Hellraisers Journal: Remembering Judge John Jay Jackson Who Famously Tangled with Mother Jones in 1902


Plea for Justice, Not Charity, Quote Mother Jones


Hellraisers Journal, Friday October 11, 1907
Old Injunction Judge, John J. Jackson, Passed Away on Labor Day

From the Lincoln, Nebraska, Commoner of September 13, 1907:

Mother Jones by Bertha Howell (Mrs Mailly), ab 1902

THE DEATH of Judge John J. Jackson on Labor Day was a coincidence that was noted by thousands of the older members of American trades unions. Judge Jackson earned the sobriquet of “the iron judge” by reason of his many drastic injunctions against union men. In his anxiety to protect property rights Judge Jackson often lost sight of human rights. It was he who sent “Mother” Jones to jail for daring to make a public address in violation of his injunction, and he enjoined a Methodist preacher from conducting a prayer meeting of striking coal miners in Pennsylvania. At another time he enjoined striking miners from walking the public highways to and from meetings of their local union. The abuse of the injunction writ was forcibly demonstrated by Judge Jackson on many occasions. He was the last of the federal judges appointed by President Lincoln. He resigned a few years ago on account of ill health and advancing age.


[Photograph added.]

From The Fairmont West Virginian of September 6, 1907:

An interesting article, here reprinted from the Chicago Record-Herald of August 3, 1902, provides some insight into the background of the Old Injunction Judge who ruled over the miners of West Virginia with an iron fist from his seat on the Federal Bench in Parkersburg. The Judge came from a family who championed freedom and liberty (for themselves) yet held in bondage, on the family plantation in Old Virginia, human beings as chattel slaves. They loved their slaves, John Jackson had said in 1861, yet loved the Union more. We believe it was Slavery that they loved, not their slaves, for if they truly loved them, as people, they would not have kept them enslaved.

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Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for September 1907, Found in Park City, Utah


[Old Glory, Our Flag]
-with all its faults, I dearly love,
and under it I stand for international brotherhood,
government ownership and universal equality.
-Mother Jones


Hellraisers Journal, Thursday October 10, 1907
Mother Jones News Round-Up for September, Found in Utah

From The Inter-Mountain Republican of September 2, 1907:

Interesting Program Planned For
Labor Day at Park City.

Republican Special Service.

Mother Jones, Mar 11, 1905, AtR

Park City, Sept. 1.-The Park City Miners’ union, which is in charge of the celebration of Labor day, has completed the arrangements for the event and provided amusement for young and old. The festivities will begin at 9 o’clock in the morning with a parade, in which the union will figure prominently. The fire department and school children, with the Park City military band, will lead the procession.

Prominent in the program will be an address by “Mother” Jones, who is known by all as an earnest worker in the cause of the laboring man. A stand has been erected on the Marsac ground for speakers . Various sports will follow the program….

[Photograph added.]

From The Salt Lake Tribune of September 3, 1907:


Special to The Tribune.

PARK CITY. Sept. 2.-Labor day in Park City was fittingly celebrated. At 9:30 a. m. the parade formed on Main street, at the Miners’ Union hall.

The parade was headed by the Park City fire department, followed by Harry Weist as flag-bearer. Then came the Military band and tho city officers. The members of the Miners’ union, small boys and girls, and, lastly, the “Hoot, Hoot” band.

The line of march was north on Main street to Heber avenue, then south on Park avenue to First street, then north on Main street to the band stand, where in a short address Mr. Langford introduced the speaker of the day, “Mother” Jones, as she is known. “Mother” Jones spoke for one hour and thirty minutes on the “Wealth of the Nation,” and the amount contributed to it by the laboring classes….

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for September 1907, Found in Park City, Utah”

Hellraisers Journal: Maryland Canner Heartbroken for the “Husky” Little Children Whom He Can No Longer Work


Mother Jones Quote, Of such is the kingdom of Heaven


Hellraisers Journal, Tuesday October 9, 1917
Maryland Boss Has Heartache for Loss of Child Cannery Workers

From the Appeal to Reason of October 6, 1917:


Child Labor, Baltimore Cannery, Lewis Hine, July 1909, LOC


W. E. Robinson, a Belair, Md., canner, is heartbroken because the Keating-Owen child labor law has forced him to employ men and women instead of the little children who formerly did the work in his factory. In a recent letter to a local newspaper he says:

Since the first of September [when the Keating-Owen Law became effective] I have not permitted these boys and girls to work in my factory. They are healthful, industrious youngsters, and the work they have been doing was very beneficial to them, mentally and physically. But my heart aches for them now. Their parents are all at work in the factory. Where are these husky boys and girls; what are they doing?

These unfortunate youngsters, bereft of their beloved jobs, exiled from the kindly shelter of Robinson’s cannery, their plight is indeed pitiful. Deprived of the life-giving labor, which was so “very beneficial to them, mentally and physically” doubtless their muscular little bodies are wasting away, and the once eager young minds have crumbled into mental and moral ruin.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Maryland Canner Heartbroken for the “Husky” Little Children Whom He Can No Longer Work”

Hellraisers Journal: Mother Ella Reeve Bloor Describes Army of Little Factory Girls of Western Pennsylvania


It is not enough to say that something good,
something beautiful is being born.
We must help it become a
reality-not a dream.
-Ella Reeve Bloor


Hellraisers Journal, Tuesday October 8, 1907
Child Labor in America: An Army of Little Factory Children

From the Appeal to Reason of October 5, 1907:

Killing Children for Profits.

Ella Reeve Bloor, Packing Hse Invstg, Abq Eve Ctz, June 5, 1906

Mrs. Ella Reeve Bloor, of Philadelphia, writer and lecturer on industrial topics, who is investigating child labor conditions in the factories of western Pennsylvania, declares that hundreds of little children under the legal age are employed in a chimney factory at Charleroi, Pa.

[Said Mrs. Bloor:]

An army of little girls came flocking from all directions to the factories this morning. They work from 7 a. m. until 6 p. m., when little boys take their places and work until 2 a.m. The little fellows are afraid to go home at that hour and many boys of 10 and 11 years carry revolvers to and from their work. I believe the condition of child labor in Pennsylvania is as bad as it is in the south.

To show you how the glass manufacturers disobey the law, I will state that I have secured 6,300 convictions in six years of my office. One large factory covering 640 acres in Alton, Ill., has two gates for inspectors to get in and lots of holes for kids to get out.-Edgar T. Davies, Chief Factory Inspector of Illinois.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Mother Ella Reeve Bloor Describes Army of Little Factory Girls of Western Pennsylvania”

Hellraisers Journal: From The Masses: Suffragists Picket “Kaiser Wilson” by Boardman Robinson


We women of America tell you that America
is not a democracy.
Twenty million women are denied
the right to vote.
-Alice Paul


Hellraisers Journal, Sunday October 7, 1917
Drawing by Boardman Robinson: Banner of Arrested Suffragists

From The Masses of October 1917:

Woman Suffrage, Jailed by Robinson, Masses Oct 1917

Detail-The Offending Banner:

Woman Suffrage, Jailed by Robinson, Detail 2, Masses Oct 1917

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From The Masses: Suffragists Picket “Kaiser Wilson” by Boardman Robinson”

Hellraisers Journal: Appeal to Reason Takes on Collier’s Claim That “Best Detectives” Know Orchard Told the Truth


There are no limits to which
powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones


Hellraisers Journal, Sunday October 6, 1907
The View from Girard, Kansas:
Collier’s Licks the Velvet Hand

From the Appeal to Reason of October 5, 1907:

“Crucify Him!”

HMP, Haywood in Cell, Colliers, June 22, 1907

Collier’s Weekly, in the face of all the antagonistic circumstances under which Haywood was tried and acquitted, says that it is privately informed by the best detectives in the country that Orchard told the truth. Well, the Appeal is informed by the best detectives in the country that Orchard maliciously lied, to save his craven neck, under the paid expert coaching of a man whose antecedent history in the “Mollie Maguire” period, and at Parsons, Kan., where good citizens made affidavits denouncing him, shows him to be a creature whose moral pulse beats lower than a snake’s. All the time Orchard was “telling the truth” he was telling stories of his own despicable treachery and double dealing for pay.

HMP, Orchard on Stand, Colliers, June 22, 1907

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Appeal to Reason Takes on Collier’s Claim That “Best Detectives” Know Orchard Told the Truth”

Hellraisers Journal: “The Red Princess,” Carlo Tresca, and Arturo Giovannitti Will Fight Extradition to Chicago


Quote Giovannitti, The Walker, Rest My Brother—————

Hellraisers Journal, Friday October 5, 1917
New York, New York – I. W. W. Leaders Will Fight Extradition

From the Everett Labor Journal of October 5, 1917:


EGF Red Princess, Kane Rpb PA p5, Oct 4, 1917

NEW YORK, Oct. 1.-The first step in the government’s fight to extradite the four eastern leaders of the Industrial Workers of the World for trial in Chicago in the alleged nation-wide conspiracy against the government was taken here today when Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, known as “Princess of the Reds,” Carlo Tresca, Arturio Giovanitti [Arturo Giovannitti], and John Baldazza [Giovanni Baldazzi] were arraigned before United States Commissioner Hitchcock. The prisoners were held in $10,000 bail for examination

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: “The Red Princess,” Carlo Tresca, and Arturo Giovannitti Will Fight Extradition to Chicago”

Hellraisers Journal: From the New York Sun: “IWW Queen Fails to Get $10,000 Bail;” Miss Flynn Held in the Tombs


Quote Giovannitti, Prevail


Hellraisers Journal, Thursday October 4, 1917
New York, New York – Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Returned to the Tombs

From the New York Sun of October 2, 1917:

Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, Alleged Plotter,
Sent Back to Tombs Cell.

Four Accused New York Radicals Will Be,
Arraigned at 2 P. M. To-morrow.

EGF, Tresca, Giovannitti, 1915, 1916, 1913

Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, accused of complicity in I. W W. plots, waited in vain yesterday for some fairy godmother to furnish the $10,000 bail demanded for release pending proceedings which have been brought to compel her extradition to Chicago. As the hours passed a hopeful smile that she had borne upon her arraignment before United States Commissioner Samuel M. Hitchcock faded and at nightfall she was hustled into a patrol wagon and returned to her little cell in the Tombs.

She wan not alone in her misery, for the fat, prosperous looking Carlo Tresca and the swarthy Giovanno Baldazzi found themselves in a similar plight. Tresca, who is editor of an Italian anarchist organ printed in this city, had twirled his thumbs all the afternoon waiting for Amos Pinchot to come around and ball him out. Such were the expectation that he expressed, but Mr. Pinchot failed to materialize. So the pair sat opposite their queen in the patrol wagon, manacled to each other and guarded by big deputy marshals.

Only Arturo Giovannitti, versemonger for the Industrial Workers of the World, he of the flowing hair and tie, idol of the unkempt and bane of the police, was permitted to breath freedom’s sweet air. The poet was bailed out and the queen returned to her cell.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the New York Sun: “IWW Queen Fails to Get $10,000 Bail;” Miss Flynn Held in the Tombs”

Hellraisers Journal: J. A. Wayland of Girard, Kansas, Publishes “Darrow’s Speech in the Haywood Case”


Darrow Peroration Haywood Trial, Waylands Monthly, Oct 1907


Hellraisers Journal, Thursday October 3, 1907
Girard, Kansas – J. A. Wayland Publishes Darrow’s Greatest Speech

From Girard, Kansas, home of the Appeal to Reason, Socialist weekly, comes the publication of the entire speech made by Clarence Darrow on July 24th and 25th. This speech resulted in the famous “Not Guilty” verdict which was cheered by working men and women the world over.

From Wayland’s Monthly of October 1907:

Darrow Speech Haywood Case, Waylands Monthly, Oct 1907


Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: J. A. Wayland of Girard, Kansas, Publishes “Darrow’s Speech in the Haywood Case””

Hellraisers Journal: The International Socialist Review on the September 5th Raids Made Upon the IWW and the SPA


We ask the membership to redouble their efforts
to build up the organization to the end that
the lot of the workers may be bettered,
and their toil-worn existence brightened.
-Big Bill Haywood


Hellraisers Journal, Tuesday October 2, 1917
From the International Socialist Review: Raids and More Raids

This month’s edition of the Review describes the raids conducted September 5th by Federa Agents at the behest of the U. S. Department of Justice upon the headquarters and regional offices of the Industrial Workers of the World and the Socialist Party of America:

SP Nat HQ w Germer, ISR Oct 1917


The I. W. W. and the Socialist Party

SIMULTANEOUSLY on September 5th, representatives of the U. S. Government raided the national offices of the Socialist party and of the I. W. W. Chicago, and of some twenty branch offices of the I. W. W. in different states. U. S. marshals armed with search warrants have taken files, records, pamphlets, leaflets and in many places the entire offices were cleaned out.

Such a wholesale and simultaneous invasion upon the offices of a labor and Socialist organization have never taken place before in the history of this country. The charge has been made that the I. W. W. is a seditious organization and that the I. W. W. and the Socialist Party headquarters are guilty of violating the Espionage Act.

From the National Office

SEPTEMBER 5th a force of Federal Agents took possession of the national office. A thoro search of the office was made and later copies of books, leaflets, records and lists were taken.

This material is to be placed before the grand jury. The charge made against the national office is that some of the comrades have violated the Espionage Act.

It may have been the intention to conceal the real purpose of this search, but the inference was left that there was no disposition to interfere with the routine work of the party. If the information given us is correct, we will be permitted to continue our regular activities except so far as we interfere with the war program.

We appeal to the members of the party to lay special stress on organization at this time. Every member should enlist as a recruiting officer in order to build up the party machinery so that we can win a sweeping victory in the congressional elections of 1918.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: The International Socialist Review on the September 5th Raids Made Upon the IWW and the SPA”