members of our craft.

In commemorating this event, we not only can demonstrate our appreciation of the shorter work day, but also the re-establishment of joint movement methods of adjusting wage differences. When the Chicago agreement was entered into one year ago, which provided for the establishment of an eight-hour day in the States of Western Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, grave fears were entertained as to the probable outcome. That the influences it would exert over the trade of the States in question would be detrimental was freely argued by many, but we find, at this the close of the first year, that its adoption has not only proven a priceless boon to our craft, but also is looked upon with favor by many of our employers. The reaffirmation of the Chicago agreement by the Pittsburg convention means a continuation of these conditions and is a fitting endorsement of the policy. We therefore desire that Saturday, April 1, be set apart as a holiday to commemorate this important event and that local unions arrange suitable meetings, where appropriate exercises can be held. We further request our membership in States where the agreement is not operative at this time to likewise observe this day and thereby register your approval of this method and encourage its universal adoption.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Miners to Celebrate Eight-Hour Day Victory, Won for Central Competitive Field in Great Strike of 1897”

Hellraisers Journal: From The Appeal Book Dept.: “Irish Rebellion of 1916 or Unbroken Tradition” by Nora Connolly


Quote Nora Connolly, We saw him no more. UnBroken Tradition p186, 1919———-

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday March 16, 1919
“The Unbroken Tradition” by Miss Nora Connolly

From the Appeal to Reason of March 15, 1919:

The Appeal Has the Literature of the
World’s New Revolutions

Nora Connolly, Unbroken Tradition p88, 1919

The Appeal Book Dept., the greatest mail order book house in the world, distributes the kind of books radicals want. For example, we are now placing particular emphasis on literature about the Irish Rebellion, the German Revolution and the Russian Revolution.

[The article goes on to describe “The German Revolution”-documents compiled by the Appeal Book Dept., and “Ten Days That Shook the World” by John Reed, offered with “The Constitution of the Russian Soviet.”]

Finally, we have the story of the Irish Rebellion by Nora Connolly. Her book is entitled “The Unbroken Tradition.” Of all the episodes that belong to the war the episode of the Irish Insurrection of 1916 is the most dramatic and the most picturesque. Here is that episode as lived through by the daughter of the Commandant of the Irish Republican Army, James Connolly. Miss Connolly’s story related with the utmost simplicity, is most moving in its human and dramatic appeal. And apart from its extraordinary interest as a narrative it gives a memorable glimpse of the Irish spirit, of the steadfast adherence of the Irish people to their ideals-what Miss Connolly called “The Unbroken Tradition.” A thrilling story thrillingly told. The Appeal Book Dept. has a large edition of this large, clothbound book, illustrated with maps and reproductions of street scenes during the revolution, and orders can be promptly filled at $1.50 per copy, postage prepaid by the Appeal.

[Photograph added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From The Appeal Book Dept.: “Irish Rebellion of 1916 or Unbroken Tradition” by Nora Connolly”

Hellraisers Journal: Eugene V. Debs on Journey with Fred Warren to Leavenworth Prison for Visit with Comrade Araujo


Quote RF Magon, no AtR in jail, p1, Mar 13, 1909———-

Hellraisers Journal – Monday March 15, 1909
Eugene Debs and Fred Warren Travel to Leavenworth, Visit Mexican Comrade

From the Appeal to Reason of March 13, 1909:

With Araujo in Prison


Quote Tomas Paine, ed Receive the Fugitive, AtR p1, Mar 13, 1909

Returning from Texas whither he had hastened to ascertain the true facts in the Araujo case, the managing editor of the Appeal, Fred D. Warren, was up in arms, declaring the affair a monstrous injustice and his determination to aid the convicted Mexican by all the means in his power. This determination was made stronger by the connection he discerned between the case and the cases pending in Arizona with which Appeal readers are familiar and by its important bearing upon the whole question of the war in Mexico.

For, be it understood, the war in Mexico has begun. The despotism of assassination has done its worst and at last the people have revolted, for which thank God!

In this Mexican war the working class of the United States is deeply and vitally interested, whether it knows it or not.

In Mexico fourteen million working people are in peon slavery. Their wages, in American money, will not average 25 cents a day.

American capitalists virtually own these millions of slaves and grind out their lives to amass fortunes to squander upon syphilitic parasites. These American capitalists, in collusion with Diaz, the despot, have taken possession of Mexico. Millions upon millions of wealth are in sight. Diaz and his government-government by assassination-keep down the slaves. No labor leaders there. They are shot. Strikers are hanged and agitators waylaid and assassinated.

The Mexican government is the slave herder of the American capitalists. Diaz is the chief herder in the service of Rockefeller, Morgan, Harriman and other American plutocrats who own Mexico.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Eugene V. Debs on Journey with Fred Warren to Leavenworth Prison for Visit with Comrade Araujo”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for February 1919-Found in West Virginia


Quote Mother Jones, Contract w God Almighty, MJ Spks p165, Charleston, Aug 1, 1912———-

Hellraisers Journal – Friday March 14, 1919
Mother Jones News for February 1919
-Found in Speaking to the Miners of District 17 in West Virginia

From The West Virginian of February 4, 1919:

Will Address a Mass Meeting
at Phillippi Sunday.


Mother Jones, Kalamazoo Gz p9 gen, Dec 27, 1918

“Mother” Jones, the miners’ friend, will soon be back in the Fairmont region according to the information received today by C. F. Keeney, president of District 17, United Mine Workers, who is now at the local office in Fairmont. “Mother” Jones will arrive in Charleston on Friday from California, where she interceded for Mooney before Governor Stephens, in the case that has attracted wide attention in labor circles. “Mother” Jones was sent to the Coast by the Illinois Federation of Labor.

While in the Fairmont region she will address three or four meetings in the interest of the miners in the Belington section, including a meeting at Junior mine. She will address a mass meeting of miners at Philippi on Sunday.


Three Mass Meetings.

Three mass meetings are scheduled by the United Mine Workers for Sunday. In the afternoon “Mother” Jones will speak at Philippi.

At 1 o’clock in the afternoon President C. F. Keeney will address a mass meeting at Roaring Creek Junction.

A mass meeting at Junior mine will be addressed by Sam Ballantyne, an international organizer……


[Photograph added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for February 1919-Found in West Virginia”

Hellraisers Journal: From the Appeal to Reason: John Reed’s Latest Book Tells the Truth About the Russian Revolution


Quote John Reed, Weak Gov Rebellious People, 10 Days Chp III, 1919———-

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday March 13, 1919
“Ten Days That Shook the World,” John Reed on the Russian Revolution

From the Appeal to Reason of March 8, 1919:

John Reed’s Latest Book Tells
Truth About Russia

John Reed, Liberator p44, March 1918

“Ten days that Shook the World,” by John Reed, is the newest, and it is safe to say, the best book written about the Russian Revolution. The Appeal Book Dept., the largest mail order book house in the world, has a large stock of this new book and is ready to fill orders at once.

Do you know what occurred during the ten days of the Bolshevik Revolution in Petrograd? John Reed was there, and he will tell you if you do not know.

What did Trotzky prophesy seven days before the insurrection? John Reed knows, and his book will tell you. What was Kerensky thinking just before his government fell? John Reed had the last interview with him, and the report of this important interview is given a prominent place in “Ten Days That Shook the World.” How did the Bolsheviki make up their minds to revolt? John Reed knows what went on in the secret Bolshevik Conference of October 23, 1917, and his book tells the story accurately.

This book is a moving picture of those thrilling days in Petrograd. It is a serious attempt to tell all the details about the bolshevik coup d’ etat. It will be used as an original source by historians of the great Russian Revolution.

Can you answer these questions?

What is Bolshevism? What is the history of the Bolsheviki? Who are the cadets? What was the role of the Russian bourgeoisie in the Revolution? What kind of a governmental structure did the Bolsheviki set up? If the Bolsheviki championed the Constituent Assembly before the November Revolution, why did they disperse it by force of arms afterward? And if the bourgeoisie opposed the Constituent Assembly until the danger of Bolshevism became apparent, why did they champion it afterward?

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the Appeal to Reason: John Reed’s Latest Book Tells the Truth About the Russian Revolution”

Hellraisers Journal: From The Ohio Socialist: “Debs Goes to Prison,” the Class Character of the Supreme Court Decision


Quote EVD, Debs Address to the Court, Sept 14, 1918———-

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday March 12, 1919
“The machinery of capitalism has completed its work…Debs must go to prison.”

From The Ohio Socialist of March 12, 1919:


EVD, Bstn Glb p3, Sept 13, 1918

The machinery of capitalism has completed its work and ground out the decision that Eugene V. Debs must go to prison.

No one who has studied the class character of the governmental institutions of this country expected a different verdict than that which has just been rendered by the United States Supreme Court.

It was inconceivable that the Supreme Curt would declare the Espionage law unconstitutional.

The interpretation of the constitution follows the needs of the ruling class. Only unsophisticated persons with a ludicrously naive belief in the “democracy” of modern capitalist government could imagine such a contingency as the Supreme cCourt declaring a law in the interest of the capitalist class unconstitutional in the hour of capitalism’s greatest need.

But if there was no hope for Debs, even though, as many people believe, the Espionage law violates clearly expressed provisions of the national constitution in regard to the right of free speech and free press, it did seem that the selfish interests of the ruling class of this country might save Debs from prison.

Capitalism in this country is resting upon a slumbering volcano-the volcano of a suppressed, oppressed and exploited working class.

In Russia and Germany the volcano has burst and is flinging the debris of capitalism to the four winds.

In England, France and Italy the rumbling which forecasts a similar activity can be distinctly heard.

Even here the warning signals are not wanting. Unemployment, strikes, discontent, Seattle’s [General Strike] and Lawrence’s [Textile Strike], all suggest a growing bitterness that is the sign of a coming eruption.

Well might the ruling class hesitate before adding another grievance, a grievance that will deepen and make more bitter the hatred of the working class of the system that holds them under its iron heel.

That is what the sending of Eugene V. Debs will mean to the ruling class of this country.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From The Ohio Socialist: “Debs Goes to Prison,” the Class Character of the Supreme Court Decision”