Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for October 1918 -Found Campaigning for Democratic Senate Candidate in West Virginia


Quote Mother Jones, Praying Swearing, UMWC, Jan 17, 1918


Hellraisers Journal – Friday December 20, 1918
Mother Jones News for October 1918
-Mother Found Campaigning for Coal Baron in West Virginia

Mother Jones, DRW small, St L Pst p3, May 13, 1918

It seems our dear Mother Jones has left off swearing when she talks to the mighty coal barons and commenced to campaigning for them. Such is the case in West Virginia, where we found her, during the month of October, campaigning for Colonel Clarence Watson, head of the Consolidated Coal Company and Democratic candidate for U. S. Senate. Not everyone was pleased with that state of affairs as the following demonstrates.

From The Wheeling Intelligencer of October 14, 1918:

Intelligence received from Charleston advises that Mrs. Clarence W. Watson and “Mother” Jones held a conference with Governor Cornwell a few days ago. It is learned since then that “Mother” will campaign among the “boys” up on Cabin Creek, as well as in the Fairmont region. It will be recalled that Colonel Watson, after years and years of antagonism to union labor, and particularly to the union miner, a few months ago “let down the bars” he had erected against unionism and invited the miners to organize. “Mother” Jones was made his principal mouthpiece in that little bit of political strategy, and she served her new master well in, making public Colonel Clarence’s handspring in the direction of union labor votes. She extolled him to the skies, christened him “the friend of the miner,” and told he “boys” that he ought to he elected to the United States senate.

Will she fool ’em? Hardly. The West Virginia miner is not so green as he used to be when “Mother” first introduced herself to him. They cannot so soon forget the Watsonian antagonism, the manner in which the Watsons treated organizers who were sent to that field, the Watson’s “special police patrol of the mines to keep organization.” Colonel Watson will have to prove his case, with them first, and they will hardly aid him to get to the senate and then run the risk of the “proof” falling down, being relegated to the rear or transported to the isles of the sea of oblivion.

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Hellraisers Journal: From Ohio Socialist: Eastern City Fathers Pass Ordinances to Ban Red Flag, But Cannot Yet Ban Ties


Mother Jones Quote, Red Flag, DNT Aug 11, 1907, p7


Hellraisers Journal – Thursday December 19, 1918
New York, Youngstown, Cleveland, Etc., Seek to Ban Red Flag

From The Ohio Socialist of December 18, 1918:


Red Flag, ed, Wiki Socialism

We stole the caption because it sounded good. And now listen to our story.

You’ve heard of the Red Flag. You may never have seen one but we are sure you have heard about it. A Red Flag is a piece of cotton, wool or silk that’s been dyed red and in appropriate size is then hoisted to enjoy the breezes that blow.

There is a certain class of people in this land that go mad at sight of the Red Flag just as a bull does at sight of a red rag, and they chase it around with mouthings and ordinances.

The sport began in New York some weeks ago and seems to be traveling westward. The city fathers of Youngstown, Cleveland, Detroit and other cities have seen red and with heroic mien are chasing the Red Flag around and around.

We feel sorry for the Red Flag, folks. Poor, inanimate thing! Can neither talk back nor defend itself while it’s being banished and disgustingly discussed by those whom people have deemed wise enough to run cities.

Passing ordinances that the Red Flag shall fly no more is acting much like the fellow who cut off his little finger to make his hand quit stealing. The Red Fag is only an appendage. The real stuff is a matter of brains. And when brains accept the Red Flag as the insignia for Industrial Democracy then, whether the Red Fag flies or not, the trick is done.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From Ohio Socialist: Eastern City Fathers Pass Ordinances to Ban Red Flag, But Cannot Yet Ban Ties”

Hellraisers Journal: Duluth Metal Trades Council Unanimous on General Strike for Mooney, Life of Rena Mooney Described


There are no limits to which
powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones


Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday December 18, 1918
Duluth, Minnesota – Mass Meeting Supports Tom & Rena Mooney

From The Labor World of December 14, 1918:

Mass Meeting Held By Metal Trades Council
-Telegram Sent to Gompers.

Tom Mooney, Renas Message Crpd, Evl IN Prs p1, Nov 30, 1918
Mrs. Mooney, wife of Tom Mooney, whose death sentence has been commutated to life, has worked since her acquittal to secure a new trial
for her husband.

A mass meeting to protest against the incarceration of Tom Mooney was held at Woodman hall last Wednesday evening. The meeting was largely attended by representative union men from nearly every organization in the city.

Sentiment for Mooney was strong and the meeting lasted until nearly midnight.

William E. Towne, president of the Typographical union, and one of the best known trade unionists at the Head of the Lakes, was the first speaker. He touched upon Mooney’s life and described his earnest efforts to organize the workers, and how the money power had been used against him. Mr. Towne also gave a brief history of Rena Mooney, wife of Tom Mooney.

Duty of Labor.

Following Mr. Towne’s address, W. D. Croker, printer, touched upon the duties of every member of union labor and what was expected of labor in the nation.

[Said Mr. Croker:]

If by December 9, the governor doesn’t grant Mooney a new trial or an unconditional pardon, it is labor’s duty to hold the wheels of production until some one thing or the other is granted this man Mooney.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Duluth Metal Trades Council Unanimous on General Strike for Mooney, Life of Rena Mooney Described”

Hellraisers Journal: Eugene Debs to Tom Mooney: “Tear up that commutation…No compromise!..You are innocent!”


Quote EVD, Debs to Mooney, New Appeal p1, Dec 14, 1918

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday December 17, 1918
Eugene Debs Sends Message to Tom Mooney: “Tear up that commutation!”

From The New Appeal of December 14, 1918:

Debs Wires Mooney

Tom Mooney, Prison Garb, NY Tb p26, Dec 8, 1918

Eugene V. Debs has sent the following telegram to Tom Mooney:

Tear up that commutation and fling the scraps in the brazen face of the corporation hireling that insulted you and the working class by that infamous act.

Let Patrick Henry once more speak through you, “Give me liberty of give me death!”

There must be no compromise! You are innocent! The working class is aroused as never before in history. They will tear the murderous clutch of criminal capitalism from your throat.

All hail the general strike. If they insist on war let it come. We have nothing to lose but our chains.

God loves justice and hates cowards. Stand by your colors and the workers of the world will stand by you; to victory or death.

Now is the time for the workers of America to prove themselves. Tom Mooney and his comrades cry aloud to the proletariat of the world.

Arouse ye millions for whom he risked his life, and save that life for the future of his class, and for the vindication of right and justice.


[Photograph added.]

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Hellraisers Journal: Sacramento Federal IWW Trial Continues; Agents Tell of Raids on “Alleged” California Headquarters


Quote Frank Little re Guts, Wobbly by RC p208, Chg July 1917

Hellraisers Journal – Monday December 16, 1918
Sacramento, California – Fellow Workers Continue Silent Defense

From the San Francisco Examiner of December 14, 1918:

Sacramento IWW Trial, Banner HdLn SF Exmr p9, Dec 14, 1918

Poster Ridiculing Army, Emery Dust,
Copper Nails Seized;
Trial at Sacramento Continues
Prosecution to Present Testimony Showing
Connection With I.W.W. Organization
in Chicago

WWIR IWW Remember the Boys in Jail, OH Sc p3, Aug 21, 1918

SACRAMENTO, December 13.-Emery dust, a poster ridiculing the United States Army, copper nails and leaflets ostensibly warning against sticking nails in fruit trees “while Ford and Suhr are in jail,” were seized in a raid on Fresno I. W. W. headquarters, S. J. Shannon, deputy United States marshal, testified here today at the trial of 46 persons for alleged conspiracy of the Industrial Workers of the World to hinder war work.

A half-dozen government operatives today told of raids on alleged California headquarters of the organization at San Francisco, Oakland, Sacramento, Stockton, Los Angeles, Fresno and Redding. Documents said to have been seized were offered by the government in its preliminary movement to establish the membership in the I. W. W. of the defendants.
Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Sacramento Federal IWW Trial Continues; Agents Tell of Raids on “Alleged” California Headquarters”

Hellraisers Journal: “Experiences of a Hobo Miner” by Frank Little from the I. U. B. -“Wage-Slave Seeking a Master”


Quote Frank Little re Wage-Slavery, IUB p4, Dec 12, 1908


Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday December 15, 1908
From Reno, Nevada – Frank Little Describes Journey from Prescott, Arizona

From The Industrial Union Bulletin of December 12, 1908:


IWW Emblem Label, IWWC 1906

The experience of a wage slave, seeking a master during the panic of 1907-8:

On December 5, 1907, Fellow Worker Chris Hansen and myself left [P]rescott, Arizona, for a trip across the desert to see if we could find some kind-hearted parasite who would clasp the chains of wage-slavery upon us and allow us, along with other workers, to produce wealth that would allow a few parasites to live in luxury and idleness, giving us in return for our labor enough bacon and beans to keep us alive. We had heard that the American workers were free and had the right to work when, where and for whom they pleased. But we soon found that this was false.

The first place we went to was Octave, a mining camp south of Prescott, thinking we could get a job there. But one of the first men we met was an overdressed, well-fed parasite, who was in Clifton, Arizona, at the time I was trying to organize the slaves of that place.

We next went to Congress, the worst scab hole in Arizona. The looks of that place were enough to drive a man “nutty.” From there we went to Wickenburg, but this place was full of jobless slaves. We started across the desert towards the Colorado River, stopping at all the mining camps, but could not find a master at any of them.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: “Experiences of a Hobo Miner” by Frank Little from the I. U. B. -“Wage-Slave Seeking a Master””

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for November 1908, Found in Kansas and in Chicago


Quote Mother Jones re Vote SPA, Coffeyvl KS Dly Jr p6, Nov 2, 1908


Hellraisers Journal – Monday December 14, 1908
-Mother Jones News Round-Up for November 1908
Found in Kansas: “Pioneer Socialist woman in the revolutionary movement…”

Mother Jones, Dnv Pst p2, July 19, 1908

During the early days of November, we found Mother Jones* assisting the Kansas Comrades to wind up the 1908 election campaign on behalf of the Socialist Party. The Coffeyville Daily Journal described her speech in Coffeyville:

One of the most powerful Socialist lectures ever delivered in Coffeyville was given in the Coliseum Saturday night. “Mother Jones,” the pioneer Socialist woman in the revolutionary movement, was the orator. A large number of people were out to hear the speech on economics, despite the counter attractions.

“Mother” Jones has been trying to improve the industrial conditions of the working class for nearly four decades. She has particularly devoted her energies along the line of unionism. For nearly a score of years before the Socialists put out a ticket in this country she was going from coast to coast talking unionism to the wage workers. This she is still doing but her scope of work is now much larger than before she embraced international scientific Socialism. She is not only assisting in liberating those who work for wages but she is equally intent on emancipating the entire human race.

The Appeal to Reason credited her contribution:

Mother Jones lined up a great crowd of miners at Weir and Chicopee.

In Parsons:

“Mother” Jones, noted Socialist, spoke to a good sized audience at Edward’s opera house on Sunday afternoon [November 1st].

By November 20th, we found Mother back in Chicago where Clarence S. Darrow and Peter Sissman were part of the legal team engaged in a desperate fight to prevent the Russian Government from extraditing Christian Rudowitz, Russian revolutionist. Describing the court scene, the New York Sun stated:

Mother Jones and several other Socialists were also there.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for November 1908, Found in Kansas and in Chicago”

Hellraisers Journal: From the Appeal to Reason: Reports of Vote Totals from Forty States for Socialist Party of America


Quote EVD re Next Battle, MTNs p1, Nov 12, 1908


Hellraisers Journal – Sunday December 13, 1908
Socialist Party of America-Vote Totals from Forty States

From the Appeal to Reason of December 12, 1908:


EVD Debs Hanford Campaign, AtR p4, May 23, 1908

Reports of the vote continue to come in slowly, but we are able this week to give the approximately correct vote of forty states as shown in the following table. Many of the figures heretofore given have been revised which makes an increase for some states and a decrease for others. It will be noticed that Indiana, which was charged with a slight loss in a former number of the Appeal, has on the official count, really made a gain of 1,463. The estimated vote of Texas was given at 25,000 which seems to be incorrect; and figures causes us to leave that state out of the table this week. In 1904 Debs received 2,791 votes in Texas, and the probability is that his vote in that state this year will be not less than 8,000 when all the precincts are heard from.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the Appeal to Reason: Reports of Vote Totals from Forty States for Socialist Party of America”

Hellraisers Journal: Sacramento IWW Trial: Federal Charges Against Fred Little Dismissed, Brother of Martyr Frank Little


Quote Frank Little re Guts, Wobbly by RC p208, Chg July 1917~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday December 12, 1918
Sacramento, California-Charges Dismissed Against Fred Little

Remember Frank Little Button, see HG IWW Trial, Aug 1, 1918

Fred Little, brother of Martyred Fellow Worker, Frank Little, is now free, having had charges against him dismissed by federal prosecutors. Emma Little, wife of Fred Little, has also suffered her share of persecution. Her home has been invaded by federal agents, her children terrorized, and her papers seized. Yet she continues steadfast in her support for the imprisoned members of the Industrial Workers of World.

From the San Francisco Examiner of December 10, 1918:

Four of Seven Talesmen Examined
Passed Temporarily
and Three Are Excused.

SACRAMENTO, December 9.-Questions as to what impressions they had formed from reading literature on the Industrial Workers of the World, news stories and other matter relating to the Bisbee deportations more than a year ago and who they thought responsible for the dynamiting of the executive mansion here December 17, 1917, were asked by counsel for three of the defendants in the Industrial Workers of the World conspiracy trial, which was begun here today.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Sacramento IWW Trial: Federal Charges Against Fred Little Dismissed, Brother of Martyr Frank Little”

Hellraisers Journal: Fellow Workers Plan “Silent Defense” at Sacramento Federal Trial of Industrial Workers of the World


Quote BBH Sacramento IWW Martyrs, With Drops of Blood, Oct 1919~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday December 11, 1918
Sacramento, California-Federal Trial of I. W. W. in Progress

WWIR, In Here For You, Ralph Chaplin, Sol Aug 4, Sept 1, 1917

The trial of members of the Industrial Workers of World is now in progress in Sacramento, and little to no mention is made by the kept press of the five fellow workers who did not live long enough to face a jury of their peers.The San Francisco Chronicle of December 9th does mention them briefly:

[F]our of the defendants-Robert James Blaine, Edward Burns, Henry Evans and Frank Travis-have died since they were arrested.

However The Chronicle fails to mention the death of defendant, Fellow Worker James Nolan, and also fails to mention that these five fellow workers were imprisoned under horrendous conditions and further fails to mention that they died of influenza/pneumonia to which those unsanitary conditions may have been a contributing factor.

From the San Francisco Examiner of December 8, 1918:

I.W.W. to Treat U.S. Charge
With Silent Contempt

47 Defendants in Conspiracy Case
at Sacramento
Will Make No Defense.

SACRAMENTO, December 7.-A “silent defense” is the program of the trial committee, which will represent all but one of the forty-seven defendants in the Industrial Workers of the World conspiracy cases, who will be brought to trial here Monday in the United States District Court, according to Robert Duncan, special attorney for the Department of Justice, who will prosecute the case for the government.

Duncan said today he had received information from among the defendants and through other sources that it was the plan for the defendants and their committee to treat the entire proceedings with “silent contempt” and to take no part in the trial.

The only women defendant, Theodora Pollok of San Francisco, will be represented by Attorney Nathan C. Coghlan of San Francisco. The other defendants announced at their arraignment October 8, when they entered pleas of not guilty, that they had dismissed their attorneys and would conduct their own trial.

One defendant, Julius Weinberg of San Francisco, entered his plea of guilty on October 4, but has not been sentenced.

The defendants are charged with conspiracy to obstruct the war program of the United State government.


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